
老实念佛 带业往生

2018-03-24 则悟大和尚 佛心慧语

皈依正信三宝,远离附佛外道, 听闻正法,亲近善士,依教奉行,持戒精进。 皈依佛、皈依法、皈依僧!


The words of Abbot 

If one chants the name of the Buddha (Amitābha) sincerely, he or she will be born in the realm of Western Pure Land (Sukhāvatī ) with karma. 


Indeed, there is no higher or lower Dharma (superiority dharma) but it depends on the roof of sentient beings whether he or she has a sharp or dull faculty of wisdom. If one can make a vow to chant the name of the Buddha continuously no matter whether he or she is excellent or ordinary, unwise man or woman, even people engaging with five severe Offences(Ānantarika-karma)and ten evil actions (DaśŒkuśala), regardless of any sentient beings as long as they make a sincere vow to reborn in Western Pure Land, and chant the name of the Amitābha Buddha sincerely and honestly; eventually, they can be born in the Western Pure Land with Karma. This is the greatness or uniqueness of the teaching of Pure Land School.



