

studio6 2019-05-15

“With this collection, I wish to celebrate distinctive interpretations of beauty and power, while at the same time evoking a dialogue about a subject that is often deemed taboo.”

– Chen Man, 2016   

当地时间的27日,陈漫作为中国最著名的先锋摄影师和视觉艺术家出席了「陈漫 × 全球半岛酒店 • 粉红丝带公益拍卖及义展」纽约首站的活动。

去年,漫姐与上海半岛酒店合作了 ''The six scents of pink''主题活动。

(点击图片看漫姐 “是为戏而露,还是为露而露” 访谈)





北京 Beijing

香港 Hong Kong

纽约 New York

巴黎 Paris

东京 Tokyo

曼谷 Bangkok

比弗利山庄 Beverly Hills

芝加哥 Chicago

马尼拉 Manila

上海 Shanghai




最终陈漫捐贈作品''萬小姐好好學習''以當晚拍品最高價45000美金拍出!china institute & the peninsula hotel 全部收入將用於慈善基金會。


1. Why is breast cancer awareness important to you?

Everyone knows someone affected by this disease and it is important to me to use my art to bring awareness to the cause.


2. How can art and photography make an impact on raising awareness for breast cancer? 

Through this art and the unspoken, yet very physical interaction with it, I hope that removal of the punctuation will open up a dialogue about breast cancer and bring awareness to the cause.


3. How did this collaboration with Peninsula come about?

My collaboration with The Peninsula Hotels builds on the 2015 Peninsula in Pink campaign at The Peninsula Shanghai, where I presented the Touch Me… Take Care of Me video and documentary photography installation. My inspiration for this year’s installation stems from the beginning of my childhood, where feelings and emotions were not shared publicly, and the selfless act of scratching a loved one’s back could best convey feelings of sympathy and understanding.


4. What do your works symbolize?

My photographs are covered by two pink dots; these are symbols of breasts and the colon, punctuation that precedes a conversation. When the guests scratch away the pink dots with the Nao Nao sticks, I hope this will spark conversations of breast cancer awareness.


5. Was your creative approach to these exclusive pieces different than your approach to fashion photography?

Somewhat. With this collection, I wished to celebrate distinctive interpretations of beauty and power, while at the same time evoking dialogue about a subject that is often deemed taboo.


6. Does breast cancer awareness have as much ground in China as is does in the United States? Did this influence your approach to these pieces?

There is a need for more awareness in China, which is why Peninsula and I have launched this effort in China’s three major cities. [Perhaps Chen Man can elaborate more on this question please?]









