

关注我们☞ 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09





1.Why is the womangoing in there?

A.To find her uniform.B.To talk to her boss.C.To get her access code.

2.What is the man doing?

A.Looking for a customer.  B.Moving his car.  C.Waiting for his wife.

3.Where is the womanordering her food?

A.On her phone.

B.From her car.

C.From inside the restaurant.

4.Who is the man probablytalking with?

A.His college professor.   B.His high school teacher.C.His classmate.

5.What does the manreally need?

A.An app to buy a laptop.

B.A way to store his passwords.

C.A new user name to use online.




6.Where did the womango last night?

A.To the theater.  B.To the gym.   C.To the Starbucks.

7.What did the womanforget to do?

A.Fill up the tank.B.Turn off the inside light.   C.Takeout her purse.


8.What is the man tryingto offer?

A.A place to stay.

B.Money to rent an apartment.

C.The insurance to repair the damage.

9.What do we know aboutthe fire?

A.Nobody was hurt.

B.The woman􀆳s apartment was affected.

C.Some people were given money for new furniture.


10.Where are the speakers?

A.At a clothing shop.  B.At a tailor􀆳s shop.C.Ata business meeting.

11.What does the womanthink changes often?

A.Style.    B.Price.    C.Quality.

12.How does the womanfeel about the black suit?

A.It is quite nice.B.It is informal.  C.It is too serious.


13.What are overweightpeople advised to do?

A.Give up dessert.B.Have a strict diet.  C.Do moredaily exercise.

14.What does the mansay about soda?

A.There is no nutrition in it.

B.There are some vitamins in it.

C.It won􀆳t make people gain weight.

15.What did the manoften do in the past?

A.He ate chocolate.B.He took vitamins.C.He drank DietCoke.

16.What does the manmean in the end?

A.He is still very fat.

B.He has always been slim.

C.He is much thinner than before.


17.How has social mediachanged our life?

A.People are more confused than ever.

B.People are more connected than before.

C.People are not as happy as they used to be.

18.Why might socialmedia be an effective tool for small companies?

A.It encourages social discussions.

B.It changes the way we get our news.

C.It provides a cheap way to advertise.

19.What is one of thenegative aspects of social media?

A.No honest talks between people.

B.Spreading incorrect information.

C.The damages to people􀆳s computers.

20.What is the speaker􀆳sattitude towards social media?







For days, Hunter Mollett had little to eat but he insisted on heading to EnterpriseHigh School in Mississippi.He never complained; he􀆳d simply do his work, hang about with friends and attend band practice.Finally, after four days, Hunter􀆳s momfound some peas and cornmeal and made a meal for them.

In high school, Mollett experienced various degrees of homelessness.However, as one of the smartest students in his grade, when struggling to find stable housing, he also wanted to attend Harvard University.

Jackie Lewis first learned of his dream whenshe met him in her ninth grade algebra class.“He told me he was going to Harvard,” she said, “but I was unsure if hewas going to make it.” However, after having Mollett inclass, Lewis changed her views on his chances in theIvy League.

Mollett first decided on Harvard when he wasin Grade One when he was watching Boston Legal with his mother.He asked her howthe characters became lawyers.She said they went to Harvard.Though he didn􀆳tknow if she was just joking, Mollett decided that waswhere he wanted to go.

When Mollett􀆳s teachers learned of hisunstable housing, they started helping when they could.If Mollettneeded some books, a teacher would buy themfor him.If he needed a ride, someone would take him.Meanwhile, Mollett worked hard toward his goal of becoming a lawyer.He took histests and started applying to colleges, including MississippiState University and Harvard.

Soon he learned Mississippi State Universityaccepted him and offered him a full scholarship.Then he got an e-mail about financialaid at Harvard even before his university acceptance letter.He felt bewildered.

 “I satthere for 16 minutes just staring at my phone.I couldn􀆳t believe I gotin.” Mollett said.

21.What made HunterMollett set the goal of going to Harvard?

A.His mother􀆳s joke. B.The inspiration from a TV play.

C.His friend􀆳s encouragement.D.His teacher􀆳s support and help.

22.Which word can replacethe underlined word “bewildered” in Paragraph 6?

A.Confused.B.Satisfied.    C.Frustrated.   D.Upset.

23.Which of the followingwords can best describe Mollett?

