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VCU Cabell First Novelist Award

Current Winner

John Englehardt has won the 19th award for Bloomland(Dzanc Books)

About the Award

The VCU Cabell First Novelist Award honors an outstanding novelist's first work published in the previous calendar year.Winning novelists have written different books, but each is powerful enough in its own way to have moved initial readers and final judges toward the conclusion that, among a field of roughly a hundred subrmissions annually, its writer has achieved something remarkable and permanent.

How the Award Works 

Twice a year, the administrative tearm sends out a nationwide call for submissions from publishers, editors, agents, and writers thermselves.The first round of evaluations is made by volunteer readers.Their rankings and feedback guide the judging process toward three or four finalists, from whom the First Novelist Committee and the winner from the previous yearchoose the winner of the award.Then the winning author appears at a public reading and Q&A session, followed by a book signing and reception, which focus on the creation, pubication.and promotion of a first novel Travel expenses to and lodging in Richmonid for the aurthor and the additional speakers are provided, and the author Ieceivesya $5.000 cash prize.

Mail your book to:  901 Park Ave.Box 842033

Richmond, VA 23284


1.Who is the award intended for?

 A. New novelists B. Final judges.

 C. Outstanding agents. D. Professional editors.

2.Which of the following may result in this qualification.

 A. The book was submitted by mail B. The book was published last year.

 C. The book was submitted by reders. D. The book was witten by a foreigner.

3.What is the purpose of the book signing and reception?

A To appreciate the reader fans. B. To promote the winning book.




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