
唧唧堂:JAP 应用心理学 2022年4月论文摘要8篇

Lukas 唧唧堂 2022-07-08

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解析作者 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组:Lukas
审校 | 唧唧堂管理学研究小组:金喵喵
编辑 | 小巴


使用弹性工作制(variable work schedules,VWS)——改变员工每天或每周工作时间的数量和时间——是一种日益普遍的人力资源实践,旨在增加人事的灵活性。然而,很少有研究考察弹性工作制的使用在部门层面是否以及如何影响一个组织的离职率和财务绩效。尽管人们普遍认为,使用弹性工作制有助于企业取得更高的绩效,特别是在COVID-19等危机期间,但本研究却证明了其实不然。本研究结论显示,更多地使用弹性工作制会导致更高的离职率,而且这种影响在大流行病期间更加明显。研究结论还显示,管理层对弹性工作制的依赖不仅会降低大流行病期间的财务绩效水平,而且会降低绩效恢复水平——以部门层面的离职率作为中介机制。利用美国一家连锁快餐店的1,678个部门在COVID-19大流行的不同阶段(2019年10月至2020年12月)的数据,研究发现这些预测得到了支持。结果表明,学者和从业者应该重新考虑人事灵活性有助于组织适应不确定环境的一般假设。

The use of variable work schedules (VWS)—altering the number and timing of employees’ work hours on a daily or weekly basis—is an increasingly common human resource (HR) practice designed to increase staffing flexibility. Little research, however, has examined whether and how the use of VWS affects an organization’s turnover rates and/or financial performance at the unit level. Despite the common assumption that their use helps firms achieve higher performance by matching the supply of labor to demand fluctuations—especially during a crisis such as coronavirus disease (COVID-19)—this study demonstrates otherwise. I propose that greater use of variable schedules can lead to higher turnover rates and that this effect has been more pronounced during the pandemic. I also argue that managerial reliance on VWS can decrease not only the level of financial performance but also performance recovery during the pandemic—with unit-level turnover as the mediating mechanism. Using data from 1,678 units of a U.S. quick-service restaurant chain across different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic (October 2019–December 2020), I find support for these predictions. Results suggest that scholars and practitioners should reconsider the general assumption that staffing flexibility helps organizations adapt to uncertain environments.

参考文献:Chung, H. (2022). Variable work schedules, unit-level turnover, and performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 515–532.



Organizational processes have been widely recognized as both multilevel and dynamic, yet traditional methods of measurements limit our ability to model and understand such phenomena. Featuring a popular model of team processes advanced by Marks et al. (2001), we illustrate a method to use individuals’ communications as construct valid unobtrusive measures of collective constructs occurring over time. Thus, the purpose of this investigation is to develop computer-aided text analysis (CATA) techniques that can score members’ communications into valid team process measures. We apply a deductive content validity-based method to construct CATA dictionaries for Marks et al.’s dimensions. We then demonstrate their convergent validity with subject matter experts’ (SMEs) hand-coded team communications and different SMEs’ behaviorally anchored rating scales based on video recordings of team interactions, using multitrait–multimethod analyses in two samples. Using a third sample of paramedics performing a high-fidelity mass casualty incident exercise, we further demonstrate the convergent validity of the CATA and SME scorings of communications. We then model the relationships among processes across episodes using all three samples. Next, we test criterion-related validity using a longitudinal dual-discontinuous change growth modeling design featuring the paramedic CATA-scored team processes as related to a dynamic performance criterion. Finally, we integrate behavioral data from wearable sensor badges to illustrate how CATA can be scored at the individual level and then leveraged to model dynamic networks of team interactions. Implications, limitations, directions for the future research, and guidelines for the application of these techniques to other collective constructs are discussed.

参考文献:Mathieu, J. E., Wolfson, M. A., Park, S., Luciano, M. M., Bedwell-Torres, W. L., Ramsay, P. S., Klock, E. A., & Tannenbaum, S. I. (2022). Indexing dynamic collective constructs using computer-aided text analysis: Construct validity evidence and illustrations featuring team processes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 533–559.



Since the industrial revolution, work and leisure have largely been considered opposing domains. A growing number of organizations, however, enable and/or promote blending leisure activities into the workplace. Similarly, several conceptualizations across different disciplines examine how work and leisure can coexist. These different conceptualizations have yielded a rich but fragmented theoretical account of work–leisure blending. To address this problem, we provide a comprehensive theoretical integration of multiple literature streams where research has explored work–leisure blending. Further, we develop a tripartite dimensional framework designed to elucidate the central dimensions of work–leisure blending (i.e., segmentation–integration, unstructured–structured, and independent–interactive) undergirding this phenomenon. Using this framework as a theoretical foundation, we then discuss important contextual considerations and future research directions related to work–leisure blending.

参考文献:Smith, T. A., Butts, M. M., Courtright, S. H., Duerden, M. D., & Widmer, M. A. (2022). Work–leisure blending: An integrative conceptual review and framework to guide future research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 560–580.



