

74.Many countries are reported to be taking measures to research and develop the new sort of cars so as to face the energy crisis.据报道,很多国家正采取各种手段研发新型汽车,以应对能源危机。

75.Not until the entire river was covered with rotten fish which died from acid rain did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.直到整条河里漂满了酸雨导致的死鱼,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。|||

76.The local officials admitted that it was time for the whole city to take specific action to control the quantity of the private vehicles so as to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours.当地官员承认是时候全市采取行动控制私车数量,以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。

77.He hurried to the railway station out of breath, only to be told that the train leaving for Shanghai had been away for half an hour.他上气不接下气地赶到了火车站,不料却被告知开往上海的火车已经离开半小时了。

78.While the class teacher put emphasis on the importance of doing homework independently his students still spent most of the time copying others’ homework.班主任强调了独立完成作业的重要性,但学生们仍然抄作业。

79.After a thorough inspection, the repairman gave me a disappointing report that the reason why my car broke down was that the pipe had been damaged because of the freezing weather.在彻底检查后,修理工给了我一份失望的报告,说车子坏了的原因是由于天太冷管子受损。

80.What was it that you talked about with the girl in blue when you were crossing the street yesterday afternoon?昨天下午你在过马路时和那个蓝衣女孩在讨论什么啊?|||

81.It is kind of you to help us handle this tough problem in your spare time because it is very difficult for us to think of a means as feasible as yours.你能在业余时间帮助我们解决这个棘手的问题真是太好了,因为我们很难想到和你一样行之有效的办法。

82.As we all know, ten is twice as much as five while one hundred is nine times more than ten.众所周知,10是5的两倍,而100又是10的十倍。

83.No matter what her parents said, the spoiled girl still had faith in whatever her thoughtful boyfriend told her about the odd jungle and wanted to take an adventure with him.无论她父母怎么说,这个被宠坏的女孩仍相信她男友告诉她的关于那个奇特丛林的一切,并想和他一起去探险。

84.At last, the leader drew the conclusion that he preferred to run a risk of developing new products rather than go on producing the products that can’t meet the demands of the new market.最后,领导得出理论:他宁可冒险开发新产品也不愿意继续生产这些无法满足市场需要的产品。

85.The shy waitress apologized to me for making a mistake after she charged me 100 yuan for just one tin of coke.害羞的服务员因为一听可乐收了我100元的错误而向我道歉。

86.Is it convenient for you to exchange your newspaper for this newly published magazine with me so that we can share the information?你现在方便把你的报纸和这本新出的杂志交换下,以便我们共享一下信息吗?

87.Child as he is, he has known that the more exposed he is to financial issues, and the younger he becomes aware of them, the more likely he is to become a responsible, forward-planning adult who can manage his finances confidently and effectively.尽管他还是个孩子,却已经知道越早接触到财务问题,越早意识到它们的存在,他就越有可能成为一个有责任心、有前瞻性的成年人,能自信有效地处理财务问题。

88.Despite the fact that many fans have waited outside the gate of the booking office, many of them will still be told that the tickets are available only to the first 100 people free of charge.尽管许多粉丝在售票厅前等了很久,但他们中的绝大部分仍将被告知只有前100人能免费拿到门票。

89.Because the class teacher typed too slowly and didn’t know how to input the chart into the computer, she had the important file scanned into the computer and printed out after she corrected some spelling mistakes.由于班主任打字速度太慢而且不知道该如何将图表输入电脑,她在纠正了一些拼写错误之后找人把这份重要的文件扫描进电脑并打印出来。

90.However tremendous the difficulty we are faced with, we will have no choice but to unite and overcome it.无论我们面对多大的困难,我们只能团结起来克服它。

91.The international company intended to establish several branches in different regions, so it would employ some mechanics, engineers, carpenters, accountants, professors, secretaries, lawyers, salesmen and architects.这家跨国公司计划在不同地区设立分店,所以将招聘一些机械工、工程师、会计、教授、秘书、律师、销售员和建筑师。