A.Social and intelligent.  B.Confident and patient.

C.Ambitious and considerate.   D.Determined and diligent.


There is a chill wind blowing through the campusof Keele University these days and it􀆳s nothing to do with the weather.

Students fear the recession(经济衰退) and the downturn in graduate recruitment may mean their studies leadthem nowhere.Students􀆳 Union president Talah Omran AI Rubaie already hasher degree, and will give up her union post this summer, but she􀆳s not looking forward to launching herself onto thejob market.She said, “For most of us, the fact that you are graduating today or tomorrow but might not beable to get a job is a very scary prospect.I think it also has an impact on thestudents that have just graduated from high school, who􀆳re thinking ‘Is it worth coming to university, is it worth getting a degree?’”

In the Union café, students􀆳 life goes on as it always has.But these undergraduatesknow the bubble of academia will not protect them from the recession for long.Particularlyover Christmas and Easter when you􀆳re only home for months, no one􀆳s got any jobs to give out for a few weeks.

As the recession deepens, some students find themselves in a dilemma: to stay at university, continue theirstudies, and hope the graduate job market improves bythe time they leave, or to start right nowand take a job, any job, so they don􀆳t get left on the employment shelf.

Keele􀆳s performance in the graduatejobs market has been good so far.The latest figures available show 95% of studentsleaving do get a job, but that was before theeconomy fell off a cliff, and the university isworking hard to equip its students with the skills to compete in an ever gloomieremployment field.

24.What is the purposeof paragraph 1?

 A.To attractthe readers.B.To present the opinion.

C.To introduce the Keele University.   D.To describe the British weather.

25.Why did Keele havea good performance in the graduate job market?

 A.Itsstudents are well-equipped with necessary skills for competition.

 B.Itsstudents care little about whether the jobs they get are good or not.

 C.Itsstudents are well-protected by the bubble of academia from the recession.

 D.Itsstudents are not bothered by whether to step into real society right now or not.

26.What is the textmainly about?

 A.Graduatesof Keele University are faced with a dilemma.

 B.To finda job is difficult for the students of Keele University.

 C.Therecession does impact the graduates of Keele University.

 D.KeeleUniversity is trying its best to help its graduates to get a good job.


Every time we get on a plane, we􀆳re asked to either turn off our phones or change them toflight mode—it􀆳s for “security reasons”.But according to The Conversationwebsite, having to turn our phones off on a plane is“a service issue, not a safety one”.When we speak on our phonesin the air, they can cause interference to the aircraft􀆳sradios and pilots can hear this interference in their headphones.“It􀆳sthe same noise you􀆳ll be familiar with, if you put your mobile too close to a speaker,” the Mirror noted.“It is not safety-critical, but is annoying for sure.” Though speaking on a phone during a flightisn􀆳t dangerous, from the viewpoint ofservice, it isn􀆳t still a good idea.

When we make or receive a call on the ground, we connect to a cell tower that deals with all calls within an 80-kilometerradius (半径).As we move from place to place we are “handed on” to different celltowers.As US scientist Sven Bilen explains, for this system to work, there are “built-in”expectations:There shouldn􀆳t be too many “handoffs”and people shouldn􀆳t be traveling faster than car speeds.“Of course, phone users should be close to the ground.” he added.If we were to makephone calls while we flew, however, none of these expectations would be met.And even worse, our cellphones would stop working.

But now things are beginning to change.If westill can􀆳t speak during a flight, we can use other phone functions.For example, Airbus A330 of Emirates Airlines has inflight WiFi to make passengerssend and receive short messages in the air.In the future, as Bilen points out, it may be possible forair travelers to make and receive calls freely.The breakthrough could be “pico cells”, which are small cell towers on the plane itself.There would no longerbe connections made between phones and the ground and therefore there would be nodanger of disruption to phone service.

One day, perhaps, we will be chatting inthe air as much as we chat on the ground.

27.Why are passengersrequired to turn off their phones on a plane?

A.Because using phones will pose a threat totheir safety.

B.Because using phones may cause annoying noiseto pilots.

C.Because turning off phones can ensure passengersa better service.

D.Because phones will fail to be connected tothe cell tower when in the air.

28.How many “build-in”expectations are mentioned by Sven Bilen to help make a phone call?

A.One. B.Two.C.Three.    D.Four.

