川普发推特称“Chinese Virus”,评论区成大型翻车现场!
The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines and others, that are particularly affected by the Chinese Virus. We will be stronger than ever before!
如果我没记错的话,这是川普首次在推文中把新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”(Chinese virus)。
但这条推文自发出到现在,既没有删文,也没有修改措辞,而且他又发了一条推文,再次使用了“Chinese virus”的提法:
川普这时候说出“Chinese Virus”是有他的算计的。
THANK YOU for calling the virus what it is—a Chinese virus. CHINA is responsible for all of this chaos, carnage, and costs. They must be held accountable.
You’re right, it is 100% the Chinese Virus and we need to hold them accountable for hiding it from the world for months.
It's not the "Chinese Virus" you fucking racist dickhead!
Chinese Virus??? Just when you think Trump can't go any lower, he always finds a way.
"Chinese Virus?!?" Now you're adding racist hysteria to an already dire situation??? In times like this, we need a sane, steady hand at the wheel, and that ain't you. So why don't you just STFU if you can't say anything useful?
There it is. I’ve been deathly afraid of this exact moment where Trump turns to racism and xenophobia and calls COVID-19 the “Chinese Virus.” We are in deep trouble as a nation now that President of the United States makes the conscious decision to go down this dark path of hate.
前两天我还写了一篇文章,指出美国高官还在用“Wuhan Virus”来指代病毒,殊不知这样做会加深两国矛盾(点击查看),不利于人类联合共同抗疫。
没想到这篇文章写完没两天,美国总统竟然用了“Chinese Virus”,上升到了国家层面,这必定会让局势更为剑拔弩张。
A smart person knows what to say, a wise person knows whether to say it or not.