Parent language input is a well-established predictor of child language development. Multisensory attention skills (MASks; intersensory matching, shifting and sustaining attention to audiovisual speech) are also known to be foundations for language development. However, due to a lack of appropriate measures, individual differences in these skills have received little research focus. A newly established measure, the Multisensory Attention Assessment Protocol (MAAP), allows researchers to examine predictive relations between early MASks and later outcomes. We hypothesized that, along with parent language input, multisensory attention to social events (faces and voices) in infancy would predict later language outcomes. We collected data from 97 children (predominantly White and Hispanic, 48 males) participating in an ongoing longitudinal study assessing 12-, 18-, and 24-month MASks (MAAP) and parent language input (quality, quantity), and 18- and 24-month language outcomes (child speech production, vocabulary size). Results revealed 12-month intersensory matching (but not maintaining or shifting attention) of faces and voices in the presence of a distractor was a strong predictor of language. It predicted a variety of 18- and 24-month child language outcomes (expressive vocabulary, child speech production), even when holding traditional predictors constant: parent language input and SES (maternal education: 52% bachelor's degree or higher). Further, at each age, parent language input predicted just one outcome, expressive vocabulary, and SES predicted child speech production. These novel findings reveal infant intersensory matching of faces and voices in the presence of a distractor can predict which children might benefit most from parent language input and show better language outcomes.
论文原文:Edgar, E. V., Todd, J. T., & Bahrick, L. E. (2022). Intersensory matching of faces and voices in infancy predicts language outcomes in young children. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1413–1428. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001375
2. 突然转向:童年双语学习如何从不利变为有利
早期依赖于智力标准化评估的研究报告了双语对儿童的负面影响,但Peal和Lambert (1962)的一项研究报告称,双语儿童在语言和非语言智力测试中比单语儿童表现更好。这一结果导致人们认为双语是一种积极的体验。然而,随后的研究放弃了智力测试作为评估工具,并评估了认知任务的表现,使得Peal和Lambert之后的研究与他们具有里程碑意义的研究之前的研究有了质的不同,在新的研究和早期研究之间造成了脱节。这些较新的认知研究既有表明双语有积极的影响,又有表明语言群体之间没有差异的。但是为什么Peal和Lambert 的研究结果与之前同样基于智力测试的研究如此不同呢?本研究分析了来自79项研究的6077名参与者的语言和非语言智力测试数据,这些智力测试被作为各种认知任务的背景测试。通过纳入成年人,该研究将结果扩展到整个生命周期。在标准化的语言测试中,单语者的表现优于双语者,但在智力的非语言测试中,语言组之间没有差异。这些结果与Peal和Lambert报告的结果不同,它们被用来重新解释他们的发现,根据Peal和Lambert研究所处的社会语言学、政治和文化背景,以及这些因素与所有发展研究的相关性。
Early research that relied on standardized assessments of intelligence reported negative effects of bilingualism for children, but a study by Peal and Lambert (1962) reported better performance by bilingual than monolingual children on verbal and nonverbal intelligence tests. This outcome led to the view that bilingualism was a positive experience. However, subsequent research abandoned intelligence tests as the assessment tool and evaluated performance on cognitive tasks, making the research after Peal and Lambert qualitatively different from that before their landmark study, creating a disconnect between the new and earlier research. These newer cognitive studies showed both positive effects of bilingualism and no differences between language groups. But why were Peal and Lambert’s results so different from previous studies that were also based on intelligence tests? The present study analyzed data from verbal and nonverbal intelligence tests that were collected from 6,077 participants across 79 studies in which intelligence tests were administered as background measures to various cognitive tasks. By including adults, the study extends the results across the life span. On standardized verbal tests, monolinguals outperformed bilinguals, but on nonverbal measures of intelligence, there were no differences between language groups. These results, which are different from those reported by Peal and Lambert, are used to reinterpret their findings in terms of the sociolinguistic, political, and cultural context in which the Peal and Lambert study was conducted and the relevance of those factors for all developmental research.
