
【智库交流】中波智库2017华沙对话举行 通过《华沙共识》(中英全文)

2017-09-22 政治学与国际关系论坛


中波智库2017华沙对话举行 通过《华沙共识》(中英全文)



中国青年网华沙9月19日电(记者 赵明) 2017年9月18日,由东中西部区域发展和改革研究院与波兰经济大会基金会共同主办的“中国波兰智库2017华沙对话”,在波兰首都华沙拥有百年历史的华沙图书馆举行。与会各方一致通过《华沙共识》后,圆满完成各项议程。中国驻波兰使馆徐坚大使出席并致辞,中国东中西部区域发展和改革研究院院长、国家智库总编于今,波兰前总理、波兰经济大会基金会主席、波中一带一路促进联席会共同主席帕夫拉克,波兰图书馆馆长斯塔格,东中西部区域发展和改革研究院助理研究员、中国社会科学院国家全球战略智库特约研究员李永强,外交合作研究所主席思泽德鲁,波兰经济大会基金会理事长、波兰人民党秘书长路德维科夫斯基先后发言。本次对话以“开创中波关系的黄金时代”为主题,围绕“深化中波关系、‘一带一路’相关项目、构建新型智库平台”等三个议题展开。双方还就落实2015年、2016年中波智库对话签署的合作协议内容,重点推进中波智库产业集群园区合作等事宜展开深入交流。



  —— 开拓创新合作机制,对接“一带一路”倡议。我们将共同本着和平合作 、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的丝路精神,围绕“一带一路”倡议“五通”目标,以项目推进为依托,丰富国际交往层次,畅通互联互通渠道,拓展经贸教育金融网络,厚植智库人文交流基础,共商合作大计,共享智慧成果,共建“一带一路”在中波、中国-中东欧国家合作、中欧的国际合作特色新型智库平台。


  —— 深化务实高效合作,共推智库经济发展。我们重申致力于全面落实2013年北京对话、2014华沙对话、2015北京对话、2016年北京对话,发挥协同效应,挖掘两国增长新动能,谋求两国发展新动力,拓展中波贸易与投资领域新空间。我们愿以“波中一带一路促进联席会”作为促进“一带一路”倡议的重要支点之一,研究、推进“一带一路共同货币”项目,共同打造中波智库产业集群园区,积极推动“波中智库产业集群园区”在波兰、中国选址落地,优先考虑把波兰科技创新企业引进具有发展潜力的雄安新区、粤港澳大湾区。我们欢迎中波两国政策研究界、科技界、学术界、工商企业界、金融界通过技术转移转化、孵化器、知识产权交易、跨境投资等方式加强创新创业合作,参与“智库产业集群园区”建设。我们积极落实“一带一路”倡议以及“中国——中东欧合作框架”的具体项目,包括推进在中波农产品专项贸易、波中银行、中波教育、文物修复技术、消防产业、司法与反恐等领域的具体合作项目。





  两国智库将依循“中波智库华沙共识”,不定期举办两国政策分析会,介绍各自国家经济、政治、社会、文化、政党的发展中出现的问题,分享中波发展经验,总结中波智库合作成果,持续密切相互联系与交流合作,以期更好地为中波合作、中波与中东欧国家合作、中欧合作,采取更为积极且主动的行动,落实更为重要与明确的意义,发挥坚定而有效的作用。(记者 赵明)




回顾历史,自2013年以来,中波两国智库(中国·东中西部区域发展和改革研究院和波兰经济大会基金会)开展了富有成效的合作,这一合作助力中波关系、中波全面战略伙伴关系的积极发展。自2013年,中国提出“一带一路”倡议以来,中波两国对接“一带一路”倡议的进程中,中波两国智库积极助力中波两国在“一带一路”倡议推进中的合作。到2017年, “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛在北京的召开、波中一带一路促进联席会的成立以及其成为中共中央对外联络部“一带一路”智库合作联盟理事单位之一,开启了中波智库合作的新的里程碑。






The Warsaw Form of Poland-China Think Tanks 2017, the Consensus of Poland-China Think Tanks