92.As a matter of fact, as long as you can deal with this emergency well, your leader will not mind accepting your own method.事实上,你的领导可以接受你采用你自己的方式来解决这个紧急情况,只要你能处理得圆满。

93.All these victims have just suffered the severe earthquake, so they have a keen desire for the medicine, fresh food and pure water that the government will provide for them.所有这些灾民都刚刚遭受了严重的地震,所以他们迫切渴望来自政府所提供的药物、新鲜食物和纯净水。

94.While you are reading the novel, there is no need for you to look up every new word in the dictionary because you can guess their meanings according to the context.你在阅读小说的时候,不必去查每个新单词,因为可以通过语境来猜测词义。

95.It suddenly occurred to him that the person who he had just chatted with was none other than the murderer who had escaped from the prison.他突然想起来那个刚才和他闲谈的人正是从监狱逃脱的杀人犯。

96.So far, any drug has more or less some side effect which will affect other organs, so scientists are making a great effort to develop new drugs to avoid the situation.目前为止,任何药物都或多或少有着影响其他器官的副作用,因此,科学家们正努力研究新药来避免这种情况。

97.Nowadays, the whole world is facing the challenges of the pollution crisis, so people expect the new material that can be recycled to be invented to replace the old one.目前,全世界都在面临污染危机的挑战;人们希望能研制出新的可回收材料来代替那些旧的材料。

98.Generally speaking, man’s heart beats 2.6 billion times on average throughout one’s life; hence, we ought to take care of our heart by taking exercise for about 30 minutes a day.通常说来,人类一生心脏平均会跳26亿下;因此,我们应该通过每天锻炼30分钟左右来照顾我们的心脏。

99.As usual, Tom gets up at 8 o’clock, drives 30 minutes on the road crowded with cars, begins his work at 9:00 and spends 10 hours in coping with various documents and goes home accompanied by the moon and stars——a typical day for a white collar!如往常一样,汤姆8点起床,在拥挤的路上开半小时车,9点开始工作,花费10小时处理不同的文件,然后伴着星星和月亮回家——一个白领典型的一天。

100.I don’t mind the way in which you take advantage of others’ mistakes and weakness, and what I am concerned about is the result.我不介意你利用别人失误和弱点的方式,我在乎的是结果。|||

101.When the art master delivered the speech, he mentioned that you have to fight against the following factors such as self-doubt, failure, loneliness, misunderstanding and even threat on condition that you want to have access to achievement.当那个艺术大师发表演讲时,他提到:如果你想获得成就,你必须和以下因素抗争,例如,不自信、失败、孤独、误解,甚至是威胁。

102.When interviewed by the journalists, the minister assured the public that all the products on display would be launched to the market and would satisfy the giant companies’ need.当接受记者采访时,部长向公众保证所有的产品都将投放市场,并满足大型公司的需求。

103.No one opposed the proposal that the star be named after the distinguished scientist in memory of the great contribution he made to space research.没人反对这个提议——以这个杰出科学家的名字命名这颗星星,以纪念他为太空研究所做的巨大贡献。

104.The rumour spread that the ticket sales in that suburban theatre was in decline for lack of marvelous performances; therefore, many performing companies withdrew their offers.有谣言说:由于没有精彩的表演,那个位于郊区的剧院票房销售正在下降,因此,许多表演公司都收回了他们的出价。

105.In my opinion, it makes no sense to regret spending time persuading him; what you should do right now is to prove that his previous opinions were just ridiculous.我认为,后悔花时间说服他是没有意义的,你现在要做的就是找到足够证据证明他先前的意见只不过是无稽之谈。

106.A lot of people in poverty were infected with the deadly disease, so the experienced doctor of honour volunteered to serve the poor, and operated on them free of charge.许多穷困的人都染上了这种致命疾病,因此那个经验丰富的荣誉医生主动救助那些穷人,免费为他们手术。

