No. 1 Guangzhou Road, Lvdu
The heart is here, the light is here. Return to the mountains and rivers, natural taste. Hide a poem of the four seasons in the Qingyunpu.
We invite you to join us in this fantasy of time flow and explore a journey of encounter with “perception”.We hope to reveal the true essence of design, with calm materials as the foundation and lines and light as the boundary, to write a poem of stunning four seasons for Qingyunpu, Nanchang.
丨自然写意丨Natural and freehand
The sparse forest and miscellaneous trees follow the traces of time, Entering the park from the outskirts of the city while exploring shadows and exploring the realm.Under the rendering of Lingquan Mountain stones, a pure and powerful space field is finally formed, creating an experience of entering nature for healing.
The sunset glow shines down, Lightweight water features and clear glass with rich layers of light and shadow. Everywhere you look, there is exquisite and delicate beauty.The lines of light highlight the texture, and the simple language fits the project tone.
丨美学诉说丨Aesthetic narration
Entering by the light, at the end of the corridor are stone, lighting and exquisite plants, forming an elegant combination of high-end and natural simplicity.In the fusion of virtual and real, light and shadow flow, and the scenery is full of vitality.People shuttle through the scene and artistic conception of light and space, enjoying the relaxation of time aesthetics.
Walking here, you can feel the light and shadow in the space, experience the changes of the seasons in the swaying light and shadow, and watch in silence, waiting for you to embrace the gentle and restrained natural power.
置石 | 大巧若拙 质朴求真 |自然而然|让石头按照它原来的方式而存在。
Stone placement | Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication | Seeking truth from simplicity | Let the stone exist in its original way naturally.
丨时光剧场丨Time Theater
The green plants scattered on the water surface become the natural boundary of the high-end healing garden, forming an ecological slice like growing in the mountains and fields.People immerse themselves in the natural scenery to appreciate the combination of movement and stillness, touch the hard and soft, and perceive the exquisite and original.
The facade of the installation is decorated with more than 700 glass bricks, each of which is a work of art of light and shadow installation. During the day, the light and shadow pass through the wind, giving it a natural shape. When the sunlight shines on the leaves, the plants become colored.
Using light and shadow to express emotions for life, life is instantly present in this theater. The stars in the four fields are reborn in spring. The garden is constantly growing, and so are you.
▽疗愈花园空间施工前后对比 Comparison before and after construction
▽沉思静想空间施工前后对比 Comparison before and after construction
开发商:绿都地产;摄影:Chill Shine丘文三映
- 感谢 九沐景观 -
绿野中的隐舍:杭州 西湖高尔夫别墅 | NCD Studio 玖鹿设计
东莞中心城区立体慢行系统 | eLandscript译地设计
上海桃花源私庭营造 | 墨刻丨無言斋造园
蜿蜒的岸线:成都·天府麓湖美食岛二期 | 四周建筑
穿街引园:上海张江AI未来街区 | 大正建筑
临崖与框悠:雾露夼瞭望台与马槽湾听溪台 | 大小景观
电影感的东方都会美学空间:郑州 中建·柒號院 大区 | 顺景设计施工一体