

2016-09-20 健康教会九标志 健康教会九标志



泰比·安泰博(Thabiti Anyabwile):我是透过一个主日早间崇拜有关《出埃及记》32章的讲道而归信的。

马特·钱德勒(Matt Chandler):我是通过一个好朋友的福音见证而归信的。

狄马可(Mark Dever):我是通过阅读新约圣经和基督徒朋友们的福音见证而归信的。

凯文·德扬(Kevin DeYoung):我是通过我父母的教导,从我出生的每个主日听教会的讲道而归信的。

里根·邓肯(Ligon Duncan):通过我父母和两个忠心的、笃信圣经、传讲福音的牧师(而归信),他们帮助我悔改,在基督里重生,并有得救信心。

西蒙·盖瑟科尔(Simon Gathercole):我海外留学时,定期参加一个很友好的基督徒团契,在那里我听到传讲的《启示录》3章20节时,知道那句话是救主耶稣对我讲的,最终我接受了基督信仰。

纪格睿(Greg Gilbert):当我九岁的时候,在教会聆听一位客座讲员的讲道而信主的。

J.D 格里尔(J.D. Greear):我的归信是通过一个合乎圣经的教会忠心的教导,我父母的见证,以及我主日学老师提出的有关救恩确据的转折点。

戴夫·哈维(Dave Harvey):我自己不是特别清楚在哪一天的哪个时刻归信的,露天传道人的福音布道,基督徒朋友的见证,和基督教团契的生活,在我的属灵生命中都起到了突出的作用。

迈克尔·劳伦斯(Michael Lawrence):我是通过我妈妈和忠心的主日学老师们的福音分享归信的。

C.J.马哈尼(C.J. Mahaney):我十八岁时沉浸在毒品文化中,上帝差派一个刚刚信主的朋友与我分享福音,因着上帝的恩典我相信了耶稣基督,相信他为我的罪死在了十字架上,以及荣耀的救主耶稣承担了我本该受的极大的罪的刑罚。

麦克·麦金利(Mike McKinley):我十一岁时,第一次听到主日学老师传给我福音时归信。

阿尔伯特·莫勒(Albert Mohler):我是通过一个牧师对福音忠心的传讲,以及我父母不断在福音上的鼓励而归信。

罗素·摩尔(Russell Moore):在我青少年的时候就认识了基督耶稣,当时我在密西西比州比洛克西家门口的街道上漫步并抬头仰望星空时,我反复思想家乡的教会——羊毛市场浸信会所传讲教导的福音。

达林·帕特里克(Darrin Patrick):我是通过读圣经和接触一些既像我又不像我的基督徒朋友们而归信的。

约翰·派博(John Piper):我不记得什么时候是我第一次相信耶稣基督的,用我妈妈的话说就是,我姐姐在我六岁时对我讲了些有关我灵魂的问题,我就来到母亲身边和她一起在佛罗里达州的一个旅馆里跪下来,相信并接受了救主耶稣。

大卫·普拉特(David Platt):笃信圣经的父母对我的影响和一间笃信圣经教会的教导,促使我悔改归主。

杰夫·博斯维尔(Jeff Purswell):贝里学院里的基督徒社群令人信服的见证,驱使我回应很早以前就忽略并持怀疑态度的福音。

舒马特(Matt Schmucker):从马里兰大学毕业那年开始,听一个露天传教士三年之久的传讲后归信。

麦克·斯泰尔斯(Mack Stiles):当我在这个世界上追求刺激和乐趣时,在瑞士采尔马特一个廉价旅馆里开展的滑雪和登山培训班里,上帝借着一个年仅十七岁名叫罗伯特·史密斯的同学使我归信,罗伯特·史密斯不仅给我讲述了福音真理,而且分享了耶稣基督在他生命中的见证,在我阅读了罗伯特赠给我的小册子(从“十字架与弹簧刀”)后,在间酒吧上面罗伯特的房间里我屈膝跪拜在基督面前,从这一天开始耶稣就是我的救赎主及我在世上的盼望。

卡尔·楚门(Carl Trueman):我透过一个有满有从神而来能力的朋友的见证,听葛培理牧师的布道以及阅读巴刻的著作而归信。

彼得·威廉姆斯(Peter Williams):我父母在我青少年时期每个主日回家路上,对我解释讲道的内容和福音信息,并且也在福音上做榜样。

Testimonies of the Underestimated Gospel

9Marks asked many pastors to provide us with a one sentence answer to this question:

What were the human means and instruments of your conversion?

