
IDC Dental Takes the Guesswork out of Getting a Perfect Smile

Anna 北京海龙达口腔诊所 2022-05-07

Adjusting impossibly tiny elastic bands, getting food stuck in the jumble of wires that had suddenly taken over my mouth, flash-ing a giant metal smile instead of my usual pearly whites at the annual school photo day... wearing orthodontic braces is certainly not an experience that I would like to repeat. As a teenager, I got off relatively easily, wearing braces for about 18 months and then a night retainer to keep my smile in place. Best of all, my braces were off in time for my senior year prom. But even so, there is no doubt that if I had the option to wear clear aligners instead of those dreaded metal teeth-prisons of my youth, I would have jumped at it! 


Clear aligners are as the name suggests a clear, almost invisible alternative to metal braces that gradually straighten teeth and im- prove a variety of other common orthodontic problems, like overbites and gap teeth. One of the world’s leading brands of clear aligners is the Invisalign system, and multi-specialty dental clinic IDC Dental is one of the first clin- ics in China to offer the service. 


For Dr. Jeong Rae Cho, a graduate of NYU who also happens to be the only American Board Certified Orthodontist in Beijing, clear aligners are the future of orthodontics. He considers them to be the most cosmetic option patients can choose from, which at the same time provide the quality of result as traditional braces in a more comfortable and predictable way. With close ties to Angle Dental, a top orthodontics and orthognathic surgery clinic in Seoul, Dr. Cho is thrilled to be able to bring the cutting edge of Korean cosmetic expertise to his patients in Beijing to his patients

毕业于纽约大学(NYU),也是北京唯一一名获美国正畸治疗委员会认证的正畸专家Jeong Rae Cho医生认为,隐形矫正是正畸学的未来。他认为隐形矫正具有无可比拟的美学优势,同时矫正效果可以媲美传统托槽,但更舒适,更可预测。与首尔顶级正畸、正颌外科诊所Angle Dental有着密切联系的Dr. Cho非常高兴能够将韩国最前沿的美容技术带给北京的患者。

Invisalign aligners are suitable for practicaly everyone including kids, teens, and adults, but unlike traditional metal braces, they don’t require hours of painful installation, which in my opinion is one of the most difficult parts of getting braces fitted. 


The treatment part of the system really couldn’t be easier: after an initial consulta- tion, the IDC the team scans the inside of your mouth to create a 3D model of your teeth. They then design a unique dental treatment plan in order to get you your perfect smile, which includes a series of custom-made aligners which you wear for two weeks at a time, regularly checking in with the IDC team, and gradually bringing your smile closer to perfection with each step. 


Putting the first set of aligners on is as easy as popping in a mouthguard, just like you might wear for sport.and indeed one big advantage of the system is that you can actually take the aligners off for eating, drinking, flossing, and even special occasions like a wedding, job interview, or senior prom so they don’t need to interrupt your life nearly as much as traditional braces. According to IDC CEO and UCLA graduate Dr. Jaclyn Dam-Laute, this is also why they are so popular with adults. “Because they are so discrete, adults can get the benefits of braces without worrying about the stigma, or how this might affect their professional images. Actually, there is a common misconception that braces are for kids. But doing orthodontics because you are older actually helps you stay healthier and stay younger.” 


初戴首副矫治器就像运动时佩戴护齿套一样简单。这个系统的一大优点是,你可以在吃饭、饮水、用牙线清洁牙齿及一些特殊场合把牙套摘下来,比如参加婚礼、工作面试或高中毕业舞会等,使它们不像传统牙套那样干扰你的生活。IDC口腔首席执行官、加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)毕业生Dr. Jaclyn Dam-Laute表示,这也是为什么在成年人中它们如此受欢迎的原因。“由于牙套是可摘戴的,对成年人的好处是不用担心难为情,或影响职业形象。事实上,有一种常见误解认为牙套是为孩子准备的。其实,年长之后进行牙齿矫正会让你更健康、更年轻。”


Yet despite the many benefits of clear alignment, both Dr. Dam-Laute and Dr. Cho are unanimous that it is not a one-size-fits-all system: clear alignment braces are only as good as the dentistry team who are behind them, and at IDC, individualized patient is their highest priority. 

尽管隐形矫正好处这么多,Dr. Dam-Laute和Dr. Cho都一致认为它们不是万能的:隐形矫正的效果取决于后面的牙医团队的水准。而在IDC口腔,患者是最重要的。


A discrete, safe, and practically invisible way to straighten your teeth? That’s definitely something worth smiling about. 

寻找一种可摘戴、安全、几乎隐形的牙齿矫正方法? 这绝对值得庆幸。

By Anna Pellegrin Hartley

文 |Anna Pellegrin Hartley

About IDC Dental | 关于IDC口腔

IDC Dental is a multi-specialty dental clinic and prides itself on our ability to provide personalized care to each of its patients. To date, the clinic’s patient base has grown to be over 10,018 satisfied members from both the local and expatriate communities. Regardless of background, all patients are treated with equal respect and care.
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