29.What can we inferfrom the passage?

A.People should travel slower than airplane speedsto make a phone call successfully.

B.Passengers are likely to make or receive phonecalls freely on a plane in the future.

C.“Pico cells” has been applied by airlines toprovide passengers with good phone service.

D.Passengers can receive calls on Airbus A330of Emirates Airlines with the help of inflight WiFi.

30.Where is the textmost likely from?

A.A science fiction.   B.A travel journal.C.A guidebook.  D.A magazine.



Memorizing grammar tables may not sound likethe most exciting way to improve your English, but it􀆳s highly effective.31 


You can communicate effectively in English withvery few basic structures.Simply get hold of the verb tables of the most commonstructures (the present simple, the past simple, the future forms, the present perfect, etc.) and learn them by heart.


By memorizing the basic structures, you􀆳ll be able to generate thousands of other sentences. 32For example, if you learn the sentence, “I􀆳ve never seen it”, just change the verb “seen” for “heard”.It􀆳s that simple!  


33You won􀆳t have to think or translate—thestructures will just come out automatically.This will leave you valuable time todedicate to other really useful things such as learning lots of new vocabulary orimproving your listening skills. 


If you learn the grammar tables, you won􀆳t have to spend so much time studying grammar.Onceyou􀆳ve got the basic structure in your head, you can focus on learning lots of new words, building up your listening skills and doing lots of reading. 34 


Even advanced students make mistakes when itcomes to the basic structures. 35 So, if you can confidently use the Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect, etc., creating negatives or asking questions quicklyand accurately, you􀆳ll really impress the people you􀆳retalking to.Go for it!  

A.Then, cover the table and try to write it out.

B.This will really help with your language learning.

C.For example, they will leave “s” out in “she or he talks”.

D.You can replace the verb you􀆳ve learntwith any other one.

E.Here are five reasons why memorizing grammartables is a good idea.

F.It􀆳s easy for you to transform theminto the words you are familiar with.

G.Having the structures firmly in your head willmake reproducing them much easier.




Yesterday I saw a little girl wandering in thetoy section alone while I was shopping in a store.When her mom 36her, the mom looked worried, talking something about the importance of not37to her girl. 

They were in the 38 for longlooking at things and the mom had not got her 39 done yet.Shekept threatening her daughter that if she didn􀆳t stay 40she would call her dad.They were a little loud and one of the employeesactually was 41 to them. 

The mom seemed unsettled (心神不安的) but the little girl was pretty patient.A voice inside 42told me that I needed to do something for them.However, I just couldn􀆳t 43 what feltright, so I just got in line 44them and began to chat a little bit with the mom. 

It seemed that she really had to edit herselfas far as what she could buy.Then when she 45 to makeher purchase, I 46 to theclerk that I would pay for her and 47 him mycard secretly.When the clerk told her that someone else was paying for her, she was 48.The momentshe saw me sign the bill, she 49me and talked more, “This isn􀆳tmy 50 daughter.My oldest daughter, who was 17, died earlier this year.” 

It was then that I 51why she kept her little girl close and why I felt such a strong52 to help.One of the things they boughtwas a little wooden duck.Her daughter 53 at me forit.I smiled back. 

You never know what someone􀆳s storymight be, but you can surely make a 54with a little bit 55. 

36.A.checked    B.found     C.leftD.heard

37.A.taking off    B.putting off   C.getting off   D.wandering off

38.A.store B.street    C.townD.mood

39.A.package    B.negotiation   C.purchaseD.greeting

40.A.away   B.close     C.polite   D.honest

41.A.cruel B.mild C.modest   D.rude

42.A.constantly    B.normally C.immediately  D.eventually

43.A.come up with B.feed up with C.putup with   D.get along with

44.A.before     B.behind    C.withD.through

45.A.continued B.started   C.failed   D.hesitated

46.A.shouted    B.mouthed   C.spoke    D.yelled

47.A.brought    B.conveyed C.handed   D.lent

48.A.confused   B.alarmed   C.amused   D.scared

49.A.begged     B.treated   C.thanked  D.guided

50.A.last   B.good C.realD.only

51.A.realized   B.wondered C.assumed  D.supposed

52.A.desire     B.taste     C.fight    D.hope

53.A.waved B.glanced   C.stared   D.smiled

54.A.comment    B.difference    C.decisionD.request

55.A.service    B.encouragement    C.forgiveness   D.kindness





What annoys you most in life? A new survey on annoying things has some interesting findings.The report56 (divide) into a number of categories.Transport comes fairly high up in the list, with buses, planes and trains allcapable 57 driving us mad.Some of the things we findmost irritating (令人恼火的) about buses include missing a bus,58(particular) after running to the bus stop, and people in buses who crowd near the entrance 59(refuse) to move down to the endof the bus. 

