

This is the world of opera. Music mixes with words to create stories of love, sorrow, passion, tragedy and comedy, to create the exciting and most magical world of Italian opera. The Italians love opera. It's in their blood. It was Venetian wealth that led to the big development in opera.With all this money around, opera went commercial, and in 1637, the very first public opera house was opened. And it was around this time that the word "opera", which means literally "work", came into use to describe the new art form.



参考答案:How far is the International Student Office?

How far is it from the International Student Office?

How far is it from here to the International Student Office?


电脑回答:It's about 20 minutes' walk. You can take the school bus there. It comes every 10 minutes. And it is free. The bus goes around the campus. It has only one route. And it runs until 12:00 in the evening.



参考答案:Is there a Chinese restaurant on campus?

Is there a Chinese restaurant in the school?

Are there any Chinese restaurants at the school?


电脑回答:Yes. There's one near the school supermarket. It mainly serves dumplings. And there is one selling traditional Chinese food outside the school gate. I went there many times. If you want, I can take you there next time.



参考答案:How do you like Chinese food?

What do you think of Chinese food?

What's your opinion about Chinese food?


电脑回答:Well, to be honest with you, Chinese food is really different from western food. Like Chinese culture, Chinese food is extremely diverse. It's delicious and nice, especially the homemade chicken soup. That's my favorite dish.


How will Tom go to the photo studio?

参考答案:On foot.

He will walk there.

Tom will go to the photo studio on foot.


Where should a new student go to register?

参考答案:To the International Student Office.

New students should go to the International Student Office.

A new student should go to register in the International Student Office.


How much does it cost to take the school bus?


It is free.

Taking the school bus is free.


Where is the Chinese restaurant serving dumplings?

参考答案:Near the school supermarket.

It's near the school supermarket.

The Chinese restaurant serving dumplings is near the school supermarket.


What Chinese food does Tom like?

参考答案:The homemade chicken soup.

He likes the homemade chicken soup.

Tom likes the homemade chicken soup.


梗概:Tom不仅近视而且心不在焉。这天在路上, 他又因此闹出了不少笑话。

关键词:short-sighted(近视的)run into(撞上)cow(奶牛)mistake(误会)fall over(摔倒) 

Was It a Cow or a Man?

Tom lives in the countryside. He likes reading all kinds of storybooks while walking. He is also short-sighted and absent-minded. So he often makes mistakes. One day, Tom went out for a walk. He had a book in his hand as usual. He read the book on the way. He had not gone far before he ran into a cow and fell down. Tom thought he might have hit a fat man. He wanted to figure it out. But, he had lost his glasses in the floor. "I beg your pardon, Sir, "he said politely. As soon as he found his glasses and put them on, he realized that he had made a mistake. Tom laughed, and then, moved forward. Soon, he was again concentrating on his book and lost in thought. Several minutes later, he fell over again. Both his book and his glasses were lost. He thought he might be hit by someone again. So Tom shouted angrily, but there was no answer. Then, after putting on his glasses, Tom saw a woman standing not far away from him. The woman was scared and ran away immediately. This time, there wasn't any cow. In fact, there was a big stone beside his feet.



