

关注我们☞ 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


“Ada!Milk!"Mama called.

Milk.It was Ada's turm to get it Ada sighed and shut her first-aid book.Her head hurt from reading in the dim morning light,but how else was she going to leam?

Ada tied the cow close to a tree.Somewhere down the mountain,some volunteer doctors were teaching medical skills to village nurses.Ada heard Betty drive off hours ago.“She should have taken me with her.She thinks I'm too young.but she's wrong.I am already 16!"Ada thought Ada crried the milk back to Mama then wandered up the road.Roy,a vllag boy,had gotten a donkey,and some kids had gathered around to sce it Roy was always doing something to get attention.Like now:he was trying to stand on the animal's bare back.

"No wonder they don't trust kids with anything important",Ada thought,sighing.She had just turmed away when she heard a thud and a few screams.Roy lay on the ground nearby moaning in pain.The donkey stood several meters away.“Roy!"The kids nearby ran towards him.“Get Betty,"

one said.Ada shook her head."Betty's gone to the city."The other kids scemed frozcn in place.

Ada ran to where Roy was lying.She dropped to her knees on the dusty road."Roy!Can you hear me?"Roy moaned in agony.Ada saw that one of his legs was crooked,bent a litle sideways betwcen the knee and the ankle.A broken leg!

She remembered what the first-aid book hagd said Hbout brokeg le李if there is no ambulance,straighten the bone before moving Jie victiar There certuinly woaldn't be any ambulance here.Adalooked back up the road.The outher kids were sullsanding there,watching."Victor!"Ada alled to one of the boys.“Go get Roy'mama,and find somcone with a truck."She turned to the others.

"Give me your shirts We need somcthing to tie his leg with."




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