


Part A

It’s April. Across the Rocky Mountains, billions of tons of water have been locked up all winter as snow and ice. But today, for the first time this year, the sun is in the sky for more than 12 hours. At last, spring has arrived. The mountains are waking up; the tap is being turned on. [3,000/three thousand] waterfalls appear across the Rockies. Hundreds of billions of gallons are released from the mountains. A thousand frozen lakes are unlocked and quickly filled. Millions of acres of land finally receive water. The spring grass grows tall and sweet. There is now food and water for all. The good times are here.

Part B


W:Hey,Tom.Is it true that mountain climbing and hiking are really popular in Britain?

M:Yes, it is.Most people do it as a hobby to stay fit and healthy, like me. But some take it very seriously.They travel all over the world to climb the highest and most dangerous mountains.

W:Aren't they afraid of getting hurt?

M:I guess not.I think serious climbers are attracted by the danger.They see getting to the top of the mountain as a challenge.

W:They sound crazy to me.

M:Yeah.I think you have to be a little crazy and very brave to be a serious climber.




Which English climber do you admire most?

Which English mountain climber do you admire most?

Which British mountain climber do you admire the most?

电脑回答:Well, there are so many. But if I had to choose one, I’d say Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Among his many achievements, he managed to climb to the top of Mount Qomolangma at the age of 65. That’s amazing. They call him the greatest living explorer.




Do you think I should try this sport?

Do you think I should try the sport?

Do you think I should try doing this sport?

电脑回答:Definitely. But I wouldn’t recommend starting with Mount Qomolangma. Go on some easy hikes first to get some experience. Mountain climbing is pretty safe if you are well-trained and prepared. But you can’t rush into it. Hiking is a good starting point.




What’s the difference between climbing and hiking?

What’s the difference between mountain climbing and hiking?

What are the differences between climbing and hiking?

电脑回答:Hiking is usually more about walking than climbing. For example, you go out for the day and walk in the countryside, or through a forest, or up a mountain track. On the other hand, climbing involves using your hands and feet to go up areas that are too steep to walk up, and you use ropes for safety.


Why do most people go hiking and mountain climbing?


To stay fit and healthy.

They go hiking and mountain climbing to stay fit and healthy.

Most people go hiking and mountain climbing to stay fit and healthy.


What are serious mountain climbers attracted by?


The danger.

They’re attracted by the danger.

Serious mountain climbers are attracted by the danger.


How old was Sir Ranulph Fiennes when he climbed Mount Qomolangma?


65 years old.

He was 65 years old then.

Sir Ranulph Fiennes was 65 when he climbed Mount Qomolangma.


What is a good starting point for a beginner?



Hiking is a good starting point for a beginner.

For a beginner, hiking is a good starting point.


What would climbers sometimes use for safety while climbing?



They would use ropes.

Climbers sometimes would use ropes for safety while climbing.

Part C

Good Company and Bad Company

One day, while the parents were away searching for food, two young parrots were taken from their nest by a cruel hunter.

One of the birds managed to escape and eventually found his way to the home of a kindly old farmer, who spoke to him with kindness and love. The hunter put the other parrot in a cage in his hut where he was badly treated and screamed at every day.

About a year later, a traveler was resting outside the hunter’s hut. Sensing someone outside, the parrot screamed, “Fool! Why are you here? Leave or I’ll kill you!” Scared, the traveler went away. Later, he reached the house where the other parrot lived. “Welcome, traveler,” said the bird gently. “Please sit in the yard and take a rest.” Surprised and relieved, the traveler told the parrot about his earlier experience. “How is it that you are so kind?” asked the man. The parrot replied, “That must be my poor brother. I was lucky enough to live with a kind man while my brother was raised in a cruel home. I learned the language of love and my brother learned the language of hate. How we are treated decides who we will be.”





2020广东一模英语听说考试A  视频练习版

2020广东一模英语听说考试B  视频练习版


