
Exhibition “La Chine de Marc Riboud” at Luohu Art Museum

shenzhenparty 2020-10-25

Picture exhibition - Marc Riboud's China

Forbidden City under the snow, China, 1957 © Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud’s Chinese portraits offer the viewer an insight into what China has experienced and how it has transformed over the space of more than half a century.

Mesmerised by this vast country and its age-old civilisation, he explored how Chinese people have lived since the rule of Chairman Mao, moving on from the “Great Leap Forward” to lay the foundations for their economic boom.

Marc Riboud, one of France’s greatest photographers, continuously visited China from his first trip in 1957 until his last to Shanghai in 2010, sketching a portrait of China which forms a world all of its own. His unique photographs have been displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of New York since the late 1960s, as well as at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and many other places around the world.

This series of 36 photographs traces the history of China over more than 50 years, and is a testament to Marc Riboud’s fondness for the country, and for Asia as a whole.


From April 26th to May 25th 2019 

The exhibition of 36 photographs taken by Marc Riboud in China, from his first trips in 1957 and 1965 to his photographs of Shanghai in the 2000s, is presented at Luohu Art Museum in Shenzhen, in collaboration with the French Consulate in Guangdong and the support of French Institute in China.

For more: http://marcriboud.com

About Luohu Art Museum

Luohu Art Museum opened in 2014, is situated in one of the most populated place in Shenzhen, a young and dynamic city.

It commits to putting on the light on spreading contemporary art in China by introducing major artworks from all China and foreign countries. In autumn 2018, the museum took part to the 3rd edition of the Shenzhen International Photography Week as co-organizer. At this occasion, a conference in tribute to Marc Riboud was organized in Luohu Art Museum.

Opening Hours: From 10:00am-6:00pm (Closed on Monday)

2019 Croisements Festival

For this its 14th edition, the Croisements Festival is bringing its cutting-edge program to more than 30 cities across China. Once again, the festival will celebrate artistic encounters between France and China, in all disciplines and spanning all eras. The event is being supported by three Chinese celebrities, whose talent is matched only by their fame: the actress Zhao Wei, the visual artist Xu Bing and the musician and producer Gao Xiaosong.

To find out more Excellence of French Culture in China, please visit: https://www.faguowenhua.com 

观看马克·吕布的中国肖像作品系列,如同亲身感受中国近半个世纪的的巨变。 摄影师为这个辽阔的国家和她的千年文明所着迷,他多次来到中国,见证了毛泽东时代和大跃进时期人民的生活,也记录了上世纪末的高速经济增长。

马克·吕布,最有影响力的法国摄影师之一,从其1957 年第一次踏上中国这片土地,到最后一次2010 年上海之行,他镜头中的中国独具一格。 70 年代末,其摄影原作在纽约大都会博物馆,巴黎市现代博物馆和世界其它地方展出。 此次展出的36 幅摄影作品追述中国50 年发展的历史,见证了马克·吕布对这个国家,对亚洲深深的热爱。




  • 地铁: 乘坐地铁2号线(蛇口线)至湖贝站A出口广深宾馆旁

  • 公交:乘公交车至广深宾馆下车前行50米转入南极路

Event Date: From Now - Saturday, May 25, 2019 10:00am - 6:00pm

Pricing Info: Free entry

Phone Number: 0755-82340049

Place Address: Luohu Art Museum, No. 6, Nanji Lu, Luohu District, Shenzhen 深圳市罗湖区南极路6号罗湖美术馆

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