论文原文:Bialystok, E., Hawrylewicz, K., Grundy, J. G., & Chung-Fat-Yim, A. (2022). The swerve: How childhood bilingualism changed from liability to benefit. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1429–1440. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001376
虽然儿童经常参与创造性活动(他们手工制作食物和物品),但儿童对手工物品的思维发展和范围在很大程度上尚未被探索。在目前的研究中,我们调查了当地儿童博物馆中4-12岁的儿童(54%的女孩,46%的男孩;51%白人,11%亚洲/亚裔美国人,一组超过10%,4%拉丁美洲人,3%黑人/非洲裔美国人,18%没有报告种族/民族)会预期其他人更喜欢手工制品而不是工厂制造的物品,包括食品和非食品。在实验1 (n = 124)和实验2 (n = 122)中,参与者预期儿童角色更喜欢角色自己制作的物品和角色父母或当地人制作的物品。然而,这种期望并没有不惜一切代价地坚持:在实验3 (n = 122)中,当考虑不完美的手工制品时,儿童在考虑父母制作的非食品时表现出手工偏好,而在考虑父母制作的食品时表现出工厂制造的偏好。孩子们的解释与他们的选择有关:当孩子们的解释涉及情感或关系时,他们更有可能选择手工制品。当孩子们提到商品的特性时,他们更有可能选择工厂生产的商品。在研究中,我们观察到持续的年龄和性别影响:儿童对手工制作的偏好随着年龄的增长而增加,女孩比男孩表现出更强烈的手工制作偏好。这些发现突出了儿童对物体价值的发展和微妙的推理。在很小的时候,孩子们就会认为物品的制作人是物品价值的一部分。
Although children frequently engage in creative activities (in which they make foods and objects by hand), the development and scope of children’s thinking about handmade items is largely unexplored. In the present studies, we examined whether 4- to 12-year-old children at a local children’s museum (54% girls, 46% boys; 51% White, 11% Asian/Asian American, 10% more than 1 group, 4% Latinx, 3% Black/African American, 18% did not report race/ethnicity) would expect other people to prefer handmade over factory-made items, including foods and nonfoods. In Experiments 1 (n = 124) and 2 (n = 122), participants expected a child character to prefer items the character made themselves and items made by the character’s parent or a local person. However, this expectation did not persist at all costs: When considering imperfect handmade items in Experiment 3 (n = 122), children demonstrated a handmade preference when considering nonfoods made by a parent but demonstrated a factory-made preference when considering foods made by a parent. Children’s explanations were associated with their choices: When children’s explanations referred to emotions or relationships, they were more likely to select handmade items. When children referred to item features, they were more likely to select factory-made items. Across studies, we observed persistent age and gender effects: Children’s handmade preference increased with child age and girls demonstrated a more robust handmade preference than boys. These findings highlight children’s developing and nuanced reasoning about object value. At an early age, children consider who made an object as a contributor to its value.
论文原文:DeJesus, J. M., Gelman, S. A., & Lumeng, J. C. (2022). Children expect others to prefer handmade items. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1441–1454. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001370
4. 儿童媒体和教师如何传播科学和科学家的排他性和本质主义观点
使用名词标签和一般描述来讨论从事科学研究的人的语言(例如,“让我们成为科学家吧!科学家发现新事物”)向孩子们发出信号:“科学家”是一个独特的类别。这种以身份为中心的语言促进了本质主义的信仰,并导致实验环境中幼儿对科学的脱离。然而,这些线索在多大程度上塑造了儿童在日常生活中的信念和行为的发展,取决于(a)儿童环境中以身份为中心的语言的可用性,以及(b)这些线索随着时间的推移塑造信念的力量,即使在儿童接触到它们的更嘈杂、更多变的环境中也是如此。记录这种语言的可用性,儿童媒体的语言编码(研究1)和学前教师在科学课的语言 (研究2;N = 103;98名女性,1名男性,4名未知;66%白人,8%非洲裔美国人,6%亚洲/亚裔美国人,3%混合/混血儿;21%的样本(任何种族,西班牙裔/拉丁裔)证实,在这两个样本中,以身份为中心的语言是最常见的科学语言形式。此外,儿童(研究3;N = 83;法师= 4.36岁;女43人,男40人;64%白人,12%亚洲/亚裔美国人,24%混合/混血;36%的样本(任何种族,被确定为西班牙裔/拉丁裔)接触到教师以身份为中心的语言的比例越低,随着时间的推移,他们发展出越来越包容的科学信念和更大的科学参与。这些研究结果表明,语言输入是儿童在日常生活中对科学的排他性信念传递给儿童的重要机制。
