
宁波诺丁汉大学最新防疫通知1月31日 UNNC 31 January update

宁波诺丁汉大学 宁波诺丁汉大学

Please scroll down for the English version - Update: staff questionnaire, contingency plans and more.


1. 开启面向全体教职员工的防疫小调查,内容包括人员健康状态、所在位置、出行历史、返程计划等方面,要求所有教职员工于北京时间2月3日(周一)上午9时前填好提交。若个人情况发生变更,需再次填写上交。




2. 按照各级政府要求,学校正通过各种方式联系中外籍学生,特别是在疫区的同学,第一时间掌握基本情况、了解学生需求、解答学生疑问。请同学们理解、支持和配合学校的信息收集工作。

3. 建议教职员工返校、出行尽量选择私人交通工具出行,避免搭乘公共交通(如公交车、长途汽车、火车等)。学校可对接机场接车预定服务,如有需要,请联系HR(联系方式详见邮件)。

4. 因交通限制等原因,无法在2月10日按时返校的教职员工,需与部门/院系负责人沟通,获批后在2月17日前可安排灵活办公。

5. 由于疫情仍在变化,为应对开学再次延期,或学生、教职员工因交通限制、健康状况无法按时返校等突发状况,学校正在制定包括网络教学在内的应急教学计划,希望在确保师生安全的前提下,尽量保证教学进度和质量。

6. 万诺餐厅加强卫生防疫措施:

   1) 提供75%酒精供就餐、工作人员洗手消毒;






Update: staff questionnaire, contingency plans and more

As the situation around coronavirus continues to evolve, the University is taking a lot of actions on a day-to-day basis to ensure that our students can learn safely and that risks to staff and students are minimised.

Up to this moment, the University has issued several new notices detailing the most up-to-date guidance and requirements, which include:

1. Staff questionnaire

To better prepare for the return to campus, all staff are required to complete an online questionnaire before 9am Monday, 3 Feb 2020 China Time.


Details to be filled out in the questionnaire include recent contacts, travel histories, future travel plan for returning back to campus, as well as health condition declarations.


Staff are also asked to update the questionnaire should their situations change in any detail.

2. Student survey

According to the government requirements, the University is trying different means to contact domestic and international students, especially those in the epicenter of the outbreak, to learn their current status, accommodate their needs and answer their questions. We ask all students to support the University with the data collection.

3. Car booking from airport

To support staff in taking private transportation back to campus, any staff in need of car services from the airport can contact Human Resource.


4. Contingency plans for teaching/work arrangements

The University understands that some airlines have suspended flights to/from China. Staff having difficulty in returning to work on 10 Feb 2020 are encouraged to discuss with their head of school/department to arrange work off campus.

As announced earlier, the University has delayed the start of the new semester to 24 February 2020. However, since the situation around coronavirus remains evolving, the University is forming contingency plans in case we are unable to start as usual on 24 February, or it is not feasible for teaching staff to be on campus as usual due to travel restrictions or health precautions. 

These contingency plans involve a switch to online learning for all programmes for as long as necessary, to minimise the disruption to the academic schedule.

The University also advises staff to keep monitoring the situation around the coronavirus outbreak, and get well prepared for any possible scenarios.

5. Reinforced hygiene practices in canteen

To further strengthen safety precautions amid novel coronavirus, the University Logistics department has set up a new policy for dining at the Vino Canteen. The policy has been sent through email to inform all students and staff. It includes detailed regulations on mandatory hand washing and facemask wearing, limited canteen access, and new facilities to accommodate individual dining in order to eliminate cross-contamination.


The University is working hard to protect our staff and students. We will notify you promptly of any further changes. 





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