开票 | 第七届明天音乐节 · 全阵容公布
The following article is from 明天音乐节 Tomorrow Festival Author tmrfest
第七届明天音乐节阵容预览 Line-Up Preview
剪辑 Edit:正越 Zane
小河 Xiao He - 主唱 Vocals / 吉他 Guitar
李铁桥 Li Tieqiao - 萨克斯 Saxophone
叶鹏罡 Ye Penggang - 贝斯 Bass
郑志勇 Zheng Zhiyong - 鼓 Drum
张蔚 Zhang Wei - 打击乐 Percussion
Formed in 1996, Glamorous Pharmacy is one of the most experimental and subversive avant-garde rock bands in China. Their music is an amalgam of alternative folk, avant-garde rock and free jazz, and was evaluated as an exemplar of the evolution of Chinese rock and roll to independent music.
Marisa Anderson - 吉他 Guitar
Marisa Anderson在从吉他历史中汲取营养的同时,不断拓展着传统的边界。她在基于蓝调、爵士、福音和乡村音乐的作曲之上,融入了包括极简主义、电子音乐、嗡鸣(drone)和 20 世纪古典音乐等在内的多种元素,这造就了她极具原创性的作品,也为美国音乐图景增添了另一种想象。
Marisa Anderson channels the history of the guitar and stretches the boundaries of tradition. Her deeply original work applies elements of minimalism, electronic music, drone and 20th century classical music to compositions based on blues, jazz, gospel and country music, re-imagining the landscape of American music.
吉田达也 Tatsuya Yoshida - 鼓 Drum
中尾宪太郎 Kentaro Nakao - 贝斯 Bass
在日本前卫音乐界,吉田达也是最具创造力的鼓手、作曲家和即兴乐手之一。他是Ruins(2004年后继续以单人企划Ruins Alone的名义活动)的创始成员,高円寺百景的创始人和领袖,也是许多其他乐队和组合的成员,如赤天、是巨人和Zubi Zuva/Zubi Zuva X等。
中尾宪太郎作为日本另类摇滚乐队NUMBER GIRL的贝斯手在乐坛崭露头角后,组建了自己的乐队Crypt City,并加入了ACO、浅井健一 & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS、ART-SCHOOL、Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her和younGSounds等多个乐队。近年来他活跃于即兴表演领域。
Tatsuya Yoshida is one of the most innovative drummers, composers and improvisers on the Japanese avant-garde scene. He is best known as a founding member of Ruins (continued as a solo project Ruins Alone since 2004), the founder and leader of Koenji Hyakkei, and members of many other bands and collaborations, such as Akaten, Korekyojinn, and Zubi Zuva/Zubi Zuva X.
Kentaro Nakao first worked as a bassist for NUMBER GIRL, after which he formed his own band Crypt City, and joined ACO, Kenichi Asai & THE INTERCHANGE KILLS, ART-SCHOOL, Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her, and younGSounds. In recent years, he has been actively involved himself in the improvisational scene.
老丹Lao Dan - 中音萨克斯 Alto Saxophone / 笛子 Dizi / 自制笛 DIY Flute / 人声 Voice / 效果器 Effects Unit
李带菓 Li Daiguo - 古筝 Guzheng / 低音提琴 Double Bass / 大提琴 Cello / 塔不拉鼓 Tabla / 模拟合成器 Analog Synthesizer / 中国鼓 Chinese Drum / 锣 Gongs / 踩镲 Hihat / 地鼓 Bass Drum
This is an ever-changing, fascinating duo. Quirky Guzheng and spiritual flute as the backbones, the two artists would randomly utilize all kinds of instruments and sound devices as they wish to stroll in the musical heavens, sometimes tearing down the atmosphere, and sometimes refilling. Their music may sound like a spell, a password, or perhaps a tongue-twister. This is the premier of their latest album Why Be Free.
George Xylouris - 拉乌托琴 Laouto / 里拉琴 Lyra / 人声 Vocals
Jim White - 鼓 Drum
Xylouris White由George Xylouris和Jim White创建于2013年。George Xylouris出生于希腊克里特岛,弹唱深沉老辣;而Jim White则是澳洲鼓界奇才,以传奇实验摇滚乐队Dirty Three的鼓手身份广为乐迷熟知。Xylouris White虽只有两人,音乐却惊人地丰富,糅合了自由爵士、前卫摇滚、后朋克与古老的希腊音乐传统,为我们展现出别具一格的、穿梭于传统与现代之间的民谣音乐。
Xylouris White is a musical collaboration formed in 2013 between Greek singer and laouto player George Xylouris and Australian drummer Jim White. Xylouris was born in Crete to a family of music and is highly skilled in playing and singing with the instrument, while White is best known as the drummer of the renowned rock band Dirty Three. The duo's music was described as a rich mix of "free-jazz, avant-rock and ages-old Greek folk traditions".