Language that uses noun labels and generic descriptions to discuss people who do science (e.g., “Let’s be scientists! Scientists discover new things”) signals to children that “scientists” is a distinctive category. This identity-focused language promotes essentialist beliefs and leads to disengagement from science among young children in experimental contexts. The extent to which these cues shape the development of children’s beliefs and behaviors in daily life, however, depends on (a) the availability of identity-focused language in children’s environments and (b) the power of these cues to shape beliefs over time, even in the noisier, more variable contexts in which children are exposed to them. Documenting the availability of this language, linguistic coding of children’s media (Study 1) and prekindergarten teachers’ language from one science lesson (Study 2; n = 103; 98 female, one male, four unknown; 66% White, 8% African American, 6% Asian/Asian American, 3% mixed/biracial; 21% of the sample, of any race, identified as Hispanic/Latinx) confirmed that identity-focused language was the most common form of science language in these two samples. Further, children (Study 3; n = 83; Mage = 4.36 years; 43 female, 40 male; 64% White, 12% Asian/Asian American, 24% mixed/biracial; 36% of the sample, of any race, identified as Hispanic/Latinx) who were exposed to lower proportions of identity-focused language from their teachers developed increasingly inclusive science beliefs and greater science engagement over time. These findings suggest that linguistic input is an important mechanism through which exclusive beliefs about science are conveyed to children in daily life. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)
论文原文:Wang, M. M., Cardarelli, A., Leslie, S.-J., & Rhodes, M. (2022). How children’s media and teachers communicate exclusive and essentialist views of science and scientists. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1455–1471. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001364
5. 母婴互动和儿童愤怒倾向是学龄前睡眠变化的前因。
在学龄前,与年龄相关的睡眠发展是标准的而要的。然而,几乎没有研究考察这种发展的个体差异的前因后果,并且大多数研究使用的是父母对孩子睡眠的报告。本研究旨在探讨母子互动中的相互反应和儿童性情的愤怒倾向在预测学龄前睡眠变化中的作用。样本包括94名儿童(44名女孩,50名男孩),其中大多数是白人(93%)和受过大学教育的母亲(85%)。在2岁时评估母子相互反应和儿童愤怒倾向,并在2岁、3岁和4岁时使用活动记录仪评估睡眠。多水平增长模型显示,在2年的时间里,较高的脾气性愤怒倾向与较低的睡眠效率和较短的夜间睡眠时间同时相关。关于睡眠的变化,在与母亲互动时相互反应性较低的儿童中,夜间睡眠时间在2至4岁之间减少。高愤怒倾向与2 – 4岁睡眠效率的增加有关,而低愤怒倾向与同一时期夜间持续时间的减少有关。愤怒倾向与母子相互反应性之间无交互作用。这些结果表明,不仅在孩子同期的睡眠模式中,而且在整个学前阶段的睡眠变化中,母子关系和孩子的性情可能发挥着不同的作用。
Age-related developments in sleep during the preschool years are normative and consequential. Yet, very few studies have examined the antecedents of individual differences in such developments, and most have used parental reports of child sleep. This study aimed to investigate the roles of mutual responsiveness in mother–child interactions and child temperamental anger proneness in the prediction of changes in sleep during the preschool period. The sample was comprised of 94 children (44 girls, 50 boys) of mostly White (93%) and college-educated (85%) mothers. Mother–child mutual responsiveness and child anger proneness were assessed at 2 years, and sleep was assessed using actigraphy at the ages of 2, 3, and 4 years. Multilevel growth models revealed that higher temperamental anger proneness was concurrently associated with lower sleep efficiency and shorter nighttime sleep duration at 2 years. In regard to changes in sleep, nighttime sleep duration decreased between 2 and 4 years among children exposed to lower mutual responsiveness in interactions with their mothers. High anger proneness was related to an increase in sleep efficiency from 2 to 4 years, whereas low anger proneness was associated with a decrease in nighttime duration during the same period. No interactive effect was found between anger proneness and mother–child mutual responsiveness. These results suggest that mother–child relationships and child temperament may play different roles, not only in children’s concurrent sleep patterns but also in changes in sleep across the preschool period.
