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美国网友提问:古代中国为何没有伟大的征服者?| 老外看中国

铁血军事 2020-02-21

专栏 | 老外看中国






1、Robin Daverman

“Why didn't ancient China produce great conquerors similar to Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great?”


Where is Caesar’s empire now? And where is Alexander’s empire now?And where is China now?



Just because Caesar and Alexander were lionized, doesn’t mean that these guys were indeed good for their country, or their people, or even their own family. Objectively, they started a process that over-taxed their national wealth, over-glorified violence, and bled too much the blood of their young men. 


And you know what they say: live by the sword, die by the sword. They set up an incentive system where you got paid by killing other people. So their own families went genetically extinct pretty soon, wiped out by their own “family and friends”, and their empires died in a firestorm of violence.


It’s like playing Monopoly. If you spend all your money occupying “property”, leaving nothing to “develop the property”, you go bankrupt pretty quickly. The Chinese never had the urge to take territories it can not develop, and developing a place usually takes at least ten times more time, effort, and money than just conquering it. 


Pretty much every single Chinese emperor who started a war, stopped the war and returned the state back to peaceful state within his own reign, urgently halting the cycle of violence and destruction. All the places the Chinese went, they immediately started making farmland, building roads, planting fruit trees, setting up schools, marrying with the local people, and appointing local officials selected through national exams, who would then be uated on the composite KPI right away. 


And keep doing it for the next 300 years at least. They ended up with developed land and civilized people, making them cash cows instead of money sinks. Basically, the way the KPIs were set up in ancient China, is that you really only get paid if the place you manage became rich, peaceful, and filled with learned people. Otherwise it’s not worth it. All successful Chinese dynasties ended up with their direct offspring numbering in millions, or even tens of millions, today.


The funny thing is that 2,000 years later, each still behaves in the same way. Places like Afghanistan, next door to China, even if you PAY the Chinese, they wouldn’t take it. And you have NATO staying there for 16 years already, bleeding and paying the Taliban not to attack them, and allowing their own homeland to be filled with Afghan refugees and awash with Afghan-grown Heroin! That’s how they “defend Europe” 5,000 km’s away!

有趣的是,在2000年后的今天,中国人仍是这么干的。像中国隔壁的阿富汗这种地方,你就算倒贴给中国人,他们也不会要。北约已经在阿富汗呆了16年,在那里流了数不尽的血,还付钱给塔利班求他们别攻击你。你们让自己的家园充满了阿富汗难民和阿富汗种植的海洛因,这就是所谓的在5000公里外 “保卫欧洲”?

3、Fish bass

Ha ha ha, it's like this. I have lived in China for 10 years. You almost doubt that you are a Chinese named Rogers!


French outcry over claim Italian payments masked Taliban threat,Afghanistan opium production jumps 87 per cent to record level – UN survey...


This is what we, the descendants of the great conquerors, are doing. It's a ridiculous movie plot, you can’t even sell it to a Hollywood studio, and yet here we are, in real life.



The problem is that too many people accept the Chinese national myth that China is a peaceful nation that has never attacked others. This is patently false. China didn’t emerge from the primordial muck fully formed as the third largest nation on the planet. It became so large by conquering and integrating land that was inhabited by other peoples



he first great conqueror of China was Ying Zheng, the king of Qin. Roughly contemporaneous with Alexander of Macedon, he conquered all the states of the North China Plain by 220 BC at age 38 and proclaimed himself Qin Shihuang. In the next few years, he campaigned southwards and expanded the Chinese world further than it had ever reached. By the time he died, the Qin Empire stretched from the edge of the Eurasian steppe into the jungles of Vietnam. This realm was similar in size to Alexander’s empire and had a similar aftermath. Neither empire outlasted its founder’s death for long, but although the expanded Hellenic world created by Alexander collapsed within 300 years, the Sinosphere continued to expand over millennia.


Later emperors would rule even larger polities. For example, Li Shimin, who founded the Tang Dynasty alongside his father whom he would go on to depose went on to rule an empire even larger than Rome’s. Tang soldiers occupied swathes Korea, the jungles of Vietnam, and even marched across thousands of miles of desert and mountains to subjugate territories in Afghanistan and Central Asia. Although the Tang never settled the Mongolian steppe to their north, they succeeded in annihilating the Eastern Turkic Khaganate that ruled it, eliminating the nomad threat for generations. All of this was accomplished in a single lifetime.


