
[Family] Slava's Snowshow

2017-05-31 shenzhenparty

Catapulting more than 5 million people back to childhood in over 30 countries

Snowshow is a universal and timeless theatrical poetic spectacle which has unanimously enchanted and empowered the imagination of audiences in tens of countries, hundreds of cities with multiple thousands of performances resulting in millions of spectators from all nationalities, gender, beliefs, types and ages like no other show. It is a genre of it’s own and remains as spontaneous and magical as the first day, systematically catapulting all adults back in childhood. Snowshow has restored the art of clowning by seducing back all those who claim no interest in the ageing clowns traditional circuses.

A caravan of organized chaos, revelry and enchantment that ceaselessly trundles round the world, it offers everybody – everybody, young and old – an opportunity to leave their regulated lives at the theatre doors and enter a condition of delighted idiocy. We could say that Snowshow is just an excuse to celebrate life in a foolish way.

This highly acclaimed international visual tragi-comedy clown masterpiece has won the highest theatrical awards from London to New-York, Australia to Mexico, Paris to Moscow… including the Laurence Olivier Award in England and the Triumph Award in Russia. 

A theatrical masterpiece for families, lovers and joy seekers easily understood by all around the world, resulting into thousands of happy human faces every night glowing on earth. 

“Slava’s Snowshow is to clowning what Cirque du Soleil is to the circus…Slava’s Snowshow is as theatrical as it is simple, as involving as it is inspiring.” 

“Utterly breathtaking, the stage effects are dazzling…Suddenly the audience is young, innocent, and transported with delight.” 

Date & Time
1 Aug 2017 (Tue) at 8pm
2 Aug 2017 (Wed) at 8pm
3 Aug 2017 (Thu) at 8pm
4 Aug 2017 (Fri) at 8pm
5 Aug 2017 (Sat) at 2pm & 8pm
6 Aug 2017 (Sun) at 2pm & 8pm

For more: 

Please note that event time varies on different dates.



斯拉法是當今世上最唯美的形體詩人。其舞台設計的華麗被國際評論稱讚為丑劇界視覺盛宴!成長於充斥著KGB秘密警察的蘇聯,對差利卓別靈等喜劇巨匠充滿憧憬, 遂以默劇入詩,將少時的喜怒哀樂演變成十三首優美的「詩篇」,配以美輪美奐的舞台設計、精湛的默劇形體藝術和經典樂章,創作出這個獲奬無數的音樂丑劇!全劇沒有一句對白,卻有無盡的詩意。黃、綠小丑充滿荒誕的battle對決,讓人時而大笑狂喜,時而感動落淚!

此劇是一個互動劇場,台上的小丑將不時向你灑水戲弄,使用層出不窮的方法向你「施襲」,挑戰你的低線,將你拉離comfort zone, 開啟你的冒險潛能!當你和小丑們同一陣線,一起在台下拋頂著龐然巨大的彩球、在地上拾起暴風雪後的雪花玩耍,便會驚喜地發現我們心中的「小丑」!與「他」忘我地耍樂吧!因為「他」是你最真誠的朋友和快樂的泉源!

「不能錯過的經典」-《 The Independent》

Date & Time
1 Aug 2017 (Tue) at 8pm
2 Aug 2017 (Wed) at 8pm
3 Aug 2017 (Thu) at 8pm
4 Aug 2017 (Fri) at 8pm
5 Aug 2017 (Sat) at 2pm & 8pm
6 Aug 2017 (Sun) at 2pm & 8pm

Pricing Info:  

Standard: $880 / $680 / $480 

Wheelchair: $680 

Restricted View: $48

Place Name: The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Place Address:  2 Venues:1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong / 139 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong 灣仔校園: 香港灣仔告士打道一號 / 伯大尼校園: 香港薄扶林道139號

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