
[New] ONE S: Fine Dining Restaurant And Art Gallery

2016-06-03 shenzhenparty

ONE S is located in QianHai, one of the most imaginary landscape in Southern China. ONE S diverse itself with several sections, such as art, fine dining, bar, and gallery. ONE S seeks to create a dialogue between the established and the experimental, the past and the present, in an environment that is responsive to the issues of modern and contemporary art, while being accessible to a public that ranges from scholars to young children, creating a lifestyle that nourish both your soul and body.

We provide…
- Function place which cater for Arts Exhibition,  Annual Meeting, Small concert, Wedding Event, as well as your own personalized party within any space of ONE S; 
- Modern Canton style food prepared by our Michelin Star-rated chef;
- wine and liquor on the top Bar;

壹会,立足于深圳前海,首个集艺文、饮食、美学和生活为一体的中国核心城市商业主力店旗舰品牌,在过度城市化发展的现代社会中,以当代视角展开一场后都会 美学实践,成就当代生活美学理想范本。 位于壹会一层的是艺术空间,专注于当代艺术展览、交流及艺术品交易,联合了中国当代最具影响力的策展人共同发起,旨在引领深圳全城的艺术盛世。 壹会的二层是壹会餐厅。餐厅的厨师团队由米其林星厨构建,每一位厨师几乎都师出名门,或曾任职于国际五星酒店。精心挑选的食材来自全球各地,带着异域的风 情和不同于亚热带季风气候的味道乘坐专机,空降到壹会的餐桌上。壹会餐厅可容纳100人用餐,并且拥有主题大小包间共6个,每一个包间不仅有珍馐盛宴,还 有来自数名藏家的艺术珍品和艺术限量版。 壹会的三层是提供酒、茶、咖啡、甜品和轻餐的空中花园,是欢饮和博物两大业态相互影响和交融的主要发生地,包括酒吧,茶室,咖啡吧和书吧。  壹会作为当代都会美学生活体,将知识、审美和生活方式完美结合,多元业态兼容并处,自由存在;秉承着物善其用的哲学,采取全球优质资源,打点好每一处, 从空间到器物,从艺术品到美食,从展览到派对。竭尽心力准备好每次相见。

Place Name: ONE S Restaurant 壹会

Place Address: No.63, Qianwan First Road, Qianhai Shenzhen-HongKong Cooperation Zone, Shenzhen (Block 19, Qianhai Vanke Dream Park) 深圳市前海深港现代服务业合作区前海一路63号(前海企业公馆19栋)

Place Phone:  (755) 66866008

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