Although past research demonstrates that perceived fairness leads to many benefits, it also tends to assume that fairness flows almost exclusively from justice adherence. We instead reason that when employees form fairness judgments, they consider not only the extent to which supervisors adhere to justice but also why supervisors do so. In particular, our work outlines three distinct theoretical pathways to fairness. Supervisory justice motives affect fairness judgments via supervisors’ justice rule adherence (behavioral) and via employees’ attributed motives (attributional), such that prosocial (self-interest) motives are positively (negatively) related to fairness judgments after controlling for justice. We also reason that people jointly consider supervisory motives and justice when forming fairness judgments (interactive), such that the relationship between prosocial (self-interest) motives and fairness judgments is more positive (negative) when justice is lower versus higher. We test our predictions across six studies, both survey and experimental. Our results support the three pathways for prosocial justice motives and the behavioral and attributional (but not interactive) pathways for self-interest justice motives. Our work suggests organizations trying to promote fairness should avoid inadvertently instilling a self-interest justice motive in their supervisors.

参考文献:Muir (Zapata), C. P., Sherf, E. N., & Liu, J. T. (2022). It’s not only what you do, but why you do it: How managerial motives influence employees’ fairness judgments. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 581–603.



The current research proposes to incorporate vocational interests into the study of adverse impact (i.e., differential hiring/selection rates between minority and majority groups in employment settings). In the context of high stakes testing (e.g., using cognitive and personality tests), we show how race gaps in vocational interests would correspond to differential rates of job attraction (the attraction process) and various personnel selection outcomes (the selection process), in patterns that are not always intuitive. Using findings from various meta-analyses, we construct a combined correlation matrix of race, vocational interests, cognitive ability, and Conscientiousness; and provide mathematical formulas to assess the role of vocational interests in determining subgroup differences on predictors in applicant pools. Results and empirical examples suggest: (a) applicant attraction based on vocational interests can reduce adverse impact potential when the interest favors the minority [majority] group and is negatively [positively] related to the predictor; (b) attraction effects of vocational interests on adverse impact potential are modest; (c) if the vocational interest subgroup mean difference is small relative to other predictors in use, personnel selection on the interest will reduce adverse impact potential; (d) attraction effects tend to dampen or remove the selection effects of vocational interests on adverse impact potential, due to variance restriction on interests in the applicant pool; and (e) selection effects tend to be much stronger than attraction effects. These findings have implications for how adverse impact might differ systematically across job types, partly due to attraction and selection effects involving race differences in vocational interests.

参考文献:Jones, K. S., Newman, D. A., Su, R., & Rounds, J. (2022). Vocational interests and adverse impact: How attraction and selection on vocational interests relate to adverse impact potential. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 604–627.



Past research on employee trust and diversity climate is cross-sectional and often overlooks the distinction between overall unit climate and individual perceptions of climate. The current article addresses the complex relationship between trust and diversity climate, including directionality, evolution over time, multilevel characteristics, and influence on the critical outcome of turnover intentions. Using a novel, a multilevel analysis of cross-lagged panel data with latent interactions, we examined 6 years of data from 3,218 faculty members across 294 departments in a large U.S. university. We then (a) separated within-department and between-department diversity climate perceptions, (b) examined the directionality and durability of the relationships among trust and diversity climate perceptions, and (c) examined employee turnover intentions as an outcome of the trust/diversity climate perception feedback process that we identified. Results revealed a reciprocal relationship between within-department diversity climate and trust. These relationships continued over the full 6-year period and, as hypothesized, were stronger in departments with more unsupportive diversity climates. When all three variables were modeled at both levels of analysis, an influence on future turnover intentions was observed.

参考文献:Ward, A.-K., Beal, D. J., Zyphur, M. J., Zhang, H., & Bobko, P. (2022). Diversity climate, trust, and turnover intentions: A multilevel dynamic system. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 628–649.



Voice—or the expression of ideas, concerns, or opinions on work issues by employees—can help organizations thrive. However, we highlight that men and women differ in their voice self-efficacy, or the personal confidence in formulating and articulating work-related viewpoints. Such differences, we argue, can impede women’s voice from emerging at work. Drawing on social cognitive theory (SCT), we propose that women tend to develop greater voice self-efficacy and thereby speak up more when they have the opportunity to observe female rather than male leaders speak up. Hence, we point to the potential absence of women leaders who can role model speaking up at work as a likely inhibiter of women’s voice. Using data from a correlational field study involving 368 employees and their leaders from a variety of industries in India and an experimental study in an online panel of 546 US-based workers, we found support for our hypotheses. We discuss the implications of our research for theory and practice.

参考文献:Taiyi Yan, T., Tangirala, S., Vadera, A. K., & Ekkirala, S. (2022). How employees learn to speak up from their leaders: Gender congruity effects in the development of voice self-efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 650–667.



Teams often confront exogenous events that induce discontinuous change and unsettle existing routines. In the immediate aftermath of such events (the disruption stage), teams experience a dip in their performance and only over time regain their previous performance levels (in the recovery stage). We argue that prohibitive voice that allows teams to manage errors better is instrumental for preventing performance losses in the disruption stage. Whereas, promotive voice that helps teams innovate or improve team processes, can facilitate steeper and more positive performance trajectories in the recovery stage. We also propose that voice is especially functional when teams confront higher change intensity and, thereby, highlight that voice is particularly important when change events cause greater discontinuity in the task environment. We found general support for our theory in a correlational field study involving 172 production teams in which we examined over time trajectories in objective team performance, and a field experiment involving 88 teams in a different production setting, where team members were trained, incentivized, and provided opportunities to engage in voice. We discuss the implications of our findings for literature on voice, team adaptation, and resilience.

参考文献:Li, A. N., & Tangirala, S. (2022). How employees’ voice helps teams remain resilient in the face of exogenous change. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(4), 668–692.





