
11月13日 手风琴大师Richard Galliano五重奏 -“纪念Piazzolla 逝世25周年”

2017-09-17 B10现场

手风琴大师Richard Galliano五重奏 

-“纪念Piazzolla 逝世25周年”





特别出演:Daniel “Pipi”Piazzolla  

时间:2017.11.13 周一 20:00

场地:B10现场 http://www.b10live.cn










※截止时间:11月13日 00:00



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当代Piazzolla 最佳演绎者Richard Galliano,携手Astor Piazzolla之孙Daniel“Pipi” Piazzolla,为深圳观众鼎力呈现最迷人的探戈五重奏。


在过去的时间里,手风琴领域似乎一直没有出现过一位可以称之为大师的艺术家,因为像手风琴这样的乐器并不是仅仅靠简单的摆动就可以表达出其丰富的内涵。直到Richard Galliano的出现,他对手风琴的无限热情与创新改变了历史。初期以手风琴为轴心,在演奏中加入的萨克斯以及小号元素的爵士风格,之后在好友Astor Piazzolla的启发下,创造了欧式民谣手风琴演奏风格。当然他的成功并不仅限于此,更在于这种融合传统与世界化的新型演绎风格为法国的文化注入了全新的活力。


Richard Galliano在4岁的时候就开始学习手风琴,并在尼斯音乐学院学习和声,配乐以及长号,14岁时由Clifford Brown指引开始接触爵士,发现手风琴在此类音乐的空白后便开始研究起巴西和意大利的手风琴演奏家风格。1937年Richard搬往巴黎,并花了三年时间以作曲,指挥等多重身份正式融入真正的爵士音乐,在此期间Richard同时也会为一些流行音乐家及电影音乐灌录唱片。1980年初,他开始了与各种不同背景的爵士音乐家多种类型的即兴合作。

1991年,Richard Galliano遇见给他带来巨大影响的人Astor Piazzolla,在Piazzolla的引导下,Richard掌握了自己的风格,重拾欧洲民谣的传统,以一种全新的方式来表达他内心的探戈,成功地将探戈这种小酒馆式的小调舞曲以手风琴与管弦乐队合作的手法来演绎,有时候甚至气势恢弘,带有强烈的英雄诗歌体般的气韵,灌录的CD《New Musette》使其获得了1993年“法国年度音乐家”的荣誉。


Richard Galliano的音乐里既有爵士乐的即兴,又有地中海的传统,最大优点就是创新与荟萃。这位优秀的艺术家接触了广泛的国际音乐人,与许多人有过合作。他与吉他手Jean Marie Ecay,鼓手Daniel Humair的长期合作,与Michel Portal的两人组合,与Eddy Louiss的两人组合都非常成功,尤其是1998年的现场演唱会专辑《Blow Up》,正是他与单簧管/萨克斯演奏家Michel Portal的精彩合作,《Libertango》,《Taraf》等作品都是如此令人难忘,


2003年在瑞士的Willisau爵士音乐会上连同六名音乐家演奏了一场精彩的音乐会——Piazzolla Forever,更是至今为止最令人大开眼界的探戈作品。

PIPI Piazzolla

Daniel“Pipi” Piazzolla ,Astor Piazzolla之孙,出生在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯。




2010年,他出版了他的第一本书《当代打击乐》。2011和2012年在由记者和音乐评论家为主的投票评选中,Daniel “Pipi” Piazzolla被选为年度最佳鼓手。同样在2012年,他被评为阿根廷年度最佳音乐家。


2011年,Daniel “Pipi” Piazzolla和他的Escalandrum组合还获得了金加德尔奖(音乐产业阿根廷最高奖),他们是第一个获得这个奖项的爵士乐团。

Richard Galliano Quintet - 

“25TH Anniversary Of Death Of Piazzolla Commemorated”

China Tour Shenzhen Station



Richard Galliano - Libertango


Special Guest: Daniel Pipi Piazzolla

Time: 2017.11.13 Monday 20:00

Venue: B10 Live http://www.b10live.cn

Add: Building C2, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel: 0755 86337602 (15:00-18:00, info only)

Venue Support: OCT-LOFT Culture Development Co., Ltd

Admittance starts at 19:30.

General seating based on first come first served policy.



Fare: Presale 200 RMB; At Door 250 RMB


※Presale service available until 00:00 on Nov. 13th

①Entity:Old Heaven Books (120#, A5, North District of OCT-LOFT)



Please send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert:

1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets

Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the show starts, please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time.

3/At Door: B10 Live

※Starts at 19:00 on the day.

Foto Pipi

In the past, there never seemed to have been one great artist associated with the accordion, an instrument that, because of its connotations, seemed as far removed from swing as it is possible to be. Then along came Richard Galliano, fired by an unrivalled determination to share his conviction that the accordion was worthy have a place at the heart of jazz alongside the saxophone and trumpet. Inspired by the admiration he felt for his friend Astor Piazzolla, creator of the Tango Nuevo, Galliano succeeded not just in doing this, but with his “new musette” style managed to breathe new life into a thoroughly French tradition that seemed to have got stuck.


Richard started playing the instrument at the age of four. At the same time as he was learning the accordion, he also studied harmony, counterpoint and trombone at the Nice Conservatoire. It was the discovery of the music of Clifford Brown that introduced him to jazz, at the age of 14, and while he picked up his style of playing choruses, he found, to his amazement, that the accordion was almost unknown in this type of music. Galliano then got interested in Brazilian accordionists like Sivuca and Dominguinhos, discovered the American specialists who approached jazz (Tommy Gumina, Ernie Felice and Art Van Damme), and the top Italian players, Felice Fugazza, Volpi and Fancelli, turning his back completely on the traditional style of playing that dominated in France. In 1973 Galliano moved up to Paris where he impressed Claude Nougaro. He spent three years as arranger and conductor as well as composer in a group where he found himself playing alongside real jazz musicians. He also played on countless recordings by popular French artists like Barbara, Serge Reggiani, Charles Aznavour and Juliette Gréco, and on film scores. From the beginning of the 1980s he was able to play much more often with jazz musicians from all backgrounds and improvise alongside them: these included Chet Baker (in Brazilian repertoire), Steve Potts, Jimmy Gourley, Toots Thielemanns, the cellist Jean-Charles Capon, with whom he cut his first disc, and Ron Carter, whom he paired up with to make an album in 1990.


In 1991, following the advice of Astor Piazzolla, whom he had met in 1983 while working on incidental music for the Comédie Française, Galliano went back to his roots, and the traditional repertoire of Valses-Musette, Javas, Complaintes and Tangos that he had long disregarded. Taking a lead from the spirit of Gus Viseur and Tony Murena, he managed to rid the accordion of its old-fashioned image by working on the three-four rhythm, and introducing a whole new rhythmic concept and harmonic style to adapt it to jazz. He announced his new approach on the CD New Musette that he recorded with Aldo Romano, Pierre Michelot and Philip Catherine for Label bleu, and it won him the Académie du Jazz’s Django Reinhardt Prize for “French musician of the year” in 1993.


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