
Whales, Stories of Giants - Hypermedia Dance Performance

2016-08-31 shenzhenparty

Whales, Stories of Giants - Hypermedia Dance Performance In Shenzhen will be held at Shenzhen Children‘s Palace from Sep.16 to Sep.17, 2016.

Genre: Hypermedia contemporary Dance 3D / New stage languages
Audience: Children/Families  (4 up to 12 years)
Full length: 70 min

Hypermedia Dance Performance for Children (4 - 12 years old)
Coproduction between Spain, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay with the support of Iberescena
BEST DANCE PERFORMANCE AWARD - Performing Arts Europea Fair (FETEN 2015)
Innovative and interdisciplinary performance inspired by stories and legends and stories from Mexico and Chile tradition, where the interactivity between dance and 3D projections allow the viewer to immerse in ancient stories with a contemporary esthetic and narrative.

Ballenas, Historias de Gigantes

For its creators, located in different countries and interdisciplinary training, it’s about to eliminate geographical and temporary barriers (the journey of the whales is ancestral and goes from Baja California to the southern seas) but also the boundaries between fact and fiction thanks to the incorporation of new technologies, especially in stereoscopic 3D projections, which make this a show especially appealing to children and other “digital” audience.

"Whales, stories of giants" is a single story divided into four acts. The myths of the various geographies, Baja California and Chile, are intertwined, and so are the elements common to all humans, finally in the same world, with its seas and whales in mating ceremonies, and their deserts that speak of death as a part of evolution.

The creators, who belong to the dance companies Larumbe Danza (Spain), Pendulo Cero (Mexico), and Maria Paz Calabrano (Hain Producciones / Chile) interact with the virtual set, made by SNEO Mestizaje Projects (Spain), which consist on a screen in the background that projects stereoscopic 3D images. In this way, viewers go to the theater but see a show with 3D glasses as if they were at the movies.

Event Date: Friday, September 16, 2016 - Saturday, September 17, 2016 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Pricing Info: RMB 80/160/230/300/600

Booking Phone Number: 10103721/400-610-3721

Place Name: Shenzhen Children's Palace

Place Address: Fuzhong 1 Rd, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区福中一路市少年宫

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