论文原文:Cimon-Paquet, C., Tétreault, É., Matte-Gagné, C., Bastien, L., & Bernier, A. (2022). Mother–child interactions and child anger proneness as antecedents of changes in sleep during the preschool period. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1472–1484. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001377
在进化-发展模型的指导下,本研究测试了这样一个假设,即儿童暴露于父母关系不稳定(由照顾者亲密关系的开始和结束定义),在认知障碍方面有损失,在增强学习技能方面有好处。参与者包括243名母亲及其学龄前儿童(平均年龄4.60岁; 56%是女孩)来自不同的种族和民族背景(例如,46%的黑人; 19%的拉丁人)。与假设一致,学龄前父母关系不稳定程度越高,儿童在显性、高阶认知功能任务(如智商、工作记忆)上表现越差,而在两年后的内隐学习任务中发现奖励概率的表现越好。内隐学习任务的分段潜在增长曲线分析结果显示,经历更大的家庭不稳定的儿童能够在游戏的早期而不是后期更快地识别隐藏奖励的位置。另外的研究结果支持儿童对家庭关系的对立表现作为中介机制的作用。更具体地说,在控制了儿童早期的对立表现和人口协变量后,父母关系不稳定显著地预测了2年后儿童对其家庭的对立表现的更高水平。反过来,孩子们在一年级时,对立性的表征与较差的外显认知功能和较好的内隐学习能力同时存在关联。这些发现有助于理解经历父母关系不稳定的认知权衡,并可能对修改教育和临床项目具有重要意义,以利用经历环境不可预测性的儿童的认知优势。
Guided by evolutionary-developmental models, this study tested the hypothesis that children’s exposure to parental relationship instability, defined by initiation and dissolution of caregiver intimate relationships, has both costs in cognitive impairments and benefits in enhanced learning skills. Participants included 243 mothers and their preschool children (M age 4.60 years; 56% girls) from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds (e.g., 46% Black; 19% Latinx). Consistent with hypotheses, higher levels of parental relationship instability during preschool predicted children’s poorer performance on explicit, higher-order cognitive functioning tasks (e.g., IQ, working memory) and better performance in detecting reward probabilities in an implicit learning task 2 years later. Results of the piecewise latent growth curve analysis of the implicit learning task revealed that children experiencing greater family instability were able to more rapidly identify the locations of the hidden rewards in the early, rather than later, stages of the games. Additional findings supported the role of children’s antagonistic representations of family relationships as an intermediary mechanism. More specifically, parental relationship instability significantly predicted higher levels of children’s antagonistic representations of their families 2 years later after controlling for their earlier antagonistic representations and demographic covariates. Children’s antagonistic representations, in turn, were concurrently linked with poorer explicit cognitive functioning and better implicit learning abilities when they were in first grade. The findings inform an understanding of cognitive tradeoffs of experiencing parental relationship instability and may have important implications for modifying educational and clinical programs to capitalize on the cognitive strengths of children who experience environmental unpredictability.
论文原文:Davies, P. T., Thompson, M. J., Li, Z., & Sturge-Apple, M. L. (2022). The cognitive costs and advantages of children’s exposure to parental relationship instability: Testing an evolutionary-developmental hypothesis. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1485–1499. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001381
与高收入国家相比,低收入和中等收入国家的发展风险因素更普遍,贫困环境更普遍,关于逆境、执行功能(EF)和学术成果之间关系的研究很少。本研究调查了加纳三年级和四年级学生累积风险、EF和两年后测量的学习成果之间的关系(N = 371; 49%是女性),揭示了风险如何破坏学习的潜在机制。根据儿童报告的四种风险因素:家庭暴力、不安全的家庭邻居、饥饿和有偿工作,创建了一个累积风险指数。累积风险与EF呈负相关。学习结果(识字和数学考试成绩)与早期累积风险测量呈负相关,与早期EF测量呈正相关。EF调节了累积风险与后期学习结果之间的关联,读写能力方面占总影响的65.3%,数学方面占100%。这种调节途径对儿童和家庭社会人口特征的控制是稳固的。在全球范围内,这些发现为EF在逆境和学习结果之间的联系中发挥的中介作用提供了一个小证据。
Research on the associations among adversity, executive function (EF), and academic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries, where developmental risk factors are more prevalent and impoverished environments are more widespread than in high income countries, is sparse. This study examines the relations among cumulative risk, EF, and learning outcomes measured 2-years later in Ghanaian third- and fourth-graders (N = 371; 49% female), shedding light on underlying mechanisms of how risk can undermine learning. A cumulative risk index was created based on a set of four child-reported risk factors: home aggression, unsafe home neighborhood, hunger, and having worked for pay. Cumulative risk and EF were negatively correlated. Learning outcomes (literacy and math test scores) were negatively correlated with earlier measures of cumulative risk and positively correlated with earlier measures of EF. EF mediated the association between cumulative risk and later learning outcomes, accounting for 65.3% of the total effect for literacy and 100% for math. This mediated pathway was robust to controls for child and household sociodemographic characteristics. The findings contribute to a small evidence base on the mediating role of EF in linking adversity and learning outcomes in a global context.
