《美语宝典》第239期周一到周五发布 【每日打卡】↓↓↓ (长按二维码进入打卡界面获取语音 AI 打分,服务号推送通知等)
caught in the act
Somebody gets caught while doing something当某人 正在做某事的时候,被抓 ►例句: He tried to rob a bank and was caught in the act.他试图抢银行,被抓了个现行。 ►对话:A:Tom may be expelled from the school.Tom 有可能面临被开除。B: He deserved it. He cheated on such an important exam and got caught in the act.他活该,他在这么重要的考试中作弊,而且被抓了个现行。 ►额外收获: 1.expel: vt.开除2.somebody deserves it:某人活该3.cheat on the exam:考试作弊