
[双语视频]凡事,别想太多,Your mind lies

关注我们☞ 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


flexible [ˈflɛksɪb(ə)l] 柔韧的;有弹性的;易弯曲的;灵活的;可变通的;适应力强的

collapsed [kə'læpzd] 倒塌;崩溃;昏倒;躺下;折叠;(collapse的过去式和过去分词)

firmly [ˈfɜ:mli] 坚定地;坚固地;稳固地;坚决地

thoroughly [ˈθʌrəli] 彻底地;非常;完全地

locksmith [ˈlɒksmɪθ] 锁匠


You are about to hear a strange but true story.


Legend has it Harry Houdini the master magician once claimed that

据说魔术大师Harry Houdi曾宣称

he could break out of any jail cell in the world.


All he had to do Was walk into that jail cell with his street clothes on.

他所要做的只是穿着便装 走进那座监狱的牢房里

I’ll be out of there in one hour, no problem. He said

“给我一小时 我就能出来 没问题” 他如是说

Well a very old jail down south


heard about Houdini’s claims


and they accepted his challenge


on the day of the event,


many people gathered outside.


Very confidently, Houdini walked right into the jail and into the cell,

Houdini非常自信地走进监狱 进入牢房

and they shut the metal doors behind him.

随后 狱警关上了他身后的铁门

The first thing Houdini did was he took off his coat.


Then very strangely he took off his belt.

然后 奇怪的是 他解开自己的腰带

Secretly hidden in Houdini’s Belt was a 10-inch piece of steel


very tough and very flexible and Houdini started working

这根针很坚韧而又可以弯曲 他开始越狱了

in about 30 minutes that confident expression


Houdini had when he walked in disappeared.


In one hour, he was bathed in sweat and

一小时后 他汗流浃背

at the end of two hours Houdini in defeat

两个小时过后 他投降了

collapsed against the door

靠在门边 倒下了

which then opened.

然后 门开了

It opened because you see that door had never been locked

而门开了的原因是 它根本就没有锁上

But that’s not entirely true is it?

但是这不完全正确 不是吗?

That door was locked. It was firmly and thoroughly locked in Houdini’s mind

门确实是锁着的 在Houdini的脑子里 它牢牢地锁着

which meant it was locked as if the best locksmith


in the world had put his lock on it


The mind is powerful


How many doors in your life do you think are locked but aren’t?

在你的人生中 有多少门是你自认为锁着的 但却没有

How many times have you been stuck in the mental prison of overthinking?

有多少次 你被困在了多虑的思想监狱里

Something that really have a simple solution.


There is an ancient African proverb that says


when there is no enemy within


the enemy outside can do us no harm


Your mind is the most powerful force you will ever face.


It will tell you lies.


It will tell you you can’t do that.

它会告诉你 你无能为力

You’re not meant for that


You’re not good enough for that.


You can’t go on anymore.


You don’t have the energy.


you must thank it for its opinion and carry on

你应该要感恩这些念头 并坚持下去

Because like Houdini showed us:


The only locked doors that exist are in your own mind.

那个唯一上锁的门 只在你的思维里存在

The doors and reality are open


and all you have to do is walk through.


由Prince EA改编并出演

Change For Balance拍摄

Andrew Morrison饰Houdish

AAron Cavette饰狱警

DISPENCERY7执导 编辑 制作 


You are about to hear a strange but true story. Legend has it that, Harry Houdini, the master magician, once claimed that he could break out of any jail cell in the world. All he had to do was walk into that jail cell with his street clothes on. 'I will be out of there in one hour. No problem!' He said. A very old jail down South heard about Houdini's claims and they accepted the challenge. On the day of the event, many people gathered outside. Very confidently, Houdini walked into the jail and into the cell and they shut the metal door behind him.
The first thing Houdini did was to take off his coat. Then, very strangely, he took off his belt. Secretly hidden in Houdini's belt, was a ten-inch piece of steel; very tough and very flexible and Houdini started working.
In about 30 minutes, that confident expression Houdini had when he walked in disappeared. In one hour, he was bathed in sweat. And at the end of two hours, Houdini in defeat, collapsed against the door, which then opened. It opened because you see, that door had never been locked. But that's not entirely true is it? That door was locked. It was firmly and thoroughly locked in Houdini's mind, which meant it was locked as if the best locksmith in the world had put his lock on it.
The mind is powerful. How many doors in your life do you think are locked but aren't? how many times have you been stuck in the mental prison of over thinking something that really had a simple solution. There is an ancient African proverb that says when there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.
Your mind is the most powerful force you will ever face. It will tell you lies. It will tell you can't do that. You're not meant for that. You're not good enough for that. You can't go on anymore. You don't have the energy. You must thank it for its opinion and carry on. Because as Houdini showed us the only locked doors that exist are in your own mind. The doors in reality are open and all you have to do is walk through.
38. Why couldn't Harry Houdini open the door within two hours?
A. Because he didn't open the door with his mind.
B. Because the door was locked by the best locksmith.
C. Because he had thought the door was locked.
D. Because he overestimated his own ability to open the door.
39. Which of the following story shows the "locked door," in our mind?
A. Bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes.
B. One tends to stand still and refuse to make progress.
C. The donkey has exhausted its skills against the tiger.
D. Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.
40. We can conclude from the passage EXCEPT ?
A. The biggest enemy in your life is in fact the enemy in your mind.
B. If you walk through the door in mind, your potential will be unlimited.
C. Unless you defeat the enemy outside, you will not defeat your enemy inside.
D. Life is really simple, but we insist on making it rigid and complicated.




【答案】38. C    39. B    40. C


细节理解题。由第三段“It was firmly and thoroughly locked in Houdini's mind, which meant it was locked as if the best locksmith in the world had put his lock on it.”可知,它牢牢地、彻底地锁在胡迪尼的脑子里,这意味着它被锁起来,就好像世界上最好的锁匠已经把它锁上了一样。所以为什么哈利·胡迪尼不能在两小时内把门打开因为他以为门是锁着的。故选C项。


推理判断题。由最后一段“Your mind is the most powerful force you will ever face. It will tell you lies. It will tell you can't do that. You're not meant for that. You're not good enough for that. You can't go on anymore. You don't have the energy”可知,你的思想是你所面对的最强大的力量。它会告诉你谎言。它会告诉你不能那样做。你不适合那样。你还不够好。你不能再继续了。你没有精力。以上是头脑中“被锁着的门”的内容,所以判断出B选项“一个人往往站着不动,拒绝进步”的故事展示头脑中“被锁着的门”的内容。故选B项。


推理判断题。由倒数第二段“There is an ancient African proverb that says when there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm”可知,有一句古老的非洲谚语,内心没有敌人,外界的敌人就不会对我们构成伤害。而选项C“不战胜外界的敌人,就不能战胜内心的敌人”与此谚语内涵完全背离。故选C项。


由最后一段“Your mind is the most powerful force you will ever face. It will tell you lies. It will tell you can't do that. You're not meant for that. You're not good enough for that. You can't go on anymore. You don't have the energy”可知,你的思想是你所面对的最强大的力量。它会告诉你谎言。它会告诉你不能那样做。你不适合那样。你还不够好。你不能再继续了。你没有精力。以上是头脑中“被锁着的门”的内容,所以判断出B选项“一个人往往站着不动,拒绝进步”的故事展示头脑中“被锁着的门”的内容。故选B项。



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