
Education Re-imaged @Whittle School & Studios

shenzhenparty 2020-10-25


Whittle School & Studios intends to create the world's first truly modern school serving students from age 3 to 18, with a global network of high-end private school campuses. Founded by Chris Whittle, an early leader of the charter school movement in the US, the school is forming local partnerships in over 30 major cities around the world.   


Whittle School & Studios will bring together renowned educators to provide a world-class education for its students, one that is personalized, prepares students for the future, and enables unique global exchange experiences. The first two campuses of Whittle School & Studios will be in Washington, D.C. and Shenzhen, China, with both campuses scheduled to open in the fall of 2019. 

荟同学校旨在打造首个面向未来的全球高端私立教育网络, 其创办人是美国教育改革家、全美“特许学校革新运动”领导者魏克礼先生。荟同将与当地合作方携手,在全球主要大型城市建立校区,服务幼儿园到高中年龄段的学生及其家庭,汇集世界最前沿教育教学成果,提供以个性化学习、面向未来、全球交流和全人发展为主要特色的优质基础教育。   

荟同聚集了全世界最顶尖的人才。顾问团队成员包括中国滴滴出行总裁柳青女士、美国耶鲁大学前校长Benno Schmidt、加拿大多伦多大学前校长及MIT理学院前院长Robert Birgeneau、冬奥冠军杨扬女士等各界领袖人物。课程设计和教育团队包括美国加州伯克利大学前校长、哥伦比亚大学执行副校长Nick Dirks、英国哈罗公学校长Jim Hawkins等众多教育界资深人士。管理团队则包括波音中国区前总裁、美国Edison Schools前CEO、中国人大附中、上海包玉刚学校前副校长、纽约州州长教育政策顾问等行业精英。荟同校园则由曾以巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心等作品闻名世界的普利兹克奖建筑设计大师Renzo Piano亲自设计。  

Contact Information

Address: 18/F CMPort Building, Industrial 3rd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen  深圳市南山区工业三路招商局港口大厦18层

Websites: https://www.whittleschool.org/en/

Phone: 0755-26691818

Email: myszadmission@whittleschool.org

Whittle Parent Information Events will be held on irregular basis in Shenzhen. Welcome to join one of the events and have a face-to-face communication with the team.


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