

宁波诺丁汉大学 宁波诺丁汉大学 2022-05-24

Please scroll down for the English version - 12 UNNC academics ranked in Highly Cited Chinese Researchers list.

2022年4月,全球性信息分析公司爱思唯尔(Elsevier)正式发布了2021“中国高被引学者”(Highly Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单。



此次宁诺入选的12位学者研究领域共覆盖7个学科。其中,工商管理学科大牛云集,宁诺共有5位学者上榜,他们分别是:曹聪教授、陈庆佳教授、李平教授、Sathyaprakash Balaji Makam博士和Antony Paulraj教授。


陈庆佳(Hing Kai Chan)



Sathyaprakash Balaji


Antony Paulraj教授



张毓隆(Alain Yee

Loong Chong)教授

彭志伟(Chee Wei



经济学领域,Simon Appleton教授和马青平博士分别上榜理论经济学和应用经济学“中国高被引学者”。

Simon Appleton教授



Vladimir Brusic教授作为宁波诺丁汉大学李达三首席教授上榜计算机科学与技术“中国高被引学者”榜单,Margaret Gillon Dowens教授上榜外国语言文学榜单,冯安伟教授上榜教育学榜单。

Vladimir Brusic教授

Margaret Gillon








12 UNNC academics ranked in Highly Cited Chinese Researchers list 

In April 2022, world-leading academic publishing company Elsevier officially released the 2021 “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” list. 12 academics from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) were listed in the ranking, the highest among Sino-foreign universities. The university tied 10th place in China with Beijing Normal University and Sun Yat-sen University in the collective fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, Economics and Management. 

The 2021 Elsevier “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” ranking list used Scopus, the world’s authoritative abstract and citation database, as the data source to analyse the scientific research achievements of the Chinese academics. The selection method designed by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy was used to list a total of 4701 Chinese academics with the most global influence across 10 disciplines and 84 first-level disciplines.  

The 12 UNNC academics on the list are involved in a total of seven academic disciplines. Five are listed as “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” in Business Administration. They are Professor Cong Cao, Professor Hing Kai Chan, Professor Peter Ping Li, Dr Sathyaprakash Balaji Makam, and Professor Antony Paulraj. 

Two UNNC academics, Professor Alain Yee Loong Chong and Professor Chee Wei Phang, reached the rankings in Management Science and Engineering. 

In the field of economics, Professor Simon Appleton and Dr Qing-Ping Ma were listed as “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” in Theoretical Economics and Applied Economics respectively. 

Li Dak Sum Chair Professor Vladimir Brusic was listed in Computer Science and Technology, Professor Margaret Gillon Dowens was listed in Foreign Language and Literature, and Professor Anwei Feng entered the list for Pedagogy.

The achievements of the academics echo the 2021 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects in which the three disciplines of Business Administration, Management and Economics at UNNC were ranked 11th, 26th and 44th respectively in the world-class subject rankings of domestic universities. UNNC is the only Sino-foreign university with three disciplines on the list. 

These international rankings are a testament to the university’s academic excellence which not only drives discipline construction, but also contributes to pioneering research.

According to the SciVal platform, 44.5% of publications from UNNC in 2021 were published in the top 10% journals by CiteScore, and 70.8% of publications were in the top 25% journals by CiteScore. 19.8% of publications from UNNC were in the top 10% most cited publications worldwide. In addition, according to the Scopus research database, 65.7% of academic papers published from the university involve international collaboration with other global academic institutions. The university’s advancements in high-quality international research and knowledge exchanges are unparalleled by domestic universities.

UNNC scholars have consistently demonstrated their high academic standards and commitments to world-class research. In November 2021, 10 UNNC academics appeared on a Stanford University ranking list of the top 2% of scientists in the world. These rankings all serve as a shining example of the university’s achievements in integrating high-quality scientific research resources at home and abroad and establishing a high-level international benchmark for scientific research.

With the responsibility of “introducing global wisdom to solve local problems”, UNNC will continue in the future to support our talented academics in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and delivering world-leading research to solve today’s global challenges.

文字来源 | 谢彤妍,Lily Su,Liam Morgan

图片来源 | NUBS China, FHSS, FoSE







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