
[Family]​ The Painted Garden in Shenzhen

2016-08-24 shenzhenparty

The Painted Garden In Shenzhen will be held at Huaxia Art Center Experimental Theatre from Oct.4 to Oct.6, 2016.

Following its successful debut in Beijing in 2015, Italy’s interactive theatre company TPO is coming back to Beijing with their highly immersive plays, staring with the colourful, multimedia dance show The Painted Garden.

The Painted Garden is a story about the creation of a wonderful imaginary garden. It is dedicated to dance and to the poetics of gardens where the colours of the natural landscape and the geometric harmonies merge and play with each other. Throughout the performance, children are spontaneously invited onto the stage where they can interact with the dancers in an immersive manner.

The young audiences are not only able to observe the story of the wonderful garden but also to experience it with their bodies.

An interactive sensory MAGIC carpet

At the show the stage is projected into a high-resolution, swinging and colourful palette – what we called the magic carpet. Dancers invite the young audience to enter the scenes to interact and live a theatrical experience with images, sounds and movement. The magic carpet is set up with dozens of sensors underneath that allow both the performers and the young participants activate images, create virtual landscapes and compose musical works. 

With the creation of “sensitive” theatrical environments, children are totally engaged in a “dialogue” with space, forms and sounds in a unique artistic manner.

The Painted Garden has been staged all over the world and became immediately successful thanks to its perfect combination of high technology and the children’s adventurous playful heart.

After show workshop

After each show, there will be a parallel workshop for the kids.  Experts will guide the children to draw on paper what they have seen during the show in total freedom of their own imagination, something that the children do not have a chance to do in classroom.


在整场演出中,神奇的魔毯是舞台,演出者与声音、影像共舞,将遐想的旅行变成了现实。在音乐、舞蹈和色彩的引导下,孩子们将被带入一个美妙的艺术花园。 最令人激动地是,在场的小观众们都将受邀感受毯子的魔力,成为故事中的小主人公。孩子们在享受探索花园的乐趣同时,却又发现他们早已是这个故事里的一部 分!
装置在魔毯上的108个传感器则保证了每个动作和每一个声音都会得到来自舞台的反馈。自然流畅却又充满曲折的 故事情节中,孩子们可以用他们的小手、小脚丫、用整个肢体去感受和改变这个奇妙"花园"不断变化的景色,这段神奇的经历将会像一个甜蜜的梦永远留在每一个 小朋友的心里。
For more: http://en.damai.cn/Shenzhen/

Event Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 - 10:00am - Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 7:00pm

Pricing Info: 600-880

Booking Phone Number: 10103721 / 4006103721

Place Name: Huaxia Art Center

Place Address: 1 Guangqiao Street, OCT, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区华侨城光侨街1号

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