论文原文:Suntheimer, N. M., Wolf, S., Sulik, M. J., Avornyo, E. A., & Obradović, J. (2022). Executive function mediates the association between cumulative risk and learning in Ghanaian schoolchildren. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1500–1511. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001372
COVID-19大流行严重影响了美国家庭和儿童,包括关闭或改变对他们的照顾和学校环境的性质。由于大流行持续存在,许多儿童仍在偏远地区上学,而那些亲自接受托儿服务或上学的儿童则面临不可预测的关闭。本研究调查了2020年秋季期间托儿服务和学校安排中断的频率和后果。样本是在大流行之前在服务部门工作的,有一个3岁至8岁的孩子的小时工,并且至少在2020年秋季部分负责孩子的上学和/或照顾(N = 676);一半的样本是非西班牙裔黑人,22%是西班牙裔,18%是非西班牙裔白人。家长们被要求完成为期30天的每日调查,调查内容包括他们的照顾和学校安排是否顺利,以及他们当天的情绪、育儿行为和孩子的行为。结果显示,照顾和学校的日常中断很常见,家庭报告的中断天数为24%。孩子只接受远程教育的家庭比孩子接受个人照顾或学校教育的家庭更容易受到干扰。对于所有家庭来说,照顾或学业中断都与孩子更糟糕的行为、父母更消极的情绪、发脾气和受到惩罚的可能性增加有关。家庭内调节表明,父母在支持孩子学习方面的困难,以及在较轻程度上他们的情绪和养育行为,在一定程度上调节了干扰对孩子行为的影响。
The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected American families and children, including through the closure or change in the nature of their care and school settings. As the pandemic has persisted, many children remain in remote schooling and those attending in-person childcare or school have contended with unpredictable closures. This study investigated the frequency and consequences of disruptions to children’s childcare and school arrangements during Fall 2020. The sample is parents who were hourly service-sector workers prior to the pandemic, had a young child between the ages of 3 and 8, and were at least partially responsible for their children’s school and/or care in Fall 2020 (N = 676); half of the sample were non-Hispanic Black, 22% were Hispanic, and 18% are non-Hispanic White. Parents were asked to complete 30 days of daily surveys about whether their care and school arrangements went smoothly and as predicted that day, about their mood, parenting behaviors, and children’s behavior. Results showed that daily disruptions to care and school were common, with families reporting a disruption on 24% of days. Families with children in exclusively remote schooling experienced more frequent disruption than families with children in in-person care or school. For all families, care or school disruptions were related to worse child behavior, more negative parental mood, and increased likelihood of losing temper and punishment. Within-family mediation suggests that parents’ difficulties supporting children’s learning, and to a lesser degree their mood and parenting behaviors, partially mediate effects of disruptions on child behavior.
论文原文:Gassman-Pines, A., Ananat, E. O., Fitz-Henley, J. II, & Leer, J. (2022). Effect of daily school and care disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic on child behavior problems. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1512–1527. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001373
青少年的任务是在相互竞争的优先事项中航行,包括是否结婚、生孩子、追求工作/事业、上大学以及对社会做出贡献。建立对未来的期望的发展任务对于生活在一个强烈优先考虑家庭义务但却越来越多地提供教育和职业机会的社会中的柬埔寨青少年来说尤其复杂。目前的研究在Seginer(2003)未来取向模型的指导下,应用潜在特征分析(LPA)来探索柬埔寨青少年(N = 580, 64%女性,平均年龄= 15.85岁)在关键生活领域的未来期望模式和这些模式的预测因素。LPA确定了四种类型:低期望(所有领域的低期望;12%)、注重家庭(对结婚生子有很高的期望;31%),专注于专业/服务(在教育、就业和社会贡献领域有很高的期望;27%)和高期望(所有领域的高期望;30%)。女性比男性更倾向于专注于专业/服务,而不是高期望。具有更大的内部轨迹控制和家庭义务的青少年比高期望的青少年更不可能处于低期望和家庭关注的状态,而高年级水平的青少年则更可能处于家庭关注的状态而不是高期望的状态。与母亲关系密切的青少年比起高期望型,成为专业/服务关注型的可能性更低;与父亲关系密切的青少年更有可能是专业/服务专注型,而不是高期望和低期望型。研究结果阐明了青少年未来期望的配置,以及不同配置的青少年之间的区别因素。
Adolescents are tasked with navigating competing priorities, including whether to marry, have children, pursue a job/career, go to college, and contribute to society. The developmental task of building expectations for the future is especially complex for Cambodian adolescents living within a society that strongly prioritizes family obligations yet increasingly provides educational and professional opportunities. The current study, guided by Seginer’s (2003) future orientation model, applied latent profile analysis (LPA) to explore patterns of Cambodian adolescents’ (N = 580, 64% female, Mage = 15.85) future expectations across key life domains and predictors of those patterns. LPA identified four profiles: Low Expectancy (low expectations across all domains; 12%), Family Focused (high expectations to get married and have children; 31%), Professional/Service Focused (high expectations across education, employment, and societal contribution domains; 27%), and High Expectancy (high expectations across all domains; 30%). Females were more likely than males to be in the Professional/Service Focused than High Expectancy profile. Adolescents with greater internal locus of control and family obligation were less likely to be in the Low Expectancy and Family Focused than High Expectancy profile, whereas adolescents in higher grade levels were more likely to be in the Family Focused than High Expectancy profile. Adolescents with closer relationships with mothers were less likely to be in the Professional/Service Focused than High Expectancy profile; adolescents with closer relationships with fathers were more likely to be in the Professional/Service Focused than High and Low Expectancy profiles. Findings elucidate configurations of adolescents’ future expectations, and factors distinguishing among adolescents with different configurations.