马木尔 Mamer - 电吉他 Electric Guitar
This is the premiere of Mamer's brand new work, a trinity of modernist composition, minimalist style, and chamber symphonic sound.
"Every Mamer is novel", and so it is always unpredictable when Mamer is on stage. He refuses to repeat the past, nor to be absolutely safe, but focuses only on his inner world and the vast universe. He takes full control of each performance, just to satisfy himself. Mamer first became known as a dombra player and a modern master of Kazakh folk music. He progressed to become a prolific and versatile musician covering from the traditional to the contemporary, and has released many recordings.
努尔阿米娜·玉素安 Nuramina Yusayin - 人声 Vocals / 舞蹈 Dance / 达甫 Dap
卡地尔·努热克 Kadir Nurak - 人声 Vocals / 达甫 Dap
艾山·麦麦提 Hasan Mamat - 人声 Vocals / 达甫 Dap
麦麦提·艾散 Mamat Hasan - 艾捷克 Gijak
艾孜孜·卡地尔 Iziz Kadir - 卡龙 Kalun
图地·阿布都热衣木 Turdi Abdurihim - 热瓦普 Rawap
艾科拜尔·卡迪尔 Akbar Kadir - 人声 Vocals / 达甫 Dap
Founded by a group of passionate folk artists from Mekit County, Xinjiang, Mekit Dolan Muqam Group performs traditional music and dance of the Dolan people. The timbres of qalun dulcimer, Dolan rawap, and Dolan ghijak, interwoven with a chorus of singers and drummers and presented with the swirling Dolan dance, will create a trance-like atmosphere for the audience to rejoice.
* 特别鸣谢 Special Thanks:穆谦 Mu Qian
Phew - 人声 Vocals / 电子设备 Electronics
Dowser N - 人声 Vocals / 电子设备 Electronics
106是Phew和Dowser N的“桌面朋克组合”。
作为日本传奇艺术朋克乐队Aunt Sally的创始成员,Phew在1979年乐队解散后以个人身份继续她的音乐创作,是现今乐坛最具革命性的声音之一。Dowser N(长岛宽幸)是东京艺术大学大学院映像研究科教授,参与了跨多种媒体的众多作品的声音和音乐相关创作,也作为电子音乐团体Dowser的成员进行演出。
106 is a “desktop punk unit” consists of Phew and Dowser N.
A founding member of the legendary art-punk band Aunt Sally, Phew went to work as a solo artist after the band broke up in 1979, gaining international acclaim. Dowser N aka Hiroyuki Nagashima, professor at the Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, has been working on music and sound for numerous titles spanning across multiple media. He also performs in the electronic music group Dowser.
Tomorrow Improvisation Unit is a distinctively arranged unit for the artists and audiences who stay until the last day of the festival, and are hungry for the unexpected.
讲者 Speaker: Guy-Marc Hinant(Sub Rosa创始人)
Sub Rosa是一家比利时实验音乐厂牌,在数十年间发行了多种风格的500多件出品,在音乐界激发了前所未有的能量。重要出版包括:《噪音与电子音乐选集 2001-2012》、《比利时先锋作品:1917-1978》,美国“垮掉的一代”作家William Burroughs、美国作曲家/作家/翻译家Paul Bowles、美国诗人/摄影师/电影制作人Ira Cohen此前未曾发表过的作品,以及许多民族志录音和实验音乐。
With more than 500 productions that cross the decades and styles, Sub Rosa stir up unprecedented energies. Highlights include publication of An anthology of noise and electronic music (2001-12), De avant-garde en Belgique 1917-78, unpublished documents by William Burroughs, Paul Bowles, Ira Cohen... many ethnographic recordings and experimental music.
导演 Director: Hugo Zemp
年份 Year:1979
时长 Length:141 min
语言 Language:英语 English
字幕 Subtitles:中文 Chinese,英文 English
本片导演Hugo Zemp是一位瑞士籍法国民族音乐学家,1937年生于瑞士巴塞尔。在超过半个世纪的职业生涯中,他拍摄了超过20部纪录片,作品涉及非洲音乐、所罗门群岛音乐、瑞士约德尔调、蒙古的双声唱法(也称为呼麦)和格鲁吉亚音乐等。
This is a fascinating documentation of the traditional musical culture of the 'Are'are people of the Solomon Islands, in Melanesia, South-Western Pacific, revealing a completely unknown music (outside of the Solomon Islands) of an exceptional beauty and complexity in its instrumental and vocal polyphonies.
The director of this documentary, Hugo Zemp, is a Swiss-French ethnomusicologist born in Basel, Switzerland in 1937. In a career spanning more than half a century, he has made more than 20 documentaries on African music, Solomon Islands music, Swiss yodeling, Mongolian double singing (also known as Khoomei) and Georgian music, among others.