
03/30 突突二重奏 智斗2023巡演深圳站

突突二重奏 & 突突不死

「智斗」2023巡演 深圳站

 TuTu Duo & TuTu Noise Live in Shenzhen

2023 / 03 / 30 THU 20:30

B10现场 B10 Live

19:30 开始兑票

20:00 开放进场

20:30 演出开始


购票 Buy Ticket

Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose.

突突二重奏 TuTu Duo & 突突不死 TuTu Noise 

老丹 Lao Dan - 萨克斯 Saxophone / 笛子 Flute / 电子设备 Electronics

邓博宇 Deng Boyu - 鼓 Drums / 电子设备 Electronics


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这是“突突二重奏”的首次巡演,老丹与邓博宇将继续着他们的探索与尝试。这次巡演主要分为两个部分,一部分是突突二重奏,萨克斯、笛子与鼓的短兵相接。另一部分是突突的分支乐队“突突不死”(TuTu Noise),以噪音、实验、电声为主线条的突突新支线,这将是他们首次试演这支全新乐队。


“突突二重奏”(TuTu Duo)老丹&邓博宇在2019年组建的二人乐队,他们的现场爆发力不可忽视,那种超长的快速演奏段落极尽疯狂,他们在音乐上呈现了一种独特的混合火焰,他们倾向于主题式自由演奏,但音乐的变化总会让人意想不到。

2021年他们在欧洲 NoBusiness 发行了首张录音室专辑《智斗》





“Family Vineyard”厂牌曾发表老丹在美国的现场唱片。宣传中他们提到“即使是在国际即兴/爵士乐模糊界限中,老丹的声音也是非常独特的。他沉浸在本土传统中,但却以狂喜的强度和萦绕不去的旋律急切地消除了这些界限”。

2018年,老丹在摩登天空子厂牌“World music”发行了首张笛子独奏专辑《逐云追梦》。同年,在WV Sorcerer Records发行了萨克斯个人首张专辑《思维扭曲的行动体》,该唱片录制于杭州的青龙洞隧道,自然的洞穴混响增强了老丹强烈而富于想象力的呼吸和魅力。




2019年10月老丹与邓博宇组建“突突二重奏”(TuTu Duo)并录制首张录音室专辑《智斗》由欧洲NoBusiness Records出版。

2020年和2022年,英国先锋前卫音乐杂志《The Wire》法国前卫音乐杂志《revue&corrigee》都对老丹进行了长篇专访报道。



曾是五条人乐队的鼓手,参与录制了五条人的专辑《广东姑娘》和《梦幻丽莎发廊》。2014年和老丹,李星组建了先锋前卫乐队红领巾(Red Scarf)。红领巾(Red Scarf)乐队2016年1月由摩登天空-Badhead发行了首张同名专辑。2017年11月和先锋音乐家马木尔合作发行了即兴二重奏专辑《万有》。2021年和老丹的二重奏Tutu duo在欧洲著名厂牌Nobusiness Records发行专辑《智斗》

至今为止,曾与国内外很多重要的音乐人和乐队合作,包括:老丹,马木尔、小河、巫娜、丰江舟、李剑鸿、李带菓、李增辉、大忘杠、王晓芳、周凤岭、叶尔波利、椅子乐团(The Chairs)、Lee Ranaldo、Marc Ribot、坂田明(Akira sakata)、丰住芳三郎(Sabu Toyozumi)、類家心平(Shinpei Ruike)、Steven Buchanan、Federico Casagrande、纐缬雅代(Masayo Koketsu)等。

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TuTu Duo is formed by Lao Dan and Deng Boyu in 2019 and this will be their very first tour. Their live explosive power cannot be ignored, that super long and fast playing are extremely crazy, they present a unique mix of fire in their music, they tend to theme-based free play, but the change of music is always unexpected. In 2021 their debut studio album was released by European independent label NoBusineess.

The performance will be divided into two parts, one is TuTu Duo playing tracks in their album "Wisdom Fight". The other part is TuTu Noise, a new branch of TuTu that features noise, experimental, and electronic music. The tour will be their first time to try out this new project.

About Lao Dan: Lao Dan started his musical career at the age of 8 with a saxophone and later began to study the Chinese bamboo flute professionally. Dan Lao has a unique understanding of wind instruments and adheres to his own vision and way of playing. His unique creative approach expresses a freedom and vitality not found in traditional musical conventions. His musical compositions often give audiences an intense listening experience, a collision of sounds between East and West, ancient and modern.

In 2020 and 2022, the pioneering British avant-garde music magazine "The Wire" and the French avant-garde music magazine "revue&corrigee" both featured Lao Dan in lengthy interviews.

About Deng Boyu:
Deng Boyu, born in Inner Mongolia, is a professional drummer. He has played drums in various bands, and his playing style covers pop, rock, noise, pioneering jazz and free improvisation. He is also an avant-garde electronic musician and released his first solo electronic album "Wilde Air Waves" in 2012, and his second solo album "Tractor Academy" in 2021. In the same year, his third album "Chimney Complex" was released on Modern Sky's sub label BADHEAD.

he has worked with many important musicians and bands from home and abroad, including: Mamer, Xiao He, Wu Na, Feng Jiangzhou, Li Jianhong, Li Daiguo, Li Zenghui, Da Wang Gang, Wang Xiaofang, Zhou Fengling, Yerboli, The Chairs, Lee Ranaldo, Marc Ribot, Akira Sakata, Sabu Toyozumi, Shinpei Ruike, Steven Buchanan, Federico Casagrande, Masayo Koketsu, etc.

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