

网络整理 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09







The talented young herbalist named Xu Xian was in trouble. It should have been a victorious moment– he had just opened his very own medicine shop. But he bought his supplies from his former employer, and the resentful man sold him rotten herbs. 


As Xu Xian wondered what to do with this useless inventory, patients flooded into his shop. A plague had stricken the city, and he had nothing to treat them. Just as he was starting to panic, his wife, Bai Su Zhen, produced a recipe to use the rotten herbs as medicine. Her remedy cured all the plague-afflicted citizens immediately. Xu Xian’s former boss even had to buy back some of the rotten herbs to treat his own family. 


Shortly after, a monk named Fa Hai approached Xu Xian, warning him that there was a demon in his house. The demon, he said, was Bai Su Zhen. Xu Xian laughed. His kindhearted, resourceful wife was not a demon. 


Fa Hai insisted. He told Xu Xian to serve his wife realgar wine on the 5th day of the 5th month, when demons’ powers are weakest. If she wasn’t a demon, he explained, it wouldn’t hurt her. 


Xu Xian dismissed the monk politely, with no intention of serving Bai Su Zhen the wine. But as the day approached, he decided to try it. 


As soon as the wine touched Bai Su Zhen’s lips, she ran to the bedroom, claiming she wasn’t feeling well. Xu Xian prepared some medicine and went to check on her. But instead of his wife, he found a giant white serpent with a bloody forked tongue in the bed. He collapsed, killed by the shock. 


When Bai Su Zhen opened her eyes, she realized immediately what must have happened. The truth was that Bai Su Zhen was an immortal snake with formidable magical powers. She had used her powers to take a human form and improve her and her husband’s fortunes. 


Her magic couldn’t revive Xu Xian, but she had one more idea to save him: an herb that could grant longevity and even bring the dead back to life, guarded by the Old Man of the South Pole in the forbidden peaks of the Kun Lun Mountains. She rode to the mountains on a cloud, then continued on foot passed gateways and arches until she reached one marked “beyond mortals” hanging over a silver bridge. 


On the other side, two of the Old Man’s disciples guarded the herb. Bai Su Zhen disguised herself as a monk and told them she’d come to invite the Old Man to a gathering of the gods. While they relayed her message, she plucked some leaves from the herb and ran. 


The servants realized they had been tricked and chased her. Bai Su Zhen coughed up a magic ball and threw it at one. As the other closed in on her, she put the herb under her tongue for safekeeping, but its magic forced both of them into their true forms. As the crane’s long beak clamped around her, the Old Man appeared. Why, he asked, would she risk her life to steal his herb when she was already immortal? 


Bai Su Zhen explained her love for Xu Xian. Even if he didn’t want to be with her now that he knew she was a demon, she was determined to bring him back to life. The two had a karmic connection dating back more than a thousand years. When Bai Su Zhen was a small snake, a beggar was about to kill her, but a kind passerby rescued her. Her rescuer was Xu Xian in a past life. Touched by her willingness to risk her life for him, the Old Man permitted her to leave the mountain with the immortal herb. 


Bai Su Zhen returned home to revive Xu Xian. When he opened his eyes, the terrified look frozen on his face became a smile. Demon or not, he was still happy to see his wife. 


年轻有才华的草药医生 许仙遇到了麻烦。 这本来应该是值得庆祝的一刻—— 他自己的药舖刚开张。 但他向他的前任雇主购买货品, 而这位愤恨不满的前雇主 把腐坏的药草卖给他。 


当许仙正在伤脑筋要如何 处理这些无用的库存时, 病人涌入了他的店。 瘟疫在该城市爆发, 他却没有东西可以治疗他们。 他正要开始慌张时, 他的妻子,白素贞, 开出了一张把腐坏药草 当药物使用的处方。 她的药物立即治好了 所有被瘟疫所苦的市民。 许仙的前任雇主甚至得要 买回一些腐坏的药草 来治疗他自己的家人。 


没多久,有一位叫做 法海的和尚去找许仙, 警告许仙,说他的家里有恶魔。 他说,这恶魔就是白素贞。 许仙笑了。 他那心地善良又机智的 妻子不可能是恶魔。 


法海很坚持。 他叫许仙在端午节那天 给他的妻子喝雄黄酒, 那是恶魔的力量最弱的时刻。 他解释说,如果她 不是恶魔就不会受伤害。 


许仙礼貌地请和尚离开, 没打算要让白素贞喝雄黄酒。 但,当那一天到来时, 他决定一试。 


雄黄酒才一接触到白素贞的嘴唇, 她就奔向卧房,声称她不舒服。 许仙准备了一些药, 去看她的状况。 但,他看到在床上的不是他的妻子, 而是只巨大的白蛇, 伸出分叉的血红色舌头。 这惊吓让他崩溃而死。 


当白素贞睁开双眼, 她立刻猜到发生了什麽事。 真相是,白素贞是长生不老的蛇, 有着可怕的法力。 她用法力将自己变成人形, 改善她和丈夫的财务。 


她的魔法无法让许仙复生, 但她还有一个点子可以救他: 有一种药草可以让人长寿, 甚至能让死者复生, 这种药草被保存在 崑仑山高峰上的禁地, 由南极仙翁看守。 她乘云前往崑仑山, 接着步行走过通道和拱门, 抵达了一座银色桥梁, 上面标注着「隔凡桥」。 


在另一端,仙翁的 两位弟子在看守药草。 白素贞乔装成和尚, 告诉他们说她是来 邀请仙翁参加神的聚会。 他们去传达口信时, 她摘取了一些药草叶便转身逃跑。 


这些仆人发现自己 被骗了,马上去追她。 白素贞咳出了一颗魔法球, 扔向其中一人。 当另一人接近她时, 她为了保护药草, 把它放到了自己的舌头下, 但它的魔力迫使他们 都现出了原形。 当鹤的长喙钳住她时, 仙翁出现了。 他问她,为什麽要 冒着生命危险来偷药草? 她不是已经长生不老了吗? 


白素贞解释了她对许仙的爱。 即使现在许仙知道了她是恶魔, 不可能想和她在一起, 她仍然下定决心要让他起死回生。 他们两人的业缘, 可追溯至超过一千年前。 当时白素贞是只小蛇, 一名乞丐正要杀害她, 但一名好心的路人救了她。 这名救星就是前世的许仙。 她愿意为他冒生命危险, 让老翁很感动, 因此允许她带着长生不老的 药草离开崑仑山。 


白素贞返家後让许仙复活。 他睁开双眼时, 脸上僵住的惊恐神情 转变成了一个微笑。 不论他的妻子是不是恶魔, 他都很高兴见到她。 

















来源:参考消息 ID:ckxxwx,作者:王雨晴 刘雨晴    


