
Entry & Exit Policy Changes Amid NCP Outbreak

ShenzhenDaily shenzhenparty 2020-10-25

TO prevent and control the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) epidemic, some countries and regions have rolled out temporary entry control measures. What are the important changes in the entry and exit policies during the epidemic prevention period? How to apply for visa extension and residence permit for foreigners during this period?


Q: What are the changes in the entry and exit policy between Hong Kong and the mainland? 


* On February 5, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) announced the immediate suspension of the entry and exit services at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and the Ocean Terminal. From 00:00 February 8, all persons arriving from the mainland (including Hong Kong residents, residents of the mainland and other visitors) will be subject to a 14-day mandatory quarantine. 

* The Government of Hong Kong SAR announced on February 7 that persons holding tourist visas with a validity period or a permitted stay of less than 14 days will be declined entry. 

* Travelers to and from Hong Kong should follow closely the changes in entry and exit restrictions of the Hong Kong SAR and make proper plans for exit. When the travel is unavoidable, please be well-informed of the current entry regulations of Hong Kong SAR and get well-prepared in advance to avoid unnecessary losses.

* 2月5日,香港特别行政区政府宣布,即时暂停启德邮轮码头和海运码头出入境服务,自2月8日零时起要求从内地入境人员(含香港居民、内地居民和其他旅客)必须接受14天检疫。

* 2月7日宣布,对于所持旅游签证有效期限或签注逗留期限不足14天的人员,将拒绝入境。

* 广大出入境人员,请密切关注香港特别行政区出入境限制变化,合理安排出境计划。如因紧急事由必须前往的,请提前了解香港特别行政区现行入境管理规定,提前做好相关准备,避免造成不必要的损失。

Q: Are there any restrictions on foreigners re-entering Shenzhen after leaving the Chinese mainland?


* When entering Shenzhen, travelers should take a temperature check (automatic or manual) and fill in a health card properly before submitting. Entries will be allowed if there is no abnormality in body temperature. 


Q: Could foreigners living in Shenzhen but used to apply for tourist visas in Hong Kong apply for a new one in Shenzhen now?


* Visa extension could be applied.

* 可以申请延期。

Q: Could foreigners with type L, M, Q2, S2 visas issued by non-Chinese mainland (including Hong Kong and Macao) foreign affairs authorities apply for an extension before their current stay expires?


* During the epidemic prevention and control period, the Exit and Entry Administration of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau will continue to provide foreigners with visa extension and residence permit application services to ensure the legal stay and residence of foreigners. Express services are provided for those with urgent needs. In order to effectively avoid gathering of crowds, the Exit and Entry Administration of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau provides an appointment-only service of document applications. Foreigners shall make an appointment on the “Shenzhen Public Security” WeChat official account, and arrange the time for application reasonably. When conditions permit, universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and other institutions that deal with foreigners frequently could be allowed to apply for the documents on the foreigners' behalf or be provided with certain facilitation according to their needs.

* 疫情防控期间,深圳市公安局出入境管理局将继续为外国人提供签证延期和停留居留证件办理服务,保障外国人合法停留居留,对有紧急需要的将加急办理相关证件。为有效避免人员聚集,深圳市公安局出入境管理局实施全预约办证服务,外国人须在“深圳公安”公众号进行预约,合理安排办证时间。对接待外国人较多的高校、科研院所、企事业单位等机构,将根据相关单位办证需求,视情允许代办证件或提供其他必要的办证便利。

Q: How could foreigners who are currently outside the Chinese mainland and have residence permits issued by the Exit and Entry Administration of Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau re-enter the country when their permits are expired due to failure to travel back to Shenzhen for extension because of the epidemic? How could they extend the residence permits once they re-enter? Are there any requirements on the type of visa they hold when re-entering?


* Foreigners who could not enter the Chinese mainland within the validity period of their residence permits due to the epidemic could enter with visas of type Z, L, M, F, Q, S when the epidemic is over. They shall submit applications for work permit extension to the foreign experts affairs authorities before applying to the Exit and Entry Administration of Shenzhen Public Security Bureau for the extension of residence permits.


Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government

Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau

February 11, 2020




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