论文原文:Knapp, K. S., Chimed-Ochir, U., Apsley, H. B., Eng, S., Fosco, G. M., & Cleveland, H. H. (2022). Profiles of future expectations among urban adolescents in Cambodia. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1528–1540. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001374
10. 社会比较对学业自我概念的影响——哪个同龄人最重要?
Social comparisons with peers are important sources of self-development during adolescence. Many previous studies showed that students’ academic self-concepts (ASC) form by contrasting one’s own achievement with the average of one’s class or school (the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect [BFLPE]). Based on social comparison theory, however, we would expect some peers to be more likely social comparison targets than other peers, for example, because they are more visible or students perceive them as similar to themselves. In this study, we used sociometric data to analyze which peers play the most important role for social comparison effects on ASC. We examined how the average achievement of friends, study partners, peers perceived as popular by the student, as well as same-gender and same-ethnic peers affect the general ASC and how these effects compare to the effect of the classroom’s average achievement. The study was based on a German longitudinal sample of 2,438 students (44% no recent immigrant background, 19% Turkish immigrant background, 10% Eastern European immigrant background, 27% other immigrant background) from 117 school classes that were followed from grade 9 to 10. Results from longitudinal social network analysis do not confirm substantial incremental effects of specific types of peers, while class average achievement showed a stable negative effect (confirming the BFLPE). In addition, we could provide evidence for social selection effects based on ASC. We conclude that classrooms provide a specific setting that imposes social comparisons with the “generalized peer” rather than with specific subgroups of peers.
论文原文:Jansen, M., Boda, Z., & Lorenz, G. (2022). Social comparison effects on academic self-concepts—Which peers matter most?Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1541–1556. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001368
11. 在教育转型中感知养育的轨迹:与瑞士青少年的社会心理调整和身份发展的关联。
教育转型涉及青少年的许多变化,对青少年和父母都是一个挑战。本研究旨在更好地了解在重大教育转型过程中,青少年对养育的看法如何演变,以及在这一转变过程中,父母对养育的看法如何促进青少年的心理社会适应和身份形成。瑞士青少年(N = 483岁,平均年龄= 14.96岁;64.6%是女性)在义务中学的最后一年完成了自我报告测量,在他们的教育转变之前和之后的半年时间点。青少年报告了他们对父母的自主支持和心理控制的看法,以及他们的自尊、冒险行为和身份认同过程。基于群体的轨迹分析确定了三种养育轨迹类别(即,高度支持型养育,减少支持型养育,稳定控制型养育),三种心理社会调整轨迹类别(即,低自尊/低冒险,高自尊/低冒险,中等自尊/增加冒险),以及四种身份轨迹类别(即,迷失的搜索者,守护者,探路者,成功的搜索者)。这些解决方案支持这一论点,即青少年可能会经历不同的学业转变,无论是在他们的父母-青少年关系,他们的社会心理调整,以及他们的身份。此外,养育轨迹类别与特定的身份认同和心理社会调整类别相关。值得注意的是,高度支持型教育与高自尊/低冒险型和探路者型身份相关,而稳定型控制型教育与低自尊/低冒险型和迷失型身份相关最强。这些发现强调了自主支持父母在教育过渡期间对青少年发展的重要性。
Educational transitions involve a number of changes for adolescents and can be challenging for adolescents and parents alike. The present study was designed to gain a better understanding as to how adolescents’ perceptions of parenting evolves across a major educational transition and how the parenting perceived across this transition may facilitate adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment and identity formation. Swiss adolescents (N = 483, Mage = 14.96 years old; 64.6% female) in their last year of mandatory secondary school completed self-report measures at two semiannual time points both prior to and following their educational transition. Adolescents reported on their perceptions of their parents’ autonomy support and psychological control as well as their self-esteem, risk-taking behaviors, and identity processes. Group-based trajectory analyses identified three parenting trajectory classes (i.e., Highly Supportive Parenting, Decreasing Supportive Parenting, Stable Controlling Parenting), three psychosocial adjustment trajectory classes (i.e., Low Self-Esteem/Low Risk-Taking, High Self-Esteem/Low Risk-Taking, Moderate Self-Esteem/Increasing Risk-Taking), and four identity trajectory classes (i.e., Lost Searchers, Guardians, Pathmakers, Successful Searchers). These solutions support the contention that adolescents are likely to experience academic transitions differently, whether in terms of their parent-adolescent relationship, their psychosocial adjustment, or their identity. Furthermore, parenting trajectory classes were associated with specific identity and psychosocial adjustment classes. Notably, Highly Supportive Parenting was associated with the High Self-Esteem/Low Risk-Taking class and the Pathmaker identity class, whereas Stable Controlling Parenting was most strongly associated with the Low Self-Esteem/Low Risk-Taking class and the Lost Searcher identity class. These findings highlight the importance of autonomy supportive parenting for adolescent development during educational transitions.
