

2017-02-17 LINK教育 加西周末




神经学家Jeff Iliff曾经发表过一个题为“One More Reason to Get A Good Night's Sleep"的TED演讲,今天我们就来看看他讲了些什么。

We all know based on our own experience that when you sleep, it clears your mind, and when you don't sleep, it leaves your mind murky.


So if we were to zoom into this guy's head, one of the things that you would see there is that there are no lymphatic vessels in the brain. But that doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? I mean, the brain is this intensely active organ that produces a correspondingly large amount of waste that must be efficiently cleared. And yet, it lacks lymphatic vessels, which means that the approach that the rest of the body takes to clearing away its waste won't work in the brain.

假使我们钻进了这个人的脑袋,你会发现, 大脑中没有淋巴管! 那不符合道理,不是吗? 我的意思是说,大脑是那么活跃的一个器官,它产生大量的废物,这些垃圾必须要被及时、有效地清理掉,然而大脑中却没有淋巴管,那就意味着身体的其他部位清除垃圾废物的途径在大脑中并不适用。

So the brain has this large pool of clean, clear fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. We call it the CSF. The CSF fills the space that surrounds the brain, and wastes from inside the brain make their way out to the CSF, which gets dumped, along with the waste, into the blood. Everything I just told you about, with all this fluid rushing through the brain, it's only happening in the sleeping brain.

我们的大脑有一个区域,里面装满了干净透明的液体,那种液体叫做脑脊液我们简称CSF(脑脊液)CSF(脑脊液)填充了大脑周围的空间。 来自大脑中的废物从大脑中出来,到达CSF(脑脊液)中CSF和废物一起卸下,进入血液。大脑中所有这些液体的工作状态, 只出现在睡眠时的大脑中!

See, you and I, we go to sleep every single night, but our brains, they never rest. While our body is still and our mind is off walking in dreams somewhere, the elegant machinery of the brain is quietly hard at work cleaning and maintaining this unimaginably complex machine. Like our housework, it's a dirty and a thankless job, but it's also important. In your house, if you stop cleaning your kitchen for a month, your home will become completely unlivable very quickly. But in the brain, the consequences of falling behind may be much greaterthan the embarrassment of dirty countertops.

我们每晚都在睡觉,但是我们的大脑却从未休息过。 虽然我们的身体看起来不动了, 但是我们的思维却在到处梦游。 大脑的这些组织 始终在辛苦地工作,保持这个极其复杂的“机器” 的清洁。就好像我们的家务 那是个脏兮兮、费力不讨好的工作但是却是那么的重要。 如果你有一个月都不打扫你的厨房很快,你的家就会变得不适合居住,但是如果换作大脑,拖延“不做家务”的结果将会比我们不清理厨房台面的结果要严重得多。 那是因为,对于大脑来说不清理的后果会危及我们思维、身体的健康与功能。








