
唧唧堂:JAR 会计研究杂志 2022年5月刊论文摘要7篇

萝卜头 唧唧堂 2022-07-03

picture from Internet

解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组: 萝卜头
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学写作小组:金喵喵
编辑 | 小巴



We develop a measure of how information events impact investors' expectations of risk. The measure is broadly applicable and simple to implement. We derive it from an option-pricing model, where investors anticipate an announcement that simultaneously conveys information on the announcer's expected future cash flows and risk profile. We empirically implement the measure using firms' earnings announcements, showing that it closely aligns with our model's predictions and offers strong forecasting power for firms' risk profiles, costs of capital, and future investments. We further highlight pitfalls of using simple changes in option-implied volatilities to study information gleaned from earnings announcements. Finally, we apply our measure to study disclosure regulation, the efficacy of text-based proxies, and market-wide events, which we use to illustrate our measure's uses, and illuminate its potential limitations.

论文原文:SMITH, K.C. and SO, E.C. (2022), Measuring Risk Information. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 375-426. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12413

2. 炸弹货币:链上转账行为对恐怖袭击的预测能力


This study examines whether we can learn from the behavior of blockchain-based transfers to predict the financing of terrorist attacks. We exploit blockchain transaction transparency to map millions of transfers for hundreds of large on-chain service providers. The mapped data set permits us to empirically conduct several analyses. First, we analyze abnormal transfer volume in the vicinity of large-scale highly visible terrorist attacks. We document evidence consistent with heightened activity in coin wallets belonging to unregulated exchanges and mixer services—central to laundering funds between terrorist groups and operatives on the ground. Next, we use forensic accounting techniques to follow the trails of funds associated with the Sri Lanka Easter bombing. Insights from this event corroborate our findings and aid in our construction of a blockchain-based predictive model. Finally, using machine-learning algorithms, we demonstrate that fund trails have predictive power in out-of-sample analysis. Our study is informative to researchers, regulators, and market players in providing methods for detecting the flow of terrorist funds on blockchain-based systems using accounting knowledge and techniques.

论文原文:AMIRAM, D., JØRGENSEN, B.N. and RABETTI, D. (2022), Coins for Bombs: The Predictive Ability of On-Chain Transfers for Terrorist Attacks. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 427-466. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12430


3. 使用机器学习和详细财务数据预测未来收益变化

本文使用机器学习方法和高维详细财务数据来预测未来一年盈余的变化方向。本文模型显示出显著的样本外预测能力:ROC曲线下面积范围为67.52% 到68.66%,显著高于随机游走模型的50%。根据本文模型预测形成的对冲投资组合的年度规模调整回报率在5.02%到9.74%之间。本文模型比使用逻辑回归的模型、使用少数会计指标的模型、专业分析师的预测更具有预测能力。进一步分析表明,与传统模型相比,机器学习模型的出色表现源于使用了传统回归所没有考虑的变量之间的非线性交互关系,以及机器学习使用了更详细的财务数据。

We use machine learning methods and high-dimensional detailed financial data to predict the direction of one-year-ahead earnings changes. Our models show significant out-of-sample predictive power: the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve ranges from 67.52% to 68.66%, significantly higher than the 50% of a random guess. The annual size-adjusted returns to hedge portfolios formed based on the prediction of our models range from 5.02% to 9.74%. Our models outperform two conventional models that use logistic regressions and small sets of accounting variables, and professional analysts’ forecasts. Analyses suggest that the outperformance relative to the conventional models stems from both nonlinear predictor interactions missed by regressions and the use of more detailed financial data by machine learning.

