New Beginnings - An Exciting Time at Green Oasis School


The ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” The educational journey for our students at Green Oasis School is no different. It starts from the moment children enter our classes to the day when they leave; hopefully a little wiser, more knowledgeable and confident to face the next step on the journey their lives will take.

It is a fact that schools are only a very short part of people’s lives, and yet those 12 or 13 years are some of the most significant. The experiences, opportunities, confidence and skills they learn through their education, be they academic or social, which will ultimately mold them into the adults they will become in the future. Of course it is also how students use these opportunities and it is the hope of every educator that our students use them wisely with thoughtfulness and above all share our passion for ensuring they reach their full potential.

Although we are all ultimately responsible for our own journey as teachers, we know we are also responsible for guiding our students to ensure they make the right choices in life. This is why at Green Oasis School, our Vision is so important to us. Our most important work is to ensure students are educated, nurtured and inspired to face the journey they will take both at school and when they leave. Part of that is to accept that mistakes are part of the life we will have and should not be avoided as they are often what make us stronger. It is how we recover from these mistakes that are most important. Part of our responsibility at GOS is to ensure students have the tools and the support to do just that. Mel Gibson, the movie actor has had plenty of ups and many downs, his quote I believe sums up the need to understand that a mistake is not a failure, but a chance for a new and maybe exciting beginning. He writes:

“It’s a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don’t know about you, but I make plenty. You can’t turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead.” —Mel Gibson

Looking ahead is exactly what we must all do. Mistakes are part of life; we learn from them, they can make us resilient and more determined. Here at Green Oasis we understand that students are growing, changing and open to new experiences. It is part of our Vision to ensure they are nurtured and learn to make choices and decisions that are the best for them. We also know that mistakes are inevitable and not the ‘end of the world’, thus they need to see them as a learning tool to improve and grow as young adults.  At GOS it is important to us that we do nurture our students, guide them and give them the support they need throughout their time with us through formal classes and during the day through counseling and from teachers.

Green Oasis School is aware that in our 18 year history, we have had many students through our doors. It is our hope that they have all been inspired to become the adults we knew they could. As we approach our 20th Anniversary, we would be keen to hear from alumni and read their stories. We invite our former students to contact the school through email, so we can continue to celebrate your achievements and successes in life.

Helen Swan 


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Place Name: Green Oasis School Shenzhen 深圳市福田区城市绿洲学校

Place Address: No 4030, Shennan Middle Road, Tianmian, Futian District, Shenzhen 广东省深圳市福田区田面村深南中路4030号

Place Phone: 0755 - 8395 9000

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