
上海纽约大学2020届本科生“云毕业” 马云致辞中英字幕完整版



chancellor [ˈtʃɑːns(ə)lə] 大臣;司法官;总理;大学名誉校长;大学校长;大学行政长官;主教的法律干事;衡平法院首席法官;骑士团委任状批准官


faculty [ˈfak(ə)lti] 天赋;系;院;特许证;许可证;才能;本领;天资;全体教学(或科研)人员;大学(或学院)的全体教职员


confront [kənˈfrʌnt] 面对;面临;对抗;正视;使面对;临到…头上;使面临;使遭遇;处理


unprecedented [ʌnˈprɛsɪdɛntɪd] 无先例的;前所未闻的


contemplating [ˈkɔntempleitɪŋ] 注视;(contemplate的现在分词)


grasp [ɡrɑːsp] 抓牢;握紧;理解;领会;试图抓住;果断地采取对…有利的行动


embrace [ɪmˈbreɪs] 拥抱;怀抱;信奉;包括;包含;欣然接受


comprehensive [kɒmprɪˈhɛnsɪv] 全面的;无所不包的;综合性的;综合中学教育体制的;理解的;广泛的;以绝对优势(或劣势)获胜(或败北)的;综合险的


identifying [aɪ'dentɪfaɪɪŋ] 识别;确定;使参与;鉴定;(identify的现在分词);认同;识别;标识关系;标识


praiseworthy [ˈpreɪzwəːði] 值得赞扬的;可嘉的


chips [tʃɪps] 炸薯条;碎片;(足球)高球;筹码;缺口;(chip的复数)

尊敬的俞校长,Vice Chancellor Lehman,上海纽约大学的老师、同学们、家长,大家好!    Chancellor Yu, Vice Chancellor Lehman, NYU Shanghai faculty members, students, parents, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!

今天,是各位人生中非常重要的一天。Today marks a very important day in your lives.

也很高兴,特别荣幸,在这个特殊的时期,用这种特别的方法,参与大家人生中最重要的时刻。也谢谢校长,谢谢老师、同学们,因为你们,此时此刻我觉得这枚奖章与众不同,加倍珍惜!It is a pleasure and honor, during this extraordinary time and through this unique way, to join this important moment. Thank you Mr. Chancellor, teachers and students. You all make this Medal of Honor feel even more special and I cherish it deeply.

今天大家大学毕业。Today is your graduation day.

但是今年的毕业,看起来麻烦很多,麻烦也很大。一毕业就碰上了全世界范围内的疫情,无论是找工作还是继续升学,都面临着前所未有的困难,这些困难可能大家以前都没有想过,但没办法,这就是人生!Graduates this year face major challenges. Upon graduation you have to deal with a global pandemic, and whether you are looking for work or want to continue studying, you will confront unprecedented challenges that could not have been imagined. But, this is life.

你们至少比任何一届的学生多学了一门课,多修了一个学分,这门课没有考试,但比任何一门课都重要。因为疫情,因为这个灾难,你们学习了应该如何去思考这个世界的巨变,以及如何在巨大的变化面前承担自己的责任,如何改变自己去适应未来。我们都很难改变昨天、甚至很难改变今天,但我们做一点点事,就可以改变明天,改变我们自己的未来。这门课刚刚开始,我也和大家一样,都是刚刚开始学习这门课。However, the class of 2020 has taken one more course and earned one credit more than any other class. And while this course has no exams, it is more important than any other course at school. Because of this pandemic, because of this disaster, you are studying and reflecting on today’s great global changes. You are contemplating what responsibilities you will personally take, how to change yourself to adapt to the future. It is very hard for us to change yesterday, or to change today, but small accomplishments today can change tomorrow and change our future. This course is just beginning. And just like you, I am also only beginning to learn. 

今天我们已经看到,世界面临了百年未有的危机。Today, we already see the world faced with an unprecedented, once in a century crisis.

但是,人类所拥有的资源和财富是前所未有,人类拥有的技术能力也前所未有,当然人类所面临的困难和麻烦也前所未有。But, humans possess unprecedented resources and wealth. We also have unprecedented technological capability. Of course, we also face unprecedented difficulties and challenges.

今天的麻烦,就是你们这一代年轻人最大的机遇,也是你们为世界能够创造价值的真正机会。To solve today’s problems and challenges is the greatest opportunity for your generation. This is also the real opportunity for you to create value for the world.

我想,21世纪的毕业生,抓住机遇,拥有未来,我们需要三观,就是全球观,未来观,还有全局观。我们也需要三商,需要有IQ(智商),需要EQ(情商),还需要LQ(爱商),the Q of Love。I believe in order for 21st century graduates to fully grasp these opportunities and embrace the future, you need to have 3 views: a global view, a view of the future and a comprehensive view. You also need to have 3 Qs: IQ, EQ and LQ (the Q of Love).

全球观不一定要会懂外语,但一定要尊重和理解不同的文化。人和人,国家和国家,没有一个是一样的,肯定是不同的,而且会永远地不同下去。今天世界的问题,就是因为看到了太多彼此之间的不同和分歧。看到不同其实没有什么了不起,真正了不起的,是看到了不同,依然相信我们的“同”,依然能够放下分歧共同前行。To have a global view, you do not need to know a foreign language, but you must respect and understand different cultures. No people or nation are the same. They are and will continue to be different. Today’s global problems are a result of our focus on too many differences. Identifying differences among us is not something to be praised. What is truly praiseworthy is to see through our differences and put faith in our common areas, to have the ability to put aside our differences and walk forward together.

面向未来的年轻人,我们需要有三种商:智商,情商和爱商。IQ、EQ and LQ。IQ高的人不太容易失败,EQ高的人机会会很多,但是只有LQ高的人才能受人尊重。未来机器可能会取代人类很多工作,但机器只有芯片,它没有心,人类有爱,这是机器不可能取代人类的。Young people that look to the future should also have IQ, EQ and LQ. People with high IQ do not fail easily. People with high EQ can find more opportunities. But only people with high LQ can win the respect of others. In the future, machines may replace people in a lot of jobs, but machines only have chips. They don’t have a heart. Love is the only thing that cannot be replaced by machine.

今天对大家来说是个全新的开始。未来的路上,充满了挑战,也充满希望。我相信只要大家一起努力、一起学习,一定能够帮助这个世界跨入更加美好的未来。Today is a new beginning. The road ahead is full of challenges, but also full of hope. I believe that as long as we work hard together, study together, we can definitely help the world step into a better future.And I believe you all will make it!

再次祝贺大家,也祝福大家!谢谢大家!Once again congratulations and best wishes to everyone.Thank you.


