
"Marlboro Boys": These Kids Smoking Like Adults SHOCK YOU AWAY!

2016-10-30 Hilary 华人瞰世界

More than 70% of Indonesian men smoke. So DO more than 40% of 13- to 15-year old boys. And there are the legions of EVEN YOUNGER smokers!

Despite recent bans on smoking in public places and prohibitions on cigarette ads, public-health activists describe Indonesia as a 'playground' for big tobacco companies like Philip Morris, which makes the country's No. 2 cigarette as well as the ubiquitous brand evoked by Michelle Siu's photos of the kids she calls...

'Marlboro boys'

This little boy who used to smoke up to two packs a day before cutting down, smokes while his mother breastfeeds his younger sibling!

And he enjoys his first cigarette at 7am before he attends first grade!

This little boy, a third grader, smokes in his bedroom!

This little boy buys a single cigarette in the town!

Then he smokes at home. He is only five years old!

This boy has smoked since he was five, slowly inhales his first cigarette of the day. If his grandmother refuses to give him money for cigarettes, he goes through withdrawal, crying and throwing fits!

Kids buy single cigarettes at a kiosk after school in Jakarta!

This boy smokes about a pack a day!

This boy, 14, has smoked since he was 11.

While smoking rates are declining in many western countries, the opposite is happening right in Indonesia. Indonesia’s economy is dependent upon the tobacco industry, which has proven to be extremely profitable. Many Indonesians make their livelihood through tobacco farming, and are surrounded by cigarettes from an early age. Smoking regulations in Indonesia are few and far between. “It is hard for the government to really want to regulate the industry. It is something that they make A LOT OF MONEY off of!”, says the photographer.

By seeing all these very disturbing photos of these little kids who can't live without smoking, what do you think?!

Photographer: Michelle Siu, a documentary photographer and freelance photojournalist based in Toronto, Canada.

Source: Time



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