
[Dental] Dr Zac Morse @ Dental Bauhinia

2016-06-20 shenzhenparty

Dental Bauhinia is the first dental clinic operated by a Hong Kong dentist in mainland China under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA). Our dentists are from Hong Kong, Australia, Canada and mainland China Languages: English, Scandinavian, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese.

Emergency Dental – 24 hrs
General and Advanced Dentistry
Orthodontics - teeth straightening, also with invisible aligners (Invisalign) or with invisible braces placed behind the teeth.
Family and Children’s Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry & Teeth whitening
Painless Dentistry, Sedation and Special Care Dentistry
Reconstructive Dentistry and Implant replacement of lost teeth

Snoring and sleep apnea therapy

Dr Morse is an Australian dentist with advanced training in both Australia and Japan.  With over 20 years clinical experience has previously taught dentistry in Hong Kong and was an Associate Professor in dental universities in Japan and Fiji.  Dr Morse’s contributions todentistry and ethical standing were formally recognized by his peers by being awarded Honorary Fellowship in the Pierre Fauchard Academy, International College of Dentists and Academy of Dentistry International. Having obtained his PhD from the Nippon Dental University and is conversant in Japanese.

日本歯科大学 博士号、助教授

For consultation and appointments, please contact:
Dr Zac Morse

紫荆齿科是国内第一家由香港专业牙医在内地开设的独资口腔专科门诊部,也是国内唯一一家以舌侧正畸服务为核心的口腔门诊。门诊创办人朱胜吉博士是香港政府注册牙医(注册号3771),受雇于香港政府医院从事牙齿矫正(正畸)工作,同时 紫荆齿科是国内第一家根据CEPA协议由香港专业牙医在内地开设的口腔门诊部。门诊创办人朱胜吉博士是香港政府注册牙医,毕业于北京大学,并在香港大学以及英国爱丁堡皇家外科医学院获得矫齿学高级学位。门诊部其它主诊医生来自香港、澳大利亚以及中国内地,大部分医生具有国际教育背景,并拥有海外牙医执照。门诊部的设计和施工由香港专业团队完成,所使用的设备以及器材完全按照国际标准配置。目前门诊部共有六张牙科治疗椅,提供的治疗项目包括口腔综合治疗、口腔正畸治疗、美容修复、种植牙、牙齿美白等。

Place Name: 紫荆齿科

Place Address: 9/F, Block B, Shenzhen International Chamber of Commerce Building, 138 First Fuhua Rd, Futian District 深圳市福田区福华一路138号国际商会大厦B座9层

Place Phone: (755) 8371 1696 / English &日本語: 13670038844

Email: zacmorse@gmail.com

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