Thabiti Anyabwile: I was converted during the preaching of Exodus 32 in a Sunday morning worship service.

Matt Chandler: I was converted by the witness of a good friend.

Mark Dever: I was converted by reading the New Testament and by the witness of Christian friends.

Kevin DeYoung: I was converted through the instruction of my parents and by the sitting under the preaching of the word Sunday after Sunday from the time I was born.

Ligon Duncan: My mother and two faithful, Bible-believing, gospel-preaching pastors were the Spirit’s primary instruments in quickening me to repentance unto life and saving faith in Christ.

Simon Gathercole: I went along regularly to a friendly Christian group at my boarding school, where eventually I heard a talk on Revelation 3:20 and knew Jesus was speaking to me.

Greg Gilbert: I was converted by hearing a sermon from a visiting preacher at my church when I was nine years old.

J.D. Greear: I was converted through the faithful teaching of a biblical church, the consistent witness of my parents, and a crisis moment regarding the assurance of my salvation brought on by my Sunday School teacher.

Dave Harvey: While the day and hour of my conversion is unknown to me, the gospel proclamation of an open-air preacher, the witness of Christian friends, and the life of a Christian community all played prominent roles in my story.

Michael Lawrence: I was converted by hearing the gospel from my mother and faithful Sunday School teachers.

C.J. Mahaney: As an eighteen-year-old immersed in the drug culture, God sent a newly-converted friend to share the gospel with me; by the grace of God I put my trust in Jesus Christ and his death on the cross for my sins and was gloriously saved from the wrath of God I richly deserved.

Mike McKinley: I was converted as an eleven-year-old when I heard the gospel for the first time from a Sunday School teacher.

Albert Mohler: I was converted by the faithful preaching of the gospel by a pastor, and by the constant gospel encouragement of my parents.

Russell Moore: I came to know Christ as an adolescent, walking and looking up at the stars on the road outside my house in Biloxi, Mississippi, while reflecting on the gospel I heard preached and taught in my home congregation, Woolmarket Baptist Church.

Darrin Patrick: I was converted by reading the Bible and hanging out with some guys who were like me, but not like me.

John Piper: Since I have no memory of the first time I trusted Christ, I take my mother’s word for it that my sister had spoken to me at the age of six concerning my soul, and I came to my mother who knelt with me at a motel in Florida where I received the Lord Jesus and put my faith in him.

David Platt: The Lord converted me through the influence of Bible-believing parents and a Bible-teaching church.

Jeff Purswell: The compelling witness of a community of believers at Berry College prepared me to respond to the gospel that I had long heard but by turns ignored and doubted.

Matt Schmucker: I was converted during my senior year at the University of Maryland through hearing an open-air preacher after listening to him for three years.

Mack Stiles: While pursuing what passions and pleasures I could scrape out in the world, I landed in a cheap hotel at a skiing and mountain climbing school in Zermatt, Switzerland where God used a fellow seventeen-year-old named Robert Smith to share not only the gospel but his life with me; after reading a tract which Robert had given me (from “The Cross and the Switchblade”) I bowed my knee to Christ in Robert’s room above a bar, and from then to this day have called Jesus my Savior, Lord, and Hope of the world.

Carl Trueman: I was converted through the witness of a charismatic friend, hearing Billy Graham preach, and reading Jim Packer.

Peter Williams: My parents explained and modeled the gospel, and public preaching particularly drove it home for me even before I was a teenager.

翻译肢体: 聂洁敏

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