
Shenzhen's Only English Daily Newspaper

shenzhenparty 2020-10-25


Shenzhen Daily is the leading news platform in South China, covering local, national and international breaking news and in-depth stories, featuring hot local events and reviews from our own columnists. Dedicated to English language media for nearly 20 years, it has won extensive praise in the industry with its diversified and globalized perspectives, as well as its professional and profound content. 


Shenzhen Daily publishes multimedia content across multiple platforms: Shenzhen Daily newspaper, online at www.eyeshenzhen.com, the WeChat accounts Shenzhen Daily and EyeShenzhen, and weibo, twitter and facebook accounts under the name of Shenzhen Daily.

● Shenzhen Daily newspaper 


英文深圳日报创刊于1997年7月1日,是华南地区唯一的英文日报,立足于珠三角,辐射全国,影响海外,发行地包括中国大陆、香港、美国、印尼。Shenzhen Daily, initiated in 1997, is the only daily English newspaper in the Pearl River Delta area. It is published on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, the United States and Indonesia, and is gaining an immense influence.

● www.eyeshenzhen.com


深圳英文门户网站“爱深圳”主打新闻、生活时尚资讯及服务,是一个服务广大外籍人士、面向全球、联接中外、沟通世界的综合性服务平台。www.eyeshenzhen.com is the English-language Web portal for Shenzhen City. It provides abundant information about news, life, culture, business and public services in Shenzhen via video, audio, images and text.

● ShenzhenDaily WeChat account 


深圳唯一的双语新闻类微信公众号,每天发布深圳相关热门新闻、重要活动。From news to hot events, ShenzhenDaily shares what’s hot in Shenzhen with you. It is the only WeChat account that releases daily bilingual news in Shenzhen.

● EyeShenzhen WeChat account 


外籍人士玩转大深圳的必备资讯平台,每日刊登艺术展览、餐饮旅游、演出活动等各类生活娱乐信息, 还有各种生活小贴士!The EyeShenzhen official WeChat account tells you how to make the most of Shenzhen, with useful life tips and the latest art exhibitions, concerts, travel opportunities, shows, charity events and more.


● 深圳日报-英文微博账号

及时关注国际新闻,深圳新闻。深圳唯一双语微博,外籍人士和英语爱好者的朋友。An important source of news for expats and a good friend of English-learners.

● Facebook and twitter 


Shenzhen Daily 脸书、推特账号,为读者提供更为便捷和多渠道的信息服务, 让世界了解深圳。We use our facebook and twitter accounts to interact with expats living in Shenzhen and foreign users who want to know more about the city.

● 其它服务 Other services

1) 翻译制作各类双语宣传册,城市概览。Producing bilingual city profiles.

2) 举办涉外活动,搭建友谊之桥。Organizing cross-cultural events, such as the annual Expats Chinese Talent Competition.

3) 承接地方政府英文网站。Making English language web sites for local government departments.

● 欢迎致电或电邮垂询 Contact us :


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