

KPF KPF建筑设计事务所

华润80年暨华润深圳湾全面落成庆典于昨日在华润深圳湾举行,KPF作为中国华润大厦的建筑设计方,总裁兼设计总监James von Klemperer受邀作为剪彩嘉宾出席典礼




中国华润大厦的竣工启用,不仅是属于华润的荣耀时刻,同时也标志着KPF继平安金融中心后在深圳又一地标性超高塔的落成。 无论在天际线还是人的尺度,都为深圳再添光彩。KPF 在这座充满活力的城市多年来所做的努力正在逐步落地,相信在未来的几年内,深圳将会看到更多的“KPF设计”。






The 80th Anniversary of China Resouces and the Inauguration Ceremony of China Resources International Commercial Center was celebrated and held in Shenzhen yesterday. As the Design architect of China Resources Tower, KPF's President and Design Principal James von Klemperer was invited to attend the ceremony and cut the ribbon.

China Resources Land has always adhered to the principle of “better quality  better city ”. As an important force of participating the city developing, CRL undertake the burden to develop a vibrant city and a better life.

KPF is dedicated to serving the most forward-thinking companies and institutions around the world, bringing design excellence to the owners and the located city. The resonating of corporate philosophy triggered a series of cooperations in a long time line. In addition to China Resources Tower, there are currently four projects within our cooperation under the design process, alongwith one project, Hangzhou Park Hyatt Hotel, was completed and operated last year.

This is a glory moment not only for China Resources, the completion of China Resources Tower, also marks the achievement of KPF's another landmark building in Shenzhen following Ping An Financial Center. Both on the skyline and Human scale, it is a great addition to the cityscape of  Shenzhen. KPF's efforts over years in this vibrant city have been gradually harvest. In the next few years, Shenzhen will embrace more "KPF design".

In 2018, China Resources Land anchored its new corporative strategy, positioning itself as “Urban Integrated Investment Development Operator”. KPF expects to cooperate with China Resources to elevate the urban experience to more communities, neighborhoods and cities . KPF design value is not only producing  return on investment, but also contributing to the urban environment and community on the level of urban life.

About China Resources Tower

The China Resources Tower’ diagrid structure allows the building’s interior floorplan to be free of columns, opening its floorplates to express the radial symmetry of the circular footprint. Inspired by the organic form of the bamboo shoot, the building’s 28 vertical columns taper the 400 meters of its height. They converge at its pinnacle, topped by a stainless steel spire that was fabricated in a single piece. This geometric precision is mirrored at the ground level, where the diagrid system’s columns unite to create a series of entry portals between precisely tapered anchor points. Faceted, triangulated glass panels form the base and the pinnacle of the building’s sculptural form, illuminating at night and reflecting with a jewel-like brilliance across Shenzhen’s waterfront business district.

In particular, the tower's "Sky Hall" locatd at the very top of the tower houses various corporate functions, offering a stunning view of the grand conical space the diagrid spire pattern. It is also one of the few high-rises in he world in which people can occupy its absolute highest point.




