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印度网友:这些方面,中国还相当落后 | 老外看中国

铁血军事 2019-09-16

专栏 | 老外看中国







I think Moody's said very well, "There are ups and downs in life." India should not be depressed. We have too much glory to be proud of. Whether the moon exploration is successful or not does not hinder our national pride!



Yes, I agree with you. As an ancient country with a long history of world civilization, India has been the object of learning from its neighboring civilized countries since its birth. As we all know, Buddhism, which deeply influenced China's understanding of the world, comes from ancient India. Today, they are also convinced by our yoga. I just want to say Call it the power of civilization!


So India shouldn't be depressed. It's just a small stumbling block on our way to growth. We will be successful one day and win all the pride that should belong to us!



To be honest, when our lunar probe was out of touch, I was annoyed by the cynicism of friends around us who compared India with China.


ndeed, China has indeed led India in lunar exploration, but in many respects India has also crushed China. We can not compare the backward side of India with the strong side of China, which is very unfair!



Having lived in both countries, here is my opinion of the places where India is ahead of China:


1、Culture (China has some, but India has far more, with dozens of colourful dances, traditional clothes used in daily life, folksongs, etc.)


2、Food - taste and variety (again, China has varied food and many tasty dishes, but India has far more. I mean, we have >300 ways /dishes of potato alone)


3、Music (again, China has a reasonable repertoire, but India out performs with its sheer variety and richness)


4、Literature (Here too, China has a rich repertoire, includign the roks of Li Bai - Jing ye si, 静夜思 etc. - but India, with ancient and modern epics in over 20 languages outperforms it. The Rig Veda itself has far more philosophy packed into it than all of the Analects)


5、Variety of Languages (India - with over 15 official languages, all with different scxts - has far more numerous languages than China - which has 1 official languages )


6、History - again, China has a rich history as compared to Europe and USA, bu India has far more evidence of it, with huge monuments dating back to 7th century AD (Ellora, Elephanta, the forts of the North and temples of the south) and even earlier - upto 2nd century BC surviving intact.



China's IT industry is lagging behind us, which has been verified in the Silicon Valley of the United States. With the support of the Indians, the world has born Windows 10 system, which is the credit of the Indians, and the Chinese obviously resent it!

中国的it产业落后于我们,这在美国硅谷得到了验证。在印度人的支持下,世界上诞生了windows 10系统,这是印度人的功劳,中国人显然对此耿耿于怀!


In fact, compared with China's disgraceful history since modern times, India, once a part of the British Empire, can be said to have integrated pride and glory into its own soul, more gentleman, more objective, which is India's eternal wealth. Of course, we are also the largest democracy in the world. In the future, this system will become the largest democracy in the world. The superiority of Degree will lead India to greatness!



1、Neel Javia(回复Vishal)

Some people say that China's IT industry lags behind India, so as an Indian programmer ape in Silicon Valley, tell you a cruel truth:


In Silicon Valley,we are doing is just back office works, BPOs, KPOs, and call centres. Whereas they have real tech companies employing real engineers and building products.


So we need to get our own tech industry like them, of we want to grow. Because tech is the future.


Instead of being proud to be a "senior worker" or so-called "world office", damn it, after decades of efforts, the Chinese have established their own IT industry scale that can not be underestimated. What about India? Except for the talented people in the United States and Britain, there are only a group of arrogant people who don't understand anything and fools who worship the cattle on the street



As an ordinary Indian woman who grew up in childhood under the witness of all kinds of vicious rape cases, I am ashamed of your words!


I really don't know where your so-called "Indian is more gentleman" confidence comes from! Previously, I thought the world was like India, and I believed in the praise of India and the malice of China from the surrounding speech. But until I first set foot in China, I felt angry at being covered by lies (my cousin married a man from Hubei Province of China).


First, it is clean. Compared with the streets of India, the streets of China are absolutely clean. There are no cows roaming the streets, no Indian crowds and dilapidation. Women on the streets can wear beautiful clothes according to their preferences without worrying about the hostile eyes and peeps of the men around them.


There, encouraged by my cousin, I took off my thick Sari for the first time, changed into a tight navel suit and miniskirt that would only appear in Hollywood movies, and then walked down the street with trepidation. The result was gratifying: in the next five hours, we did not suffer any harassment, but in India, All this is unthinkable!


Yes, now I have lived in China. My husband is a teacher of Wuhan University in China. Seven years later, I am glad that I have made the right choice.


3、Rameez Ahmed Sayad

Culture and History are perceptions.


Going by facts , UNESCO had declared second highest archeological sites in China.


No of tourists are 4 th highest in China whereas I'm not sure where India is, it's below cities like Bangok or Dubai.


In addition, as a senior food traveler in China, I can tell you responsibly that although Indian cuisine has my childhood memory, Chinese cuisine is enough to make you forget everything!


Who cares about 300 practices of potatoes? Chinese food is not just potatoes. I'm eating hot pot in Chengdu, China now. I'm almost forgetting the taste of potatoes!


4、Shawn Raigaokar

lol u literally have no idea about the stature of chinese ancient and medi literature if u think that indian is superior . The meritocratic Confucian system of sextion of government made mandatory for the aspirants to study vast philosophy of Confucius and other literature. This resulted in continuation of knowledge .


while loss of knowledge happened way too early in india with Islamic conquest. The philosphies of vedantas or vedas or mahabharata that indians today harpe about are effort of british anthropologists who collected thousands of manuscxts and standardized it. Best example is mahabharta which was standarised by western educated anthropologist of BORI . 

在伊斯兰的征服下, 印度在好早之前就损失了大量的知识,而如今印度人所吹嘘的印度哲学是英国人类学家所付出的结果,他们收集了大量的手稿,并进行了标准化。最好的例子就是《摩诃婆罗多》,这是受西方教育的人类学家所标准化的。

Indians didnt even have a sense of history till british came and researched it. The existence of harappa and mohenjodaro was unknown to indians . Indians should not have a fake superiority complex about extremely average history . China had a continuation of political , legal and adminstrative system for 2000 years . 


While india changed with every empire which resulted in it staying more or less primitive in nature . Europe had strong development of efficient political system which india uses today. on the other hand india had extremely medi and regressive systems by todays standards and u say india had a superior history based on monuments lol.





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