

2017-07-27 西安高新区人才市场




公司的几位创始人在高科技产业化方面具有丰富经验和敏锐洞见 。在过去十多年中,他们先后创建过5个IT领域的科技公司,均被成功收购或上市。目前担任CEO的刘万千博士毕业于斯坦福大学,于2012年入选中组部“千人计划”,被聘为国家特聘专家 。郑皓先生是Zynga亚洲CTO,雅虎北京全球研发中心的创始人,并曾担任雅虎移动搜索总架构师。智加科技集结了各个科技创新领域的精英,团队成员均来自国际一流科技企业和院校,为智加科技不断注入发展创新的血液。

智加科技是少数几家拥有美国加州自动驾驶测试牌照的创业企业之一,自动驾驶原型试验样车已经在加州进行路测。 公司和产业链上下游建立了深厚的合作关系,同时和国内地方政府在洽谈产业落地事宜。公司已吸纳了一线美元基金以及个人商业领袖的投资及参与。




1. 全面掌握智能驾驶相关单元及整车集成技术

2. 全面应用深度学习前沿技术

3. 全面布局基于大数据的智能驾驶技术研发,着重解决大数据采集和自动标定问题,以提升深度学习算法的可靠性与实用性。同时正与高校联合开展基于深度增强学习的规划决策算法研究,力争大幅度提高整车安全性和驾驶场景的可扩展性。

PlusAI Overview

I. Company and Team

PlusAI Corp was founded in 2016 with headquarter in Silicon Valley and R&D branch offices in Beijing and Xi’an. Our mission is to transform transportation with AI for a safer world. We put the future in motion by leading the autonomous driving technology development and advancing reliable and scalable transportation solutions that will benefit our mobility customers. We have been collaborating with top universities including Stanford University and Xi’an Jiaotong University to push technology forward.

PlusAI is formed by a team of technology veterans. The founders have extensive experiences and keen insights into application and commercialization of cutting edge technologies. In the past decade, they have founded five tech companies that were acquired or went public. Dr. David Liu, CEO of PlusAI, received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, and is a special technology advisor to the Chinese government. Mr. Zheng Hao, President of PlusAI, was formerly a lead architect in Yahoo and the head of Yahoo Research Lab in Beijing. Professor Kinchow Law from Stanford University has been working on AI and machine learning applications in engineering for over the past 30 years. PlusAI has assembled an elite team of scientific and technological innovators.

PlusAI is backed by prestigious institutional investors from Silicon Valley and China, and has formed strategic partnerships with key players in automotive space. The company has strong connections with local city governments in China to promote Smart City programs. As one of a few companies that have obtained the California’s Autonomous Vehicle Testing License, PlusAI has been actively conducting tests on public roads in California.  

II. Technology

PlusAI focuses on utilizing latest advancements in artificial intelligence to bring breakthrough to autonomous driving technologies. We have built Level-4 capable autonomous driving technology solution, and have enabled a Level-3 product offering for near term commercialization.

PlusAI’s innovations in autonomous driving technology include:

1. End-to-end full stack technology solution:

2. Application of deep learning and reinforcement learning technologies:

3. Big Data infrastructure to continuously improve performance:

Common Qualifications


● 985院校, 计算机/电子/自动化/数学相关专业硕士及以上

● 扎实的数据结构, 操作系统, 算法知识

● 优秀的学习能力和解决问题能力, Debug能力

● 突出的C++编码能力

● 优秀的Python/Shell编码能力

● 深入的Linux平台开发经验

● CET6, 流利的英文读写, 基本的英文口语交流

● Team Work


● 图像处理, 计算机视觉相关的研究和开发经验, 熟悉OpenCV

● Deep Learning实际经验, 熟悉TensorFlow/MXNet/Caffe或其他主流Deep Learning平台之一

● 基于GPU的性能优化/加速经验

● 有机器人相关研究或开发经历, 熟悉ROS

● ACM竞赛成绩

● 对机器人/自动驾驶/汽车有激情和爱好

Job Description


围绕无人驾驶的车上Runtime系统, 负责开发感知, 定位, 控制, 仿真, 地图, 测试等模块/工具,快速对算法进行仿真、测试并部署到车上进行迭代。



● 优秀的Linux平台开发、优化和调试经验

● 有高可用、低延迟系统的实际开发和调试经验

● 优秀的C++/Python/Shell编码/调试能力


负责继续Deep Learning的感知, 定位, 控制等算法的研究, 原型开发, 验证和迭代


● 计算机视觉, 模式识别等方向的硕士/博士, 在高水平会议/期刊上发表过的文章

● 对深度学习有深入的理解,并且有用深度学习解决实际问题的经验

● 很强的论文阅读能力和动手能力,能快速使用主流开源技术(OpenCV, TensorFlow/MXNet/Caffe等)完成原型开发和验证

● 极强的工程能力,能使用C++开发线上模型并使用GPU进行加速