The airport is also a place that can really windus up.Being hit by out-of-control luggage carts, or being caught on the ankles by someone who can􀆳t controlthem properly is enough to make us see red.Getting in 60slow-moving queue to check in our baggage when our flight is aboutto leave 61 (be) also enough to make our blood pressure soar. 62(delay) flights are obviously annoying, but airlines that refuse to keep us up to date with the latest travelinformation make us even 63 (angry). 

The train 64 (cause) bother as well.Blocked toilets, buffet cars with no sandwiches and passengers 65make loud mobile phone calls all appear on the list. 




1.比赛介绍; 2.希望得到哪些指导; 3.期待回复。







To me, what Thanksgiving really means isgiving good thanks, not eating turkey.By thetime I was 18 I had created my Thanksgiving ritual (惯例).I would go out shopping and buyenough food for one or two families.Then I woulddress like a delivery boy, go to the poorest neighborhoodand just knock on a door, and would always include a note saying “All that I ask in return isthat you take good enough care of yourself so that someday you can do the same thingfor someone else.” I have received more from this annual ritual than I have fromany amount of money I􀆳ve ever earned, especially one such experience inNew York City.

Several years ago I was in New York City withmy newly married wife during Thanksgiving.Shewas sad because we were not with our family.Normally she would be home decoratingthe house for Christmas, but we were stuck herein a hotel room.I said, “Honey, look, why don􀆳t we decorate some lives todayinstead of some trees?” When I told her whatI always do on Thanksgiving, she got excited.I said, “Let􀆳s go someplace where we can really appreciate who we are, what we are able to do and what we can really give.Let􀆳s goto the poor neighborhood Harlem and feed somepeople there in need.We􀆳ll go buy enoughfood for six or seven families for 30 days.We􀆳ve got enough.Let􀆳sgo do it!” 

We started by getting a van (货车), but there seemed no vans in all of New York City.The rent-a-car placeswere all out of vans.My wife was disappointed, and I said, “Look, the bottom line is that if we want something, we can make it happen! All we have todo is take action.There are plenty of vans here in New York City.Look down at thestreet.Do you see all those vans? Let􀆳sgo get one!” My wife agreed and we took action.






Paragraph 1:

We tried stopping vans as they weredriving down the street. 




Paragraph 2:

Eventually a van drove up andthe driver said yes. 
















II 非选择题部分


56.is divided57.of58.particularly59.refusing60.a

61.is62.Delayed63.angrier64.causes65.who / that




























































A possible version:

Dear Mr.Smith,

Facing a tough problem of how to make a film review, I am writingto ask you for a favour.

 Next month, our school isgoing to have an English film review competition, where competitorsare supposed to comment on a certain English film.I intend to participate in it, but I have noclear knowledge of how to make a film review, like what aspectsshould be involved.I was wondering if you could give me a brief explanation andrecommend me some relevant books and articles.

 Your early replywill be highly appreciated.




















































A possible version:

We tried stopping vans as theywere driving down the street.Ilearned something about New York drivers that day:They don􀆳tstop; theyspeed up.Then we tried waiting by the light.We􀆳d go over, knock on the window and the driver would roll itdown, lookingat us in alarm, andI􀆳d ask if he would drive us to Harlemso we could help some people.Every time the driver would look away quickly, furiously rollup the window and pull away without saying anything.My wife was ready to give up, but I said, “It􀆳sthe law of averages:somebodyis going to say yes.”

Eventually a vandrove up and the driversaid yes.We were wild with joy and climbed onto the van.Upon arrival, he led us to a store where we bought lots of food and some baskets.Togetherwe packed them up, carriedthem onto the van and went to buildings where there were even people living withoutelectricity.It was a truly fulfilling experienceto make even a small difference.You see, you can makeanything happen if you commit to it and take action.Miracles like this happen everyday—even in a city where “there are no vans.”

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