

宁波诺丁汉大学 宁波诺丁汉大学 2021-09-17

Please scroll down for the English version- University of Nottingham Ningbo China wins 2021 China Social Impact Awards.




以宁诺英伟达混合现实联合实验室为例。该实验室致力于将数字化引入到文化遗产领域,再现各类世界遗产和文化古迹,由全球知名虚拟现实学者庄以仁(Eugene Ch’ng)教授领衔。成立以来,实验室在文化遗产数字化领域进行前沿研究,与此同时团队利用数字化技术保护宁波的历史和文化,打造了一批极具辨识度的项目,如重现宁波元代三江口、追寻江南记忆中的外婆家等等,用新颖的方式向世界展示与传播宁波。

而宁诺甬学研究中心俨然已成为所有热爱甬学的海内外专家学者间互动交流的首选平台。该中心由宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播学贺龙飞(Thomas Hirzel)博士、建筑学谢晶博士和计算机科学David Towey教授领衔,团队通过摄影测量和数字捕获等技术,建立了宁波市古代和现今即将消逝的建筑数据库。团队还与宁波博物馆启动了长期计划,扫描和记录宁波独有的“青瓷”,以期将其数字化收藏存档。中心还聚集了跨界跨学科的甬学爱好者,共同向世界推介宁波灿烂的文化遗产。

自2019年年末宁波诺丁汉大学与宁波帮博物馆签署共建“人文素质教育基地”后,双方在人文素质教育、志愿服务和社会实践交流合作上展开了深入的合作。宁诺教学副校长Cohen Tan博士为项目总协调。国际传播系系主任Filippo Gilardi博士则大力推进了选修模块“数字叙事、数字素养”在宁波帮博物馆的落地。他多次带学生赴博物馆开展社会实践,在他的悉心指导下,学生丰富的创意大大增加了宁波帮故事的传播度,也吸引了本地和国际观众了解宁波帮故事。比如,就有学生追踪记录下老宁波人的食谱,并将这些食谱作为明信片分享给线上和线下参观者。

据了解,此次宁波诺丁汉大学获评中国英国商会举办的“2021年中国社会影响力大奖” 的“社区文化奖”,是对宁波诺丁汉大学在文化遗产保护及推广工作方面所作出的杰出贡献给予的充分肯定。未来,宁诺将继续致力于利用高科技手段进行文化遗产保护;发展研究中国和宁波的文化遗产;提高年轻人对历史文化遗产的认识和参与程度,成为具有国际影响力的文化遗产保护品牌。

University of Nottingham Ningbo China wins 2021 China Social Impact Awards

16 September: University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) received the Community and Culture Award presented by British Chamber of Commerce in China at the 2021 China Social Impact Awards ceremony held in Beijing. 

Community and culture are the two pillars that enable us to live a rich human experience. As the winner of this award, UNNC is the organisation that has gone to the greatest length to foster a sense of community and promote cultural activities. It has done this by engaging in cross-cultural exchange, civil society partnerships and building local community support networks. UNNC was nominated as a finalist alongside Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and Swire Properties. 

In the area of preservation of cultural heritage, UNNC is not only able to leverage its world-leading technical and academic expertise, but also the creativity and enthusiasm of its students and staff. At UNNC there are global leaders in the use of technology in the preservation of cultural heritage, and the impact of their work in the area has both global and local impacts. 

The NVIDIA Joint-Lab on Mixed Reality has been committed to introducing digitalisation into the field of cultural heritage. Professor Eugene Ch’ng, the director of the NVIDIA Joint Lab and the Digital Heritage Centre, has been at the forefront of the field of the digitalisation of cultural heritage for over 15 years, developing Virtual Reality projects in the areas of architecture, archaeology and cultural heritage. Prof Ch’ng has been a pioneer of developing this technology in Europe and UK and is actively transferring his expertise to China through a series of collaborative and community-based programmes.

There is also the Centre of Ningbo Studies that is led by Dr Thomas Hirzel, Dr Jing Xie and Professor Dave Towey whose work centres on the use of Photogrammetry and Digital Capture to preserve and database cultural artefacts and architecture, but also to build bridges between communities of enthusiasts and scholars, and promote Ningbo’s rich cultural heritage both within China and abroad. They have organised numerous cultural and community events to showcase their work and raise awareness of the Ningbo’s past as a maritime trading hub.  The Centre is currently providing technical workshops and consultancy for staff in the Ningbo Museum on Photogrammetry and Digital Capture so as to archive Ningbo’s priceless collection of Celadon.

Since 2019, UNNC has also established cooperation with Ningbo Bang Museum in developing humanistic quality education, community services and social practices with the support and coordination of Dr K. Cohen Tan, Interim Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning. Dr Filippo Gilardi, Head of School of International Communications, has been actively promoting the development of the internship practice module “Digital Narrative, Digital Literacy” at the Ningbo Bang museum. He also took students to the Ningbo Bang Museum to carry out social practices multiple times. Under his guidance, the playful creativity of these students has brought the museum content alive for younger generations of Ningbonese, and greatly increased engagement with the story of the Ningbo Bang.

The Community and Cultural Award is recognition for the fantastic effort put in by UNNC in terms of preservation and promotion of cultural heritage through a variety of initiatives. In the future, UNNC remains committed to developing the best practice in the use of technology in the preservation of cultural heritage, focusing on scholarship on Chinese and Ningbonese cultural heritage and to act as a bridge for local and international communities of scholars. The University hopes to raise awareness of and engagement with Ningbo’s historical legacy amongst younger generations of Ningbonese, throughout China, and with international communities.

图文来源 | Lily Su, Elena Yang







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