
[Family] The Most Adorable Korean BBQ @ Piggy Pork

2015-04-09 shenzhenparty

The most adorable Korean BBQ in Coco Park Shopping Mall. With fine cut pork slides and all kinds of cold dishes! You can see adorable piggy decoration all around the restaurant. Come to take photos with them! They purposely keep the distance between seats at 15cm so you can stay close to your significant other. Piggy Pork is also the perfect place for friends get-together. Besides the piggy decoration, there’re also Korean music video playing at the background. At Piggy Pork you can play piggy games on your phone and win coupons! Piggy Pork offers carefully selected ingredient and besides that, there’re all kinds of free snacks and sauce.

Come and experience having BBQ on a Korean street!

要说吃肉卖萌哪家强那么“小猪猪”餐厅绝对可以成为深圳的一个萌级地标圣地。店内外随处可见的各种潮流造型,憨态可掬的萌猪玩偶。这些萌物是萌妹纸们争先合影的最佳对象,快来拍照pk一下吧。小猪猪的内部座位安排也是玄机重重,巧妙的将间距保持在15厘米,这样就可以和男神或者女神来一次“亲密接触”了,想想还有点小激动呢!同时小猪猪也是最佳的损友畅聊基地,无论是闺蜜八卦还是基友贴身密语,在小猪猪餐厅你值得拥有! 小猪猪餐厅除了随处可见的萌猪以外,还会播放各种小猪视频。让您无论是在等待还是用餐中都能感受到萌的力量。柔和了时尚动感的电子音乐做为背景音乐也是小猪猪的一个特色,“小猪猪”还会带你一起用手机玩打猪猪和萌主令的游戏,可以赢得优惠券呢!这么有爱的“小猪猪”,是不是让你整个人都感觉萌萌哒,成为在苦逼的工作学习之余一个释放都市生活压力的最佳场所。 “小猪猪“烤肉的食材特别考究、选用鲜嫩多汁的排骨五花肉,在特质的石板上进行烤制,一口咬下去,缠绕在唇齿间的肉香味,让你根本停不下来!除了主打的烤肉之外,“小猪猪”还配有多款中式热菜,小炒、冷拼、甜点应有尽有,满足吃货们的所有味蕾。同时“小猪猪”还特别厚道的为顾客免费提供美味小吃铜锣烧、韩国泡菜、烤肉配菜、烤肉蘸酱等等,而且是不限量噢!

Name of Place: “小猪猪”餐厅

Place Address: coco park shopping mall, 3rd floor C-002 ( Above the cinema) 深圳市福田区福华三路福田星河COCO Park三楼L3C-002

Place Phone: 0755-82115757

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