
宁诺,我的青春烙印 | 曾佳旎:才女狂揽国际设计大奖,被哈佛、麻省理工同时录取Alumnus story PDM to MIT

2017-05-26 宁波诺丁汉大学






曾佳旎在宁波诺丁汉大学读书期间就拿奖拿到手软,从设计界“奥斯卡”之称的红点设计大奖(Red Dot Design Award)、到闻名世界的A’设计大奖赛(A’ Design Award & Competition)IDA国际设计大奖(International  Design Awards)、欧洲工业设计奖(European  Product Design Award), 几乎每个重量级的国际设计奖项曾佳旎都有获奖, 从2015年到2017年间,她在施毅腾博士的指导及双方共同合作下已经获得过9项国际大奖。



Tag Tag Mark disposable cups 



曾佳旎设计的一款纸杯,该设计可以使人们通过在纸杯上自带的贴纸上刮出自己的名字,这样使用者就可以在活动后轻易的找到自己的杯子而不用制造大量的浪费。这个设计获得了2016年A’设计大奖赛(A’ Design Award)金奖

Dual Zero Waste



塑料瓶装的洗手液使用完后包装瓶都会被丢弃,造成大量的浪费。曾佳旎设计的包装瓶用肥皂材料制成,使用完液体洗手液后可以把外层纸包装撕掉,将肥皂外壳也使用掉,没有一点浪费。这个设计获得了2016年A’设计大奖赛(A’ Design Award)金奖

Glasses Plus 



Glasses+ 是由镜框和镜片组成,设计者对镜框部分进行了一个创新设计:镜框正面由2层组成,外层可以经常更换不同颜色样貌,利用磁石吸到内层上。同时镜盒本身利用率也更高:镜身和几幅外层镜架都可放入,方便随时更换。这个设计获得了2015 IDA国际设计大奖(International  Design Awards)的金奖2015年A’设计大奖赛(A’ Design Award)铜奖

Daily1936- Pill Box Integrating Drink Bottle Design




曾佳旎设计的这个瓶子,盖子处被设计成了一个小药盒,这样喝水吃药可以合二为一,更加方便。这个设计获得了欧洲工业设计奖(European  Product Design Award



“在来宁波诺丁汉工业设计专业以前,我对国际设计大奖了解不多,也曾觉得哈佛、麻省是遥不可及的顶尖院校。” 曾佳旎说,“我们的老师对国际大赛有很高的敏锐度,部分作业同时也会是参赛作品,我们也是在老师的引荐和指导下参与国际大赛。获奖对我申请名校有较大帮助。”



上课之外,曾佳旎表示大部分时间都在学校的工作室里,创建新思路和制作模型并随时请教老师。“我特别要感谢施毅腾博士,是我大四时候的个人导师。他是个在设计方面有很多点子和想法的人,我的很多获奖项目都是和他一起探讨完成的。我记得他说‘一个好的设计永远是用最简单的方法去解决复杂的问题' ----是这个理念帮助了我们不断有新的创意并赢得比赛。” 曾佳旎说。




Face to Face: Jiani Zeng


Name: Jiani Zeng (曾佳旎)

Major: BEng Product Design and Manufacture

Year: 2011-2015

City of Birth: Hangzhou




Q: Why chose UNNC and why chose PDM?


UNNC was the best option with my Gaokao exam scores back in 2011. I didn’t know much about UNNC, but I started loving it since the first day in UNNC.


When I applied for PDM, it’s in its first year in UNNC – many students thought it’s quite risky to choose it. I like engineering and I was very good at it, but I always felt like doing something emotional (arts and design). I was quite struggled for a while – most of the top students in first year chose civil engineering or electrical engineering. I remember the day before my final decision, I saw an image of Leica M6 Historica (I was a big fan of cameras), and I knew that’s something I’m going to design in the future – PDM is perfect for a career like this.



Q: Please comment on your studying experience in UNNC (take one module as example)


UNNC is very multicultural and open. There are many student associations, so it’s a paradise for those who like social activities and for party animals. As for study, UNNC students work really hard, everyone can get a lot of help from other students / faculties. I never see myself as hard working as other top students in UNNC – I only went to the library/labs before the final exams and I liked studying alone in the dormitory so that I can watch TV shows in between. But I am a person who can always get thing finished and I am really into design – I never feel tired working on a project I like. Whenever I thought about an idea, I’ll use every resource I had to visualize it.


PDM is very different from other programs – it is studio based, so that the students spend lots of time in SEB creating ideas and making prototypes, and you can easily reach out to the tutors in the studio. Taking final year project as an example, we had weekly meetings with design tutors exchanging and improving ideas, and all tutors are from different backgrounds and disciplines. I got tremendous help from this diverse group in PDM – always in different perspectives (from marketing, user experience, ergonomics, manufacture, materials to vitalization and model making).


Q: What you benefit most from UNNC?


First, UNNC has plenty of academic resources and opportunities – many students study abroad in the third year. I took a one-year exchange program in Australia and I met talented designers and tutors there - not many Chinese universities can provide such opportunity.


Second, I benefited a lot from my tutors in PDM. As I mentioned, they’re all from different disciplines – getting advices from people in different background is extremely important for designers. Besides, they are all very patient and willing to give students ideas. I would especially thank Dr. Yi Teng Shih – my personal advisor in year four and one of my recommenders. He emphasizes a lot about design thinking and he always has smart ideas – which I believe is the most difficult part in design. We worked on many design projects –award winning concepts. I learnt a lot from him: the way he observes a problem, the thinking behind each idea and the passion in design – minds open and keep thinking!



Q: What makes you competitive in the international design award? Please take one as example and introduce your design project.


As I said: keep thinking. Record every small idea you have and talk to someone. Good idea comes from daily life. For Dr. Yi Teng Shih and me, we communicate a lot on good concepts and we are always excited about ideas. I remember he said “a good design always uses a simple solution to solve a complex problem” – this philosophy helps us win.


This year so far, we’ve won several design awards already:

1)  Project: Dual Zero waste

Golden A’ Design Award Winner in Packaging Design Category (Italy)


2)  Project: Tag Tag Mark disposable cups

Golden A’ Design Award Winner in Ease of Use and Universal Design Category (Italy)


3)  Project: CURE

European Product Design Award - Silver in Home Interior Products / Lighting



European Product Design Award - Packaging Design / Other Packaging




5)  Project: Glasses Plus Interchangeable Cover Frame

Bronze A' Design Award Winner for Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design Category


Golden International Design Awards (USA)


6)  Project: iTravel

Bronze International Design Awards (USA)



Please go to the links to see project description.



Q: What makes you competitive in applying the master programme? Which offers you have received?


I received offers from MIT, Harvard University, Rhodes Island School of Design (with grant), Art Center College of Design (with grant), Pratt Institute, SAIC, Northwestern University. All are top industrial design (or design related) programs. I chose MIT at last (my dream school). For me, it tops at almost every discipline (especially engineering and design) and it’s the best university in the world.


I know exactly what I’m going to do for Master and I’ve showed it in my statement and interviews – that makes me stand out in the application. Recommendation letters are very important too. And I got LUCK!



宁诺,我的青春烙印 | 李锟:永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶

宁诺,我的青春烙印 | 李忆峤:与机遇同行

宁诺,我的青春烙印 | 何彦媛:在宁诺找到通往世界各地的路



- 本期特别感谢 -

文字支持 |  徐琼 曾佳旎 Xue Mei

图片支持 |  曾佳旎

© Copyright



Vanessa WU




卓越学术  精彩未来

A World Beyond Ordinary

