
Hong Kong’s Music & Arts Festival - Clockenflap

2016-06-13 shenzhenparty

Clockenflap 2016 is off to a strong start with record-breaking Early Bird sales and an outstanding music lineup that now includes LCD Soundsystem (US), George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic (US), 世界末日SEKAI NO OWARI (JP) and more. Already in its ninth year, the highly anticipated three-day event is set to be the biggest and best edition yet. The beloved festival will take place Friday, November 25, to Sunday, November 27, at Central Harbourfront, the most accessible of locations right in the heart of the city.

The annual festival is a unique opportunity for Hong Kong music and arts lovers to enjoy a quality lineup of talent rarely seen in the city. Above and beyond the music, the event will offer a cornucopia of entertainment to explore, from performing arts and installations to great food and a wealth of activities to enjoy with friends and family. Phase 1 limited discount tickets for Clockenflap 2016 are already on sale and will be available until June 16. For further information on the lineup, ticket types and prices, please visit clockenflap.com.



Since the announcement of the first lineup, big names such as Icelandic heavyweights Sigur Rós, festival favorite Foals and folk singer-songwriter Cheer Chen have attracted an overwhelming response from fans all over the world. Never one to disappoint, Clockenflap continues to excite with the addition of Dance-punk phenomenon LCD Soundsystem (US). The Sunday night headline act, the New York natives are back in the limelight following a five-year hiatus. Embarking on a world tour, they were top of the wish list for every festival this year, and will perform at Clockenflap as their only Asian festival date of 2016. Do not miss this once in a lifetime. 

A new addition to the stunning lineup is Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic (US). The P-Funk master will also be making his Clockenflap debut this year. His recent collaborations with Kendrick Lamar and Ice Cube prove that the legend has still got it, and we’re delighted to welcome him to the festival.

Rounding off the latest lineup announcement is J-Rock’s rising star, 世界末日 SEKAI NO OWARI (JP). Their unique sound has garnered them an incredible fan base both at home and around the world. Best known for their slightly outlandish, fantasy-like live performances, this is one act that must be seen. 

New additions to the lineup also include: Rødhåd (DE), BADBADNOTGOOD (CA), tfvsjs (HK), and 慘慘豬 CharmCharmChu (HK). Festival enthusiasts can preview the most updated lineup on clockenflap.com. 



This year’s Phase 1 limited discount tickets are already on sale and will end June 16. For further information on single-day and weekend ticket prices, please visit clockenflap.com/tickets. Young Clockenflappers who hold a valid full-time Hong Kong Student ID or are aged between 13-17 years old can also enjoy discounts on all ticket types. For festival-loving families, Clockenflap offers free entry for children aged 12 and under (maximum two per one paying adult). 

Stay tuned for more information, and register at clockenflap.com for newsletter updates. facebook.com/clockenflap 

Clockenflap 2016 勢如破竹,除了打破過去八年的早鳥門票銷售紀 錄,現在更於世界級的演出陣容中新增了LCD Soundsystem (美國)、George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic (美國) 、世界末日 SEKAI NO OWARI (日本)等演出單位。踏入第九 個年頭,今年Clockenflap將會是歷年來最鼎盛、最強勁的一屆。今屆盛事將於2016年11月25 日(星期五)至27日(星期日)於香港心臟地帶—中環海濱舉行。 作為香港的年度盛事,Clockenflap才華橫溢及精彩絕倫的演出陣容絕對是城中絕無僅有。 Clockenflap不單單只是音樂,還提供多種精彩娛樂節目,由行為和裝置藝術到美食及各種活 動,絕對適合一家大小和三五知己一同參與。第一階段限量優惠門票現正發售,優惠期至6月 16日。如欲了解更詳盡的演出陣容、門票種類和票價,可瀏覽clockenflap.com。  


音樂:新一輪演出單位強勢列陣 首輪演出陣容包括來自冰島的重量級人馬 Sigur Rós、新世代搖滾天團 Foals 和創作天后陳綺 貞已引起全城哄動。Clockenflap 為延續樂迷的熱情,在原有陣容中加入了 Dance-punk 傳奇 LCD Soundsystem (美國),他們將壓軸引爆星期日晚的 Clockenflap 盛會。五年後重踏舞台, 這隊紐約樂隊將會舉行世界巡迴演出。各大音樂節都爭相邀約他們上台表演,然而,在今年所 有亞洲音樂節之中,只有 Clockenflap 的舞台上才可看到他們的精彩演出。所以樂迷切勿錯失 這千載難逄的機會! 

新加入到演出陣容中的還有搖滾界殿堂級人物 George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic (美 國) 。P-Funk 大師 George Clinton 近期和 Kendrick Lamar 與 Ice Cube 的合作證明他仍然創作 力十足,今年更首次踏足 Clockenflap 的舞台,齊來期待他在 Clockenflap 的演出。 

除此之外,J-Rock 界炙手可熱的樂隊世界末日 SEKAI NO OWARI (日本)亦會登上今年的 Clockenflap 舞台。其獨特的音樂風格為他們帶來大批海內外支持者。他們的現場演出往往夢 幻當中帶點神秘, 為人津津樂道,樂迷必定要到 Clockenflap 親身體驗。  

即上 clockenflap.com 訂閱電子報,緊貼 Clockenflap 的最新消息。 

Event Date: Friday, November 25, 2016 - Sunday, November 27, 2016, 12:00pm - 11:00pm

Pricing Info: $520-$1940

Buying Tickets: Clockenflap.com

Place Address: Central Harbourfront, Hong Kong/中环海滨活动空间,中环龙和道9号

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