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UCA 针对美联航事件的声明及呈交机构名单

2017-04-14 UCA 美国华人

针对4月10号发生的美联航事件, UCA在第一时间做出了声明, 并且将此声明转发给相关的国会议员及相关政府机构 ( 名单见下)。 以下为声明的中英文原文。

Like most people who have watched the incident video today, United Chinese Americans (UCA) is immensely disturbed by the violent and wrong action taken yesterday to remove a 69-year old Chinese American doctor from the plane by police from Chicago Department of Aviation and United Airlines at O'Hare International Airport.

像所有关注一位69岁的华裔医生被美联航粗暴的赶下飞机的录像的人们一样, 我们对今天发生在芝加哥机场的事件极为震惊。 

We demand an immediate and thorough investigation by the United Airlines as well as by FAA regarding this horrible incident as well as about the booking and other industry practices adopted by the airlines in general.


Furthermore, we demand that Chicago Department of Aviation start an immediate and thorough investigation as to how the police involved has violated its own operation procedures, let alone common sense. The deep rooted culture and ongoing practice of resorting to violence prematurely and unnecessarily, sometimes even fatally, by police must be examined, stopped and changed.

同时, 我们要求芝加哥航空总署立即开始全面调查警局方面有悖常理同时违背操作规范的行为。不断发生的,根深蒂固的警察文化往往导致过早的,不必要的甚至是致命的暴力行为,这是必须要反思,制止及改变的。 

As a nationwide Chinese American coalition to protect, among other things, the constitutional rights of equal treatment to all Americans, we at UCA take this incident seriously. We demand an immediate and thorough investigation. We call for a formal apology by United Airlines and Chicago Department of Aviation to the gentleman and other passengers involved. We may take further public measures, upon the completion of the investigations and pending the course of action taken by United Airlines and the airport police authorities.

作为美国华人全国性的联盟组织, 我们对此事件表示严重关注。 UCA的宗旨是维护美国公民宪法授予的平等权利,为此,我们要求美联航以及芝加哥航空总署就此事件作出全面的调查并向当事人正式道歉, 我们会根据调查结果及事件处理情况保留进一步行动的权利。 

United Chinese Americans


April 10, 2017


  1. Congressman Rick Larsen, Aviation subcommittee ranking member ( Contaced in person and with staff person)

  2. Congresswoman Judy Chu (key staff) 

  3. Congressman Ted Lieu (staff)

  4. Congresswoman Grace Meng (staff)

  5. Congressman Bill Shuster (staff)

  6. Congresswoman Comstock (staff)

  7. Senator Tammy Duckworth (key staffer)

  8. Senator John Thune John Thune (chair)

  9. Senator Bill Nelson 

  10. Senator Shatz. 

  11. Long time assistant to Secretary Elaine Chao 

  12. DOT Civil Rights Division and Aviation Consumer Protection Division 