论文原文:Albert Sznitman, G., Antonietti, J.-P., Van Petegem, S., Schwartz, S. J., Baudat, S., & Zimmermann, G. (2022). Trajectories of perceived parenting across an educational transition: Associations with psychosocial adjustment and identity development among Swiss adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1557–1573. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001367
12. 青少年为降低投票年龄提供了比成年人更复杂的原因:来自全国便利样本的证据。
关于降低投票年龄的争论往往集中在16岁和17岁的青少年是否拥有足够的认知能力和政治知识来参与政治。很少有实证研究考察了青少年和成年人在政治问题推理复杂性方面的年龄差异。我们调查了成年人(n = 778;法师= 38.5,SD = 12.5;50%的女性;72%非西班牙裔白人)和16- 17岁青少年(n = 397;65%的女性;69%的非西班牙裔白人)对美国是否应该改变最低投票年龄的判断和理由。改变投票年龄的理由被编码为综合的(即,整合多个角度来形成关于改变投票年龄的判断),详细的(即,提供多个理由来支持关于改变投票年龄的同一判断)和辩证的(即,认识到改变投票年龄的多个不同角度)推理复杂性。贝叶斯回归表明,青少年在改变投票年龄的推理中比成年人提供了更大的综合和详细的复杂性。青少年和成年人在辩证复杂性上没有显著差异。研究结果与过去的研究一致,表明青少年拥有在美国选举中投票的认知能力和政治知识。
Debates about lowering the voting age often center on whether 16- and 17-year-old adolescents possess sufficient cognitive capacity and political knowledge to participate in politics. Little empirical research has examined age differences in adolescents’ and adults’ complexity of reasoning about political issues. We surveyed adults (n = 778; Mage = 38.5, SD = 12.5; 50% female; 72% non-Hispanic White) and 16- and 17-year-old adolescents (n = 397; 65% female; 69% non-Hispanic White) concerning judgments and justifications about whether the United States should change the minimum voting age. Justifications for changing the voting age were coded for integrative (i.e., integrating multiple perspectives to form a judgment about changing the voting age), elaborative (i.e., providing multiple reasons to support the same judgment about changing the voting age), and dialectical (i.e., recognizing multiple differing perspectives on changing the voting age) complexity of reasoning. Bayesian regressions indicated that adolescents provided greater integrative and elaborative complexity in their reasoning to change the voting age than adults. Adolescents and adults did not meaningfully differ in their dialectical complexity. Findings are consistent with past research indicating that adolescents possess the cognitive capacity and political knowledge to vote in U.S. elections.
论文原文:Oosterhoff, B., Wray-Lake, L., & Harden, K. P. (2022). Adolescents provide more complex reasons for lowering the voting age than do adults: Evidence from national convenience samples. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1574–1584. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001366
13. 遗传和环境对青少年和成人社会抑制的稳定性和变化有贡献。
感觉被抑制和社交不自在反映在特征社会抑制(SI)。SI与青年时期出现的精神病理有关,如焦虑。我们的目标是更好地了解遗传和环境对整个生命周期内SI的贡献,并因此研究它们对青少年和成人生命周期内SI稳定性和变化的贡献。我们分析了荷兰双胞胎登记册(NTR) 25年的队列顺序纵向数据(男性(N=17855,37.4%%);年龄(中位数=19岁,IQR=16-26岁);7474个完整的同卵双胞胎和8799个完整的异卵双胞胎)。数据被分为7个年龄组:小于14岁(青春期前)、15-16岁(青春期早期)、17-18岁(青春期中期)、19-20岁(青春期晚期)、21-30岁(青年)、31-40岁(成年)、41岁以上(中老年)。SI采用基于ASEBA的代理问卷进行评估。在整个年龄范围内都建立了表型稳定性。接下来,拟合了一个纵向遗传单一型模型,以估计遗传和环境对观察到的表型稳定性的贡献。结果显示,SI在十年的随访中相关性良好(.44≤r≤.59),在25年(从青春期到中年再到老年)的随访表现适中(.23 - .32)。7个年龄组的广义遗传率(h²)在40 ~ 48%之间。加性和非加性遗传效应共同解释了SI在整个生命周期中的大部分稳定性(年龄之间的表型相关性约为60-90%),而环境效应的作用较小(约为10-40%)。综上所述,已知SI会增加内化精神病理的风险,在整个生命周期中表型稳定,这在很大程度上归因于SI个体差异的遗传贡献。
Feeling inhibited and socially not at ease is reflected in the trait social inhibition (SI). SI is associated with psychopathology that arises in young adulthood, such as anxiety. We aim for a better insight into the genetic and environmental contributions to SI across the life span, and as such examine their contributions to SI stability and change across adolescent and adult life span. We analyzed cohort-sequential longitudinal data from the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR), spanning a period of 25 years (Men (N, %): 17855, 37.4%; Age (Median, IQR): 19 years, 16–26 years; 7474 complete MZ twins and 8799 complete DZ twins). The data were organized into 7 age groups: < 14 (preadolescence), 15–16 (early adolescence), 17–18 (mid adolescence), 