Time:2017-09-19 16:18:00 Source: China Youth China Youth International

  Beijing, Sept.19,China Youth Review the history, since 2013, the think tanks of the two countries (China·China Region Development & Reform Institute and Polish Economic congress foundation) have carried out the fruitful cooperation, which is helpful to the China-Poland relations, the China-Poland Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Since 2013, China proposed "The Belt and Road" Initiative, in the process of China and Poland for docking "The Belt and Road" Initiative, the think tanks of China and Poland actively helped the cooperation of the two countries in the process of "The Belt and Road" initiative. By 2017, the holding of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, the founding of Joint Committee for Advancement of the Belt and Road between Poland and China, and then it became one of the council members of think tanks cooperation of Ministry of foreign affairs of the CPC Central Committee, opened a new milestone in the cooperation of China-Poland think tank.
  As the sponsors for “The Warsaw Dialogue of Poland-China Think Tanks 2017” the think tanks of the two country, with the “Golden Time of China-Poland relation” as the chief theme, talk freely about the "The Belt and Road" initiative and the bright prospective of the China-Poland cooperation, discuss together about the opportunity for the cooperation of international regional cooperation among China-Poland and Middle East Europe, and design the innovation cooperation blue print, after discussion and gestation, forming the following consensus.
  --Reclaim innovation cooperation mechanism, docking "The Belt and Road" initiative. With the spirit of silk road “peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusivity, mutual learning and mutual benefit”, surrounding the “policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration ,people-to-people bond” as the goals of "The Belt and Road" Initiative, and with the project promotion as the support, we will rich international communication, open interoperability channels, expanding economy finance and education network, cultivate people-culture exchanges based in think-tanks, and discuss cooperation plans, share wisdom, to build the new type of think tank platform with characteristics of international cooperation in the cooperation for China-Poland, China-Central and Eastern Europe 44 29948 44 13337 0 0 5002 0 0:00:05 0:00:02 0:00:03 5002an countries, China and Europe for construction of "The Belt and Road" together.
  --Deepen pragmatic and efficient cooperation, push for economic development of the think tanks. We reaffirm to devote ourselves to full implementation “Beijing Dialogue 2013”, “Warsaw Dialogue 2014”, ”Beijing 2015”, ”Beijing 2016”, excavate new momentum in growth for the two countries, and seek new impetus for the development of the two countries and expand new space in the field of China-Poland trade and investment. We will take the Joint Committee for Advancement of the Belt and Road between Poland and China as one of the important pivot points to promote the “Belt and Road" initiative, research and promote the project of “Joint Currency of the Belt and Road”, make the think tank industry colony park of China-Poland together, push positively “the think tank industry colony park of China-Poland” to get location in Poland and China, give priority to the introduction of the Poland science and technology innovation enterprise to the Xiongan New Area and the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" which have potential mostly. And welcome the policy research circles, scientific and technological circles, the academia, the industrial and commercial circle, the financial circles of China-Poland, hence the cooperation for the innovation and doing pioneering work with the ways as technology transfer, incubators, intellectual property rights transactions, cross border investment and so on, and participate the construction of “the think tank industry colony park of China-Poland”. We positively implement "The Belt and Road" initiative and the specific projects of the framework for China-Central and Eastern Europe cooperation, which include the special cooperation subjects of the agricultural special products of China-Poland, the Poland-China Bank, the education of China and Poland, the restoration of cultural relics, the judicial and anti-terrorism and so on.
  --Development partnerships of the think tanks, sharing the achievements of the wisdom development. We will take the ways of equality and flexibility with the think tanks of “the Visegrad Group” to develop dialogue and cooperation, and to build the think tank cooperation for “the Visegrad Group+ China”, and further promote the cooperation and coordination among the think tanks of “the Visegrad Group” and the think tanks of China, and to promote the formation and perfection of corresponding mechanism.
  At last, we will follow the “The Warsaw Consensus of the Poland-China think tanks”, and summarizing the cooperation between the China-Poland, sharing the development experience of the economy for China and Poland, maintaining close contact and communication cooperation with each other, to get better for the cooperation for China and Poland, the cooperation for China-Poland and the central and Eastern Europe, and cooperation for China-Europe, take more active and proactive actions, implement more important and clear meaning, play strong and effective role.