107.Although many travellers supposed that they could take the same route without the guide, only 30 percent were estimated to arrive at the destination.虽然许多旅游认为他们不需要指南手册也可以沿相同路线出行,可是估计只有30%的人最终能到达终点。

108.These days, all the family members, who have separated from each other for long, re-unite to emerge in nothing but the 50th anniversary of their grandparents’ marriage.这些天,彼此多年不见的家庭成员重聚了,不为别的就为了参加祖父母结婚50周年纪念。

109.Her parents’ aim is to prevent her from any bad impact so that she can form a good habit and have graceful manners.她父母的目的是使她不受任何坏影响的干扰以便她能养成良好的习惯和礼貌。

110.A strange phenomenon emerged that the youth struggled for a better life by earning money desperately, but they didn’t find the suitable solution to release the pressure.现在出现的奇怪现象是:年轻人为了更好的生活而拼命赚钱却没有找到减压的合适方法。

111.I was lost in thought the moment my leader introduced a new project in detail; nevertheless, I still guaranteed that I could be qualified for it.当领导详细介绍新项目的时候,我走神了,然而,我仍然保证我能胜任这个项目。

112.—My friend’s computer is very light and fashionable. I like it very much. So I decide to buy a similar one.

  —Which one?

  —The one in pink is very charming.

  —I don’t think so. I think the one in pink is not so/as good as that in black.





113.Late in the 20th century, the world has witness that the modest and humble Chinese people made the best use of their diligence and intelligence to reform economic structure, develop their domestic industry, improve people’s living standard, provide more access to education, defense the territory and cooperate with any peace-loving country in the world.20世纪末,全世界见证了谦虚的中国人民充分利用他们的勤劳智慧,改革经济结构,发展国内工业,提高人民生活水平,提供更多教育机会,保卫疆土,和任何热爱和平的国家合作。

114.Besides carrying the original diploma, all the candidates must fill in the blank form and write down their names, addresses, educational background and the self introduction including their certificates, ambition and hobbies; however, empty boast is forbidden.所有的候选人带好文凭原件,除此之外,必须填一张表格,写下名字、地址、学历、自我介绍(包括各类证书、志向和爱好),但是,空谈吹嘘是不允许的。

115.To raise the service standard, the furniture shop confirms that the regular customers will gain 15 percent discount and have the chance to appreciate the classical European-style furniture.为了提高服务标准,家具店确认常客将享受15%的折扣,还有机会欣赏欧式古典家具。

116.Obama administration showed its sympathy for the innocent people who survived the natural tragedy, comforted them and encouraged them to rebuild their homeland with American spirit, promising that the government would continue to offer the rescue and financial support.奥巴马政府对在自然灾害中幸存下来的无辜百姓深表同情,安慰并鼓励他们要怀着美国精神重建家园,他们承诺政府会一直提供救援和经济救援。

117.According to the recent survey, there is a growing tendency for senior staff to put aside their salary, run into deep debt for a long time or even cancel most social activities merely to realize the dream of improving their housing condition.根据最近的调查,高级职员越来越趋向于把月收入存起来,长期负巨债,甚至取消大多数社交活动,只为了实现改善住房条件的梦想。

118.Many overseas guests are jealous of the host’s traditional Chinese decorations which are assessed at one million yuan but they are prohibited from touching anything for the sake of safety.许多海外客人都嫉妒主人家传统的中式装修,据估计大约植一百万人民币,但是出于安全,他们被严禁接触任何东西。

119.The economic committee gave a brief but accurate description of the stable and constant increase of GDP so the public is convinced that the government is conveying the signal that the weak economy has recovered.经济委员会简短但准确地阐述了国民生产总值稳定快速增长,因此,公众相信政府正在发出疲软的经济已经复苏的信号。

