
SimplyWork Co-Working Space

2016-05-31 shenzhenparty

SimplyWork is a co-working space that provides high-quality services, community and inspiration to our members. Currently, we have four workspaces in the hub of technology - Shenzhen Hi-Tech Park/Shenzhen University.

For international members, besides offering a wonderful workspace, we can also help with IT services, book-keeping, tax-reporting, recruitment, travel arrangement, and etc. You will have access to all our local resources to save time and cost of adapting to the new business environment. From financing, advertisement, public relations to marketing, our services cover wide spectrum as we aim to assist you with everything you need.

Work is also about fun. In our office, we have unbeatable combination of hard work and great fun. A pub-like area where there are mini-golf, arcade machine and darts is here for you. Want to exercise? We have an in-house gym. Shower room and sauna room are also free of charge. Love animals? Our in-house cat Adding will occasionally come by to hang out.

Welcome to start your business in SimplyWork. We want to be with you at the beginning of your great success and grow with you to prosper together.

For a tour or more info, please contact:
Hong 1353-0613-913
wechat: simplywork_info

思微SimplyWork 是由85后全海归团队打造的一站式国际化众创空间,成立于2015年1月,为创业者们提供酷炫舒适的联合办公空间、国际平台的创投资源、专业贴心的创业服务、丰富多元的创新活动、热闹逗比的创业氛围。   思微目前在深圳南山区有四处众创空间,总面积一万二千平方米,除多类型办公室、会议室、活动厅外,还设有餐厅、吸烟室、沙龙区、游戏区、电话亭、复印站、健身房、淋浴间、冥想室等丰富的共享休闲区。   思微SimplyWork创立至今已有160余家创业团队入驻,1000位创业者在思微办公创业,是深圳聚集创业者最多的、最有情怀的、最国际化的众创空间。   思微APP为思微会员搭建线上创业社区,提供公司展示平台、创业需求发布、投融项目对接、服务资源共享、专属活动福利等内容。APP上线半年,已实名注册560名思微会员。   在思微SimplyWork创业,还可以近距离参加每周3-5场最优质的创业课堂、项目路演、投资人下午茶、O2O市集等活动,至今已举办100余场活动,接待近10000名创业者。每周思微社区会组织足球、篮球、登山、夜跑、电影等丰富的社团活动。

Place Name: 思微SimplyWork(Si Wei)

Place Address: 3F Fulizhen Building, 1 Kefa Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China


Place Phone: 13530613913

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