昨天(3月18日)我们公众平台分享了墨尔本大学校长(Duncan Maskell)就新冠疫情给全校师生的邮件。(墨大校长就新冠疫情给师生的信From the Vice-Chancellor: Our Community & COVID-19)
他在邮件中提到该校于3月17日开始实施取消大型面对面授课(500人以上)、逐渐通过网上授课等方式代替小班面对面授课、辅导课中保持足够社交距离(social distancing)等措施后他于18日早上所看到的校园与往日繁忙、热闹的校园的巨大不同。
此情此景促使他写了那封充满人性化和关爱的邮件。(墨大校长就新冠疫情给师生的信From the Vice-Chancellor: Our Community & COVID-19)
而今天(3月19日)上午,Maskell校长以沉痛的心情通过邮件(全文附后)告诉师生员工墨尔本大学一位职员被确诊感染了新冠病毒,为本校第一个确诊病例!校长在邮件中说上周五(3月13日)该职员去了位于207-221 Bouverie Street, Carlton的大楼; 该大楼所有人员已被疏散,校方按维多利亚州政府卫生厅的相关要求对大楼进行深度消毒。
“Dear members of the University community,
Today I learned that the inevitable had happened, and that one of our staff members has tested positive for coronavirus infection (COVID-19).Last Friday 13 March, this staff member was at the building located at 207-221 Bouverie Street, Carlton and visited level 5 of that building, as well as the associated common areas.
Please be assured that everyone who may have been in close contact with the staff member has been notified and advised to self-isolate according to COVID-19 protocols...”
维多利亚州州长(Daniel Andrews)于3月16日宣布因严峻的疫情该州进入紧急状态。
维州Monash、La Trobe、Swinburne等其他众多大学为应对新冠病毒大流行的严峻形势也已纷纷宣布从3月17日开始暂停面对面辅导、研讨等活动,并快速行动以网上授课等其他方式提供相关教育、教学资源以最大限度减小疫情带来的冲击和负面影响。
From the Vice-Chancellor |
First confirmed case of COVID-19 at the University |
19 March 2020 |
Dear members of the University community, Today I learned that the inevitable had happened, and that one of our staff members has tested positive for coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Last Friday 13 March, this staff member was at the building located at 207-221 Bouverie Street, Carlton and visited level 5 of that building, as well as the associated common areas. Please be assured that everyone who may have been in close contact with the staff member has been notified and advised to self-isolate according to COVID-19 protocols. Naturally we are all concerned for our staff member’s health. I can confirm that the staff member was not unwell or sick when they attended campus and has experienced only mild symptoms. The staff member is at home self-isolating and currently they are feeling well. The University has been in contact with them directly to ensure that they are well supported. This is the first confirmed case here at the University of Melbourne. With this unfortunate news, I want to reassure you that my first priority is the health, safety and well-being of all our students and staff members. Once notified, we immediately evacuated the building to allow us to undertake a deep sanitising clean. This is in line with advice from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). In addition, the building will be closed until Monday 23 March. The University continues to work closely with DHHS to ensure the health and safety of all our students, staff and visitors. There is no doubt that this announcement will cause concern amongst our community. Just yesterday, I wrote to you all from a personal perspective to acknowledge that given the global situation we face, many in our community are naturally feeling anxious right now. Once again, if anyone is concerned that they may be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please follow the latest advice to seek medical assistance. And importantly, I encourage all members of our University community to seek support when you need it through our staff wellbeing and support services. In the days and weeks ahead, our dedicated COVID-19 website will be continuously updated as the central source of information. I will also provide updates as we navigate this changing situation together. Duncan Maskell |
墨大校长就新冠疫情给师生的信From the Vice-Chancellor: Our Community & COVID-19