120.The senior official leaked that as a close partner, they committed themselves to taking concrete measures such as absorbing more labour force and eliminating some out-of-date products for the purpose of proceeding to exploit the potential market.高级官员透露:作为亲密合伙人,他们承诺将采取具体措施例如吸收劳动力,淘汰一些过时的产品,为的是进一步挖掘潜在市场。

121.The embarrassed computer talent felt guilty of sending a threatening mail to the security department simply for fun as the police were appointed to search every vacant seat in the airport and plenty of flights were canceled.由于警方受命在机场搜索每个空位,很多航班被取消,哪个尴尬的电脑天才十分内疚,自己仅仅为了好玩寄了一封恐吓信给保安部。

122.In principle, the installed software is assumed to make the accounting system more efficient but the reality is that all of us are discouraged from learning by heart so much complicated operating procedure.理论上,所安装的软件是希望用来让系统更有效率,但事实是我们所有的人都十分受挫,因为要背熟那么多复杂的操作流程。

123.Nowadays, now that the private cars are the symbol of success, ideal life and social position, many businessmen with the driving license hold the belief that owning a luxurious car is closely linked with pursuing a high-quality life.当今,由于私家车是成功、理想生活和社会地位的标志,许多有驾照的商人都认为拥有一辆豪华车和追求高品质生活是紧密相连的。

124.Before the lecture, the man of great wisdom put forward such an abstract concept that every one kept silent digesting the meaning but it might take a long time for them to truly master it.在讲座前,那个充满智慧的人提出了一个很抽象的概念以至于每个人都安静地思考消化其含义,但是可能要很久他们才能真正掌握。

125.The deaf twins looked alike and yet unlike the elder brother who had a good command of repairing the vehicles, the younger brother liked painting the pictures, which looked like photos.那对聋哑双胞胎看起来很像,然而,不像哥哥擅长修汽车,弟弟喜欢画画,画出来的画像照片。|||

126.In some children who go blind, certain parts of the brain that normally control vision appear to switch jobs and focus instead on sound, a new study has found.新的研究已经发现,盲童的大脑里,一些本应该控制视觉的部分似乎转而控制声音。

127.At the moment, the bright child from an ill-respected school can show certificates to prove he or she is suitable for a job, while the lack of certificate indicates the unsuitability of a dull child attending a well-respected school.到那个时候,非名校毕业的聪明孩子用各类证书证明他或她适合某个工作,而没有证书就意味着不聪明的孩子不适合读名校。

128.This defense of excellence and opportunity would disappear if examinations were taken away, and the bright child from a poor family would be a prisoner of his or her school’s reputation, unable to compete for employment with the child from the favored school.如果考试被取消,对优秀和机遇的保护就会消失,来自于贫困家庭的孩子将会因为学校的声誉而受累,不能与名校的孩子竞争就业机会。

129.To be frank, even though the central government collapsed, these civilians would preserve in fighting to the end because they couldn’t endure being oppressed and motherland’s being conquered.坦率地说,即使中央政府垮台了,这些平民也会抗争到底,因为他们不能忍受被压迫、祖国被占领。

130.A confusing circumstance called “shifting of responsibility” is defined as the fact that the more people there are, the less likely help is to be given because each individual excuses himself by thinking someone else will help.一个令人困惑的现象叫做“责任转移”,定义为围观人越多,可能给予的帮助越少,因为每个人都为自己开脱,觉得别人会帮助。

131.Poisonous liquid can cause the symptom such as flu and muscle ache so it is essential to put unique identification label on them according to the directions.有毒液体能引起诸如流感、肌肉酸痛的症状,因此,有必要按照说明给它们贴上独特的识别标签。

132.The earnest customs officer took it for granted that he possessed the right to have a routine check of everyone’s luggage but he had no idea he had offended the leader.那个认真的海关官员理所应当地认为:按常规,他有权例行检查所有人的行李,但是他不知道已经冒犯了领导。