论文原文:CHEN, X., CHO, Y.H., DOU, Y. and LEV, B. (2022), Predicting Future Earnings Changes Using Machine Learning and Detailed Financial Data. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 467-515. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12429

4. 经理人的身体扩张、投资者认知、公司预测误差和估值


We examine the relation between a measure of managers’ physical display—body expansiveness—and favorable reporting practices (in firm forecasts and valuation information) and performance (survival and funding success). We videotape 154 entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas, and use computer vision software to obtain information about speakers’ movements. We show that physical expansiveness correlates with higher forecast errors and proposed firm valuations and lower survival rates yet higher likelihood of funding success. We argue that investors may incorrectly interpret nonverbal communication in their assessments of entrepreneurs and propose a behavioral explanation. We further corroborate the proposed mechanism by studying investor perceptions of entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics. Overall, we shed light on an overlooked source of information—nonverbal behavior—and relate it to firm forecasting, valuation, survival, and financing success, which are important factors in the assessment of investment opportunities, deal structure, and monitoring.

论文原文:DÁVILA, A. and GUASCH, M. (2022), Managers’ Body Expansiveness, Investor Perceptions, and Firm Forecast Errors and Valuation. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 517-563. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12426




Could real-time big data help unravel material firm events? How would it compare with firm disclosure and traditional media in terms of timeliness and completeness? Could big data provide incremental value-relevant information for investors? With these questions in mind, we use a novel data set of cell phone “pings” (i.e., geolocation signals from mobile devices) to track production disruptions (outages)––material events for U.S. oil refineries. We first validate the construct by examining the effects of outages on local gas prices and firms’ accounting performance. Our main analyses show that (1) refining firms do not voluntarily disclose refinery outages identified by cell phone pings; (2) traditional media cover only a small portion of ping-based outages; (3) the stock market finds ping-based outages to be value relevant but incorporates the information with delay. Further analysis suggests that given the incomplete media coverage and lack of firm disclosure, investors appear to learn the financial impact of such outages through subsequent earnings announcements. Our evidence has implications for regulators such as the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the Securities and Exchange Commission as they continue to evaluate both the compliance and usefulness of disclosures for material firm events such as production disruptions.

论文原文:LI, B. and VENKATACHALAM, M. (2022), Leveraging Big Data to Study Information Dissemination of Material Firm Events. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 565-606. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12419

6. 评估信贷决策中的人类信息处理:一种机器学习方法


Effective financial reporting requires efficient information processing. This paper studies factors that determine efficient information processing. I exploit a unique small business lending setting where I am able to observe the entire codified demographic and accounting information set that loan officers use to make decisions. I decompose the loan officers’ decisions into a part driven by codified hard information and a part driven by uncodified soft information. I show that a machine learning model substantially outperforms loan officers in processing hard information. Loan officers can only process a sparse set of useful hard information identified by the machine learning model and focus their attention on salient signals such as large jumps in cash flows. However, the loan officers use salient hard information as “red flags” to highlight where to acquire more soft information. This result suggests that salient information is an attention allocation device: It guides humans to allocate their limited cognitive resources to acquire soft information, a task in which humans have an advantage over machines.

论文原文:LIU, M. (2022), Assessing Human Information Processing in Lending Decisions: A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 607-651. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12427


7. 面部价值:金融分析师的特质印象、绩效特征和市场结果


Using machine learning–based algorithms, we measure key impressions about sell-side analysts using their LinkedIn photos. We find that impressions of analysts’ trustworthiness (TRUST) and dominance (DOM) are positively associated with forecast accuracy, especially after recent in-person meetings between analysts and firm managers. High TRUST also enhances stock return sensitivity to forecast revisions, especially for stocks with high institutional ownership. In contrast, the impression of analysts’ attractiveness (ATTRACT) is only positively associated with accuracy for new analysts or when a firm has a new CEO or CFO. Furthermore, while high DOM helps male analysts’ chances of attaining All-Star status, it reduces female analysts’ accuracy and the likelihood of winning the All-Star award. In addition, the relation between TRUST and accuracy is modulated by the disclosure environment and is attenuated by Regulation Fair Disclosure. Our results suggest that face impressions influence analysts’ access to information and the perceived credibility of their reports.

论文原文:PENG, L., TEOH, S.H., WANG, Y. and YAN, J. (2022), Face Value: Trait Impressions, Performance Characteristics, and Market Outcomes for Financial Analysts. Journal of Accounting Research, 60: 653-705. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-679X.12428





