►含义:Some items may save you money because they are cheap, but their quality may be poor, and this may cost you a lot of money in repairs and getting replacements later一些便宜货的确让你省钱了。但他们的质量很差劲,这可能会让你花更多钱去维修或更换。 ►例句: I never buy cheap goods. Cheapest is dearest.我从来不买便宜货,便宜没好货。 ►对话: A:That’s too much. Could you lower the price a little bit?这太贵了,能不能把价格再调低一些?B: I'm sorry. That's the best price I can offer. If you want something cheaper, you may go to that store. But, remember, cheapest is dearest.恐怕不行,如果你想要便宜的东西,你可以去那边那家商店,但记住,便宜没好货。 ►额外收获: 1.lower the price:降低价格2.that’s the best price I can offer:这是我能出的最低价 ►今日作业: 1. 请记牢今天的短语。2. 请背诵上面的例句。3. 请找一个小伙伴(或者跟自己)演练上面这则口语对话。4. 请任用上面“意外收获”中的一个短语或单词进行造句,可以分享在下面"打卡日记"中。