






2020年9月10日 星期四 14:30 -21:30


2020年9月11日 星期五 10:00 -19:00

2020年9月12日 星期六 10:00 -19:00

2020年9月13日 星期日 10:00 -16:30

2020 Art Shenzhen will take place as scheduled from September 10 to 13 at Hall No. 6 of Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center. Since the outbreak of Covid-19, as the hard-won offline contemporary art expo for the year, Art Shenzhen has long been anticipated. Aiming at breaking the industry predicament of offline interaction, we will present 45 contemporary art galleries and professional institutions, fully showcasing contemporary artworks from the 20th to 21st century, and bring to the public a contemporary art feast that is delicate, diversified, and professional.


In addition to the main art gallery section, we will also present another five sections, namely the Urban Art, Hi21 Young Art Fair, Greater Bay Area Art Eco Display, Public Art Project, and Special Artist Project, in a bid to feature an art landscape that is richer and more diversified in directions. Art Shenzhen reinforces to promote a steady upgrade of the regional art market and comprehensively build a contemporary art market platform known for being open, professional, innovative, sharing, and cooperative.


To achieve better onsite Covid-19 prevention and control and ensure that the event proceeds in a safe and orderly manner, the Organizing Committee of Art Shenzhen has inspected the site repeatedly. After making reference to and reflecting on the relevant prevention and control work done for several major expos, we have worked out a detailed Covid-19 prevention and control operational manual and relevant filings so that the participating galleries, collectors, and visitors can work together and be worry-free while safety guaranteed during the exhibition.


Rendezvous of the year, here we come! See you at 2020 Art Shenzhen.

VIP Preview

2020.09.10  Thursday 14:30 -21:30

Public Days

2020.09.11 Friday 10:00 -19:00

2020.09.12 Saturday 10:00 -19:00

2020.09.13 Sunday 10:00 -16:30


2020 艺术深圳 参展画廊名单

Gallery List of 2020 Art Shenzhen

千高原艺术空间 成都 A Thousand Plateaus Art Space Chengdu

亚洲艺术中心 北京/台北 Asia Art Center Beijing/Taipei

艾米李画廊 北京 Amy Li Gallery Beijing

艺术粮仓 北京 Art Granary Beijing

竹空間 深圳 Bamboo Space Shenzhen

北京公社 北京 Beijing Commune Beijing

凯撒贝塞什(亚洲)艺术中心 北京/巴黎/日内瓦 Caissa Besseiche (Asia) Art Centre Beijing/Paris/Geneva

共同艺术中心 北京 Common art center Beijing

逸空间 南京 East Gallery Nanjing

常青画廊 圣吉米那诺/北京/穆琳/哈瓦那/罗马 Galleria Continua San Gimignano/Beijing/Les Moulins/Havana/Roma

海涵艺术空间 深圳 HAIHAN ART SPACE Shenzhen

HdM 画廊 北京/伦敦 HdM GALLERY Beijing/London

觀空间 广州 Justart Space Guangzhou

锦瑟画廊 重庆 Jinse Gallery Chongqing

KennaXu画廊 深圳 KennaXu Gallery Shenzhen

狮語画廊 上海/香港 Leo Gallery Shanghai/Hong Kong

龙吟雅风视觉艺术中心 北京 LYYF Visual Art Center Beijing

玉兰堂 北京/上海/深圳 Line Gallery Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen

魔金石空间 北京 MAGICIAN SPACE Beijing

德玉堂画廊 上海 Matthew Liu Fine Arts Shanghai

美成空间 深圳 Meicheng Gallery Shenzhen

三远当代艺术中心 北京 N3 Contemporary Art Beijing

新世界艺术中心 深圳 New World Art Center Shenzhen

品唐画廊 深圳 Pintang Gallery Shenzhen

顺历空间 广州 Shunluck Space Guangzhou

舒心堂·生空间 深圳 Shu Xin Tang · Sheng Art Space Shenzhen

当代唐人艺术中心 北京/香港/曼谷 Tang Contemporary Art Beijing/Hong Kong/Bangkok

树艺艺术空间 上海/首尔 The Tree Gallery Shanghai/Seoul

时代空间 厦门 Times Space Xiamen

東京画廊+BTAP 东京/北京 Tokyo Gallery+BTAP Tokyo/Beijing

Tong画廊&项目空间 北京 Tong Gallery+Projects Beijing

艺·凯旋画廊 北京 Triumph Gallery Beijing

问象艺术空间 南京 WeShine Art Space Nanjing


Alphabetically arranged

潮流艺术 Urban Art

五月公园画廊 May Park Gallery

宋拓工作室 SONGTA Studio

Lucie Chang Fine Arts  


崔序 Cuixu

Hi21新锐艺术市集  Hi21 Young Art Fair

特邀艺术家项目  Special Artist Project  

毛焰 Mao Yan

周力《2020年的春天》布面综合材料400x1200cm  2020

Zhou Li,This Spring in the year of 2020,Mixed media on canvas, 400x1200cm, 2020


公共艺术项目  Public Art Project

安尼施•卡普尔 《分裂(有机绿混合镭射紫)》不锈钢,涂漆145x145x20.5cm 独版 2017 由常青画廊提供

Anish Kapoor, Split (Origanic Green and Burple), Stainless steel and lacquer, 145x145x20.5cm, Unique work, 2017, Courtesy of GALLERIA CONTINUA

李景湖《陪伴》马赛克 尺寸可变 2019  由魔金石空间提供

Li Jinghu, Companion, Mosaic, Size variable, 2019, Courtesy of MAGICIAN SPACE


大湾区艺术生态展示单元  Greater Bay Area Art Eco Display

泛雅文化   Shenzhen Art Club

华侨城盒子美术馆  OCT Box Art Museum

时代美术馆 Guangdong Times Museum

越众历史摄影馆  Yuezhong Museum of Historical Images

上启艺术  Shangqi Art

坪山美术馆  Pingshan Art Museum

OCAT(华侨城当代艺术中心/OCT Contemporary Art Terminal)


联系电话:86-755-83521188   83522737







       2020年 9 月 11 日-12 日


  2020 年 9 月 13 日