19–20 (late adolescence), 21–30 (young adulthood), 31–40 (adulthood), 41 + (middle-age—older adulthood). SI was assessed with the ASEBA-based proxy questionnaire. Phenotypic stability was established across the entire age range. Next, a longitudinal genetic simplex model was fitted to estimate the genetic and environmental contributions to the observed phenotypic stability. Results showed SI correlated well across follow-up of a single decade (.44 ≤ r ≤ .59) and moderately across the 25 years (.23 – .32) from adolescence to middle-age and older. Broad-sense heritability (h²) was between 40 and 48% across the 7 age groups. Additive and nonadditive genetic effects together explained most of the stability of SI across the life span (about 60–90% of the phenotypic correlation between ages), whereas environmental effects played a lesser role (about 10–40%). Concluding, SI, known to increase the risk of internalizing psychopathology, is phenotypically stable across the life span, which is largely attributable to genetic contributions to individual differences in SI.
论文原文:Li-Gao, R., Boomsma, D. I., Dolan, C. V., De Geus, E. J. C., Denollet, J., & Kupper, N. (2022). Genetic and environmental contributions to stability and change in social inhibition across the adolescent and adult life span. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1585–1599. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001379
在埃里克森的发展模型中,亲密和孤立是青年社会心理危机的两极结果。利用这一模型,本研究使用三项纵向数据进行研究,以确定在解决涉及浪漫孤独作为亲密危机的不良后果的埃里克森危机的过程中成功和缺乏成功的模式,并在波兰和美国进行了比较。数据来自波兰和美国18-40岁的第1项参与者(N = 763)。埃里克森亲密危机的四种模式被定义:(a)稳定的伴侣状态;(b)稳定的单身状态;(c)从单身状态转变为伴侣状态;(d)从伴侣状态转变为单身状态。在这两个国家中,从单身状态到伴侣状态的转变都与减少浪漫孤独有关。与稳定的单身成年人相比,在过渡到伴侣状态的波兰单身成年人中,最初的浪漫孤独感更大。反过来,与稳定的单身成年人相比,有伴侣的美国成年人在过渡到单身状态后最初经历的浪漫孤独感更低。将浪漫孤独与关系满意度配对的双变量潜在增长曲线模型显示,较高的初始关系满意度与较低的初始浪漫孤独相关,关系满意度的较高增长与浪漫孤独的较小增长相关。研究结果强调,亲密危机的不同解决方案与不同的浪漫孤独和关系满意度轨迹有关,这些关联也似乎与波兰和美国的不同婚姻和孤独背景有关。
In Erikson’s model of development, intimacy and isolation denote polar outcomes of psychosocial crisis in young adulthood. Drawing on this model, the present study used three-wave longitudinal data to examine patterns of the success and lack of success in the resolution of Eriksonian crisis in relation to romantic loneliness as a negative outcome of the intimacy crisis, and compared across Poland and the United States. The data were collected from Polish and U.S. individuals aged 18–40 for Wave 1 (N = 763). Four patterns of the Eriksonian intimacy crisis were identified: (a) stable partnered status; (b) stable single status; (c) transition from single to partnered status; (d) transition from partnered to single status. In both countries, transition from single to partnered status was related to decreased romantic loneliness. Greater initial romantic loneliness was observed among Polish single adults who transited to partnered status in contrast to stable single adults. In turn, the U.S. partnered adults who transited to single status initially experienced lower romantic loneliness than stable single adults. Bivariate latent growth curve models pairing romantic loneliness with relationship satisfaction revealed that higher initial relationship satisfaction was associated with lower initial romantic loneliness, and a greater increase in relationship satisfaction was associated with smaller increases in romantic loneliness. The findings highlight that different resolutions of the intimacy crisis are related to diverse romantic loneliness and relationship satisfaction trajectories and these associations also appear to differ as a function of various marital and loneliness contexts in Poland and the United States.
论文原文:Adamczyk, K., Park, J. Y., & Segrin, C. (2022). Patterns of intimacy crisis resolution and their associations with romantic loneliness in Polish and U.S. young adults.Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1600–1613. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001371