6、Snow in the Alps

The real issue is the over lionization of certain Western military figures. The campaigns of Hannibal, Julius Caesar, and Alexander have been studied and repeated so often that they have attained a certain mythic aura around them. They were certainly some of the most gifted military minds in human history, but the rest of the world held some serious talent too. Men like Cyrus, Khalid ibn al-Walid, Chandragupta Maurya, and Li Shimin conquered huge tracts of land and helped build long lasting empires, but are often left by the wayside in discussions of great conquerors out of no fault of their own.


7、Zhou Wenda

Nam Viet killed envoy of Han, it was massacred and now administrated as nine counties.

King of Yuan (today’s Fergana Valley) killed envoy of Han, his head is now hanged on the north gate of our capital.

Joseon (Korea) killed envoy of Han, it was annihilated instantly.

The same fate yet only remains to fall on Xiongnu (Huns)!

You clearly know I shall not surrender. Your threat to me with death indicates that you are ploting another war between Han and Xiongnu.

Then after me, Xiongnu is doomed!

—— Biography of Su Wu, Book of Han Dynasty








Su Wu was an envoy of Han. He had been put under detention by Xiongnu for 19 years (100BC-81BC) before his return. It was easy to understand why the Huns kept Su Wu alive. Although he was very incooperative, Xiongnu had no desire to join with NamViet, Yuan and Joseon.


Su Wu was released as a gesture for seeking peace when Emperor Zhang of Han succeed the throne. However, Han refused to set aside the enmity. The 5th Emperor of Western Han Dynasty was just as determined as his father, Emperor Wu the Great, in continuing the Hundred Years War against Xiongnu.



Carried out by 5 emperors, after 130 years (200BC-71BC) of clash on desert and steppe, Xiongnu was rooted out from the southern side of Gobi Desert. Things weren’t over yet. 161 years later (91AD), in Altay Mountains, Eastern Han Dynasty eventually destroyed the very last Xiongnu khanate. Huns were driven into a long migration towards the other side of Euroasia.




In the earliest dynasty of China, it was something like this in 21st century BC: (Red was the presumptive territory of Xia, other colors were sphere of influence)


In 21st century AD, the map of China is something like this:


Any rational people would agree that there must be some reasons China could grow from pic1 to pic2. Based on common sense, it should take a load of “great counquerers” to expand territory like what China had done.


9、Hate Kardashian

I shall make it short for the wrong premise of your question.


China had not only “Alexander and Caesar” type of conquerors,but also another type of conqueror which was much superior than the previous ones: They managed to deeply assimilate the place they counquered with China. That was something the over-lionized Hellene and Roman were not capable to do.


Today, Roman is a historical if not archaeological topic.


Today, Macedonia is a small country with 1 million population.


Today, China is… you know, just China.


The conquer from ancient China was something much more thoroughly than what westerners familiar to. Caesar and Alexander flaunted “I’m standing on top of you” in their lifetime, but their greatness became nuance of history just several generations later.


On the contrary, those great conquerers in ancient China, backed by their military accomplishment, they had achieved something higher:


10、Boston Batman

Talking about so-called "conquerors" in front of China. If you read ancient Chinese history books, you will find they were blood-soaked. You can easily smell it between the lines. What makes you think that in such bloodshed the outstanding military genius wouldn’t spring up?


People shouldn’t interpret the self-claim “China is a peace loving country” in a naive way. China is a civilized nation, not a pacifism nation. Proven by history fact, “Chinese love peace” actually means “we have no interest in hemorrhage as long as peace still works”.


Do you remember Art of War by Sun Tsu in 6th century BC? It’s probably the earliest cookbook about how to dissect an unfriendly country step by step on planet Earth. Just think about it: Without given more than enough practicing experience, how could such delicate experience be summarized?


毫不讳言,对于外国网友“Boston Batman”的深刻认知,老铁是